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I awoke to find
a gap in the fence,
a section surrendered
to an overnight storm.
Damp earth had rotted
its posts, freshly painted,
feigning strength
but no match
for the raw frenzy
of wild winds.
Before I can ask you,
why do I feel such delight
gazing through the gap?
I already know:
A forever limit
has flattened in an instant,
yielding itself
to unveil
soft green fields beyond,
and though other fences
may await in the distance
I thrill
at the possibilities,
blessing the wildness
that liberated my view
Hi Mary,
I didn't get to read this right away and I'm glad I found it again.
Yup, this is a winner alright! I loved it. Before you told what you thought the gap meant, I gave it some thought for a few seconds. I figured that it was a hopeful sign, that there would be an exit for us out of this nightmare, or an answer to whatever personal stuff each of us may be dealing with.
I wasn't too far off from what you were saying.
I was good that you mentioned that although there would no doubt be other fences along the way, we should look at them as possibilities.
The other line that resonated with me had to do with the forever limit being flattened in an instant. I just finished having an experience of that very thing, where some burden I'd been carrying for a very long time, went up in a puff of smoke, no longer an issue, just after I was able to verbalize what it was to a close friend. The feeling of being liberated was palpable.
Thanks for the poem. I will definitely share it.