Hello dearest readers!
I’m traveling to far-flung places for a month (Athens, for my son’s graduation from the American College of Greece; CA/NV for a family reunion; etc.) so it may be a little quieter than normal around here. But I do have a fun collaboration with Tonika Todorova (the awesome creator of ) that will drop in July while I’m gone.
Today, a poem in homage to Frost. Apparently, he wrote The Road Not Taken in jest for his indecisive, often regret-filled friend, but the poem has since been taken seriously by all, including my high school choir director who had us sing a version set to Randall Thompson’s solemn, soaring music at our graduation, which is why it’s the only poem I can recite from memory.
Here’s to roads untaken.
Roads Untaken
Two roads diverged in the red-white-and-blue
And sorry that neither one was fair
And angry there were only two
I debated long what I could do
Since either road delivered me despair.
I’d been there before, I’m sad to say,
Staring down paths that offended,
And when others said before that day
I’m sorry, those two are the only way
I thought “not true,” and pretended,
Until that day when I stood and swore,
“There must be more, I insist!”
And gazed upon the forest’s floor,
Where there was more, so very much more:
No path at all! That’s what I’d missed.
Yes, the woods that day were dense and vast,
My journey slow and without ease,
But oh, the freedom I felt at last
As I joined the others not walking fast,
Leaving footprints among the trees.
What a great play on a classic! I’m with you on that one, sister! And the red and blue have merged into an unholy purple.
Looking forward to sharing our collab with the world! 🤗
Beautiful and so true! I choose the unpath, the rewarding one through the underbrush and brambles. I choose the one that is sparsely taken...because there is always truth at the end. You will never find peace when you follow masses of people. Take care and have a wonderful time. Forget about where you came from and enjoy where you land, especially if it is another country. It seems as if the problems of this country magically fall away when you leave it. We were in Africa for a month before the election in 2016 and it was bliss. Enjoy!