Landsakes this is a good piece here and it speaks ta me true and clear.

One'a my favorite films too--and indeed SO timely--we Moses's wartched it last year as films like this are ESSENTIAL remedies to the plandemic down-on-America blues. They shine in SPITE of what we know--of what Capra knew (quite a lot Ill bet!). Brilliant ensemble actin' aside (THAT alone has me grinnin' like a droolin' fool jack-o-lantern cuz it's THAT good and eat-able to wartch!). But as ya know Mary, you kin have a gimlet eye for the truth, see the ugly underbelly (the value of Dr. Strangelove or Manchurian Candidate or Network) AND YET... yet LOVE what is also an equally prevailing truth--that "dang I'm'a gonna do it" American Spirit, the belief that humans DO have good in 'em even if they have to bring it up from the lost corners of Scrooge-like amnesia (Paine...i.e pain), and that against all odds--the UNDERDOG can WIN.

One other thing I like 'bout Smith--is that it's NOT the career experts (ex-spurts! git yer ex-spurts! trust the ex-spurts...) that SAVE US. It's the folks comin' from left field--from WAYyyyyy outta their wheelhouse who have NOT been pre-cannibalized and indoctrinated by the system; it's these unpolished outliers that really become our heroes--voir Smith, a rube in short pants, green, stammerin', hopeful and able to think outta the box cuz he ain't been in it yet! HONEST patriotic Boy Scout leaders may indeed make better polly-tisch-ins than those who spent their whole dang lives steepin' in citified politi-cull swamp water. Is this not why SO many non-doctors make up some of the best / wisest medical voices and newly minted journalists speakin' out against the jabs and the mandates an' all?

In a way we are ALL Smiths and village smithies! poundin' out our thoughts, usin' Substack as our bellows, makin' new tools cuz the old ones rusted out and the known ones wouldn't recognize most've us. (An' thank ya so kindly Mary for includin' me among the alt. "journalists"--it's an honor! You're in there too!--theater folks denied the boards, pickin' up pencils!) While there are some right-fielders who were well-steeped experts but left the toxic brew (Yeadon, Zelenko, McCullough, Kory, etc) here, I'm thinkin' of all the left-fielders, not unlike Smith, who brought fresh-faced non-medical insight to the fore and heretofore untapped skills into their writin' and speakin' making them FAR better voices in journalism AND in health info perspective than all "them expurts" together!

To name just a few well-knowners--randomly listed here...there's Steve Kirsch (invented the optical mouse!), there's Naomi Wolf (who majored in poetry and worked on speeches for the Clinton admin), there's Ed Dowd (ex-banker and financial numbers guy), ya got Amazing Polly (a brilliant info detective if ever there was), there's Mark Crispin Miller (a "banned" media studies professor), Mel K (a former film actress), there's RFK Jr (environmental lawyer) and Katherine Watt (a legal /para-legal scholar--and another citizen detective), Sascha Latypova (medical researcher and fine art painter) and then there's REALLY left fielders like Stew Peters who was a bounty hunter and rap artist BEFORE he found his voice and created his show. I mean DANG (whether you like the guy or not--he's had BRILLIANT shows and has done amazin' interviews). This is just the tip of an iceberg but sayin' there that some of the finest insights and help come from newbies to the lion's den--SMITHS! The risks are similar too--gettin' banned, censored, struck down, lied about... We too write as if this is OUR filibuster!

And also, today the woke-i-fried pundits are sayin' that bein' resilient is "racist" not because it "is" but to take us down--to take America down by convincin' folks that they are too fragile, too weak, too lame to fight--in the name of being brittle, breakable, easily destroyed. It's SO blatant, though some folks are too bone-headed ta see it. But the American spirit--as embodied in Mr Smith--IS all about bein' resilient. He keeps comin' back like an EverReady Bunny! Like a Timex (takes a lickin' keeps on tickin'!) That's yet another reason to love this film--it IS about resilience and those who get on board to prop it up (like Saunders).

It's no coincidence that OLD Hollywood ('fore it was Hollyweird) is bein' erased just like much of America's history (warts and all). Movies that seem too gung-ho American run counter to the Soros "bring it down" narrative. Instead they bring on dystopian hopeless AI bullcrap (mostly at least). So yup, some think this WONDERFUL movie is cornball but why? Are they bein' groomed (literally) to dismiss what I surely would call a masterpiece as uncool? Dated? What the heck is wrong with Norman Rockwell? (I love that stuff, genuinely! I can love Dali....and Rockwell, Capra AND Kubrick). Git them arbitrary arbi-turds 'a taste outta the room. This movie is GREAT. And ya know what....another one of my FAVORITE films is even more cornball flag-wavin' and PURE JOY. It's Yankee Doodle Dandy--and though I like the first 3/4's the best (and know full well they left out Cohan's first wife entirely!), I STILL get teary-eyed wartchin' a (playin' old) Jimmy Cagney tap his big-hearted way up the White House stairs to meet FDR. (FDR, philanderer, socialist, gold stealer... yup, that guy...) And still the American Dream flies high like the flags. Because the TRUTH of the American Spirit--just like your son and you finding this anew in different ways Mary--IS about American Dreams and holdin' 'em high there in spite of what we know, of what Smith knew.

