
The Declaration of Dependence, 2.0: The Video!

A collaborative piece with Visceral Adventure

When Tonika Todorova reached out with her idea to turn The Declaration of Dependence, 2.0 into a video, I was equal parts thrilled and terrified. It had been a long, LONG time since I did any on-camera acting, and while some part of me yearned to get back in the ring, another part was trying to come up with excuses for why now just wasn’t a good time.

Fast-forward through months of my stalling, Tonika’s own health journey, and a visit from another fellow theatre-nerd (Sara Valentine) who came to visit me in Florida and basically said something like “Yo! Get over yourself!” (I could be mistaken; that might have been my own internal voice.)

Sara directed my bootstrapped performance, then Tonika worked her magic. Both women are not only immensely talented, they are — like good theatre nerds — up for anything. They’re also hella fun to work with.

So, with deep gratitude to both of them, and great excitement to share this collaboration, I leave you to it.

Thanks for watching!

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