And I loved the story about yer friend there... And THIS is why we need our BRAINS to navigate--GPS (digital) will not save ya. May we ALL catch our flights--every kind--includin' the soarin' ones we thought we lost. Callin' all the Mr Smith among us--complimentary soap boxes available in Left Field--take one while ya can!

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Daisy, your comment is a MASTERPIECE. It deserves its own publication, all by itself!! First off, thanks for ALL of your thoughts here. There is so much useful information -- the list of left-fielders alone is gold -- and your insights about the film itself and American film as a genre, are so important and interesting and RIGHT ON. I can't even begin to address all the gems you've dropped here, but I'm gonna hit on a few because they're just SO GOOD.

I love your comment about art and loving it ALL, not just what we're told is "worthy." Yes! Rockwell and Dali and Capra and Kubrick -- take that, theatre performance grad school!! And I also agree with your sentiment about "them expurts" vs. outsiders -- Smith IS the ultimate outsider. I don't know when in history it was that we as individuals sacrificed our own know-how on the altar of experts and professionals, but it has gotten completely out of hand. We've become more and more dependent on others to tell us what's beautiful, what's worthy of our attention, what to think, to wear, to eat... It's nuts. My hope is that this whole mess of the past few years puts more than a few nails in that crazy coffin.

I also love your insightful observation about pain/Paine -- his redemption really came from finally feeling his own pain: of losing Smith's father, perhaps? And certainly of the path he chose that was not who he really was, down deep. Thank you for pointing out his name's relevance -- I didn't pay attention to that!

Yes, we are all Smiths. Resilient Timexes, every one of us. Now I'm gonna go watch Yankee Doodle Dandy and thank my lucky stars I'm out in left field with such a whip-smart, caring, funny-as-hell Smith such as you... xox

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This essay breathes hope, Mary. Forgive me for cheating-- I’ve never seen the movie but I read through the spoilers anyway. I resonate with the sentiments. I agree we sometimes fight harder when the causes are lost.

I agree with Steven, your prose is so cohesive. You weave your point like a master seamstress. Thank you for including me in your list of stackers. The feeling is mutual. Grateful to have stumbled on you out here in the stackverse. 🤗

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Thank you, Tonika. I don't know what I would do without you and the rest of the gang; you always inspire me to keep going and do my best.

PS I'm so glad Eisenstein posted about the beautiful video you created using his words! https://charleseisenstein.substack.com/p/lovingly-crafted-video-of-what-is

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Yes, I saw it! Very kind of him. I’m glad he wasn’t offended for using his words without solicitation.

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Loved this: “Truth is the bug in a system, any kind of system. It’s powerful, and it can bring down the whole shootin’ match.”

Indeed 💜

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Thank you, Ashley! xox

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Wow! For now I'll just say that you are inspiring and moving.

I might come back later and articulate a bit more about how and why...

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Thanks, Michael! Your thoughts are always welcome -- even the short and sweet ones like this. :-)

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OK, time for a little more on this. You are inspiring because you navigate an elegant path through all the reasons for believing there is no hope, and light a flame under all unassailable reasons why there always is, no matter what has to be given in the process.

You are moving because you do it with both a light touch and it comes right out of the living, breathing depths of your own struggle to do the right thing.

This story of what 'the machine' does to people whose idealism, or honesty, or authentically public spirited actions get in their way is so so so timely. We are by now living in a world in which we can pretty much assume that any person, situation or plan praised up by the media is actually working against the interests of the people, and anybody subject to their smears and vilifications should automatically be considered a good candidate for the 'postive' list.

We all have a duty to raise awareness of this reality among those who haven't yet realised it. And you're doing a good job.

By the way, they're gunning for Modi now. I don't know to much about him, but the way they're going for him suggests he might be another with the courage to fight the foul visions for the world.


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You've laid out your assessment of my writing with such clarity and kindness, Michael. Wow. Thank you for seeing my struggle and the beauty borne of it. :-)

The world does feel upside down. That I should immediately suspect anything blessed by the media feels completely antithetical to the way I was brought up and taught, yet here we are. It's sad on one hand, but oh so necessary on the other. Kind of like finding out the truth about Santa Claus, except not nearly as fuzzy as "Hey! it's really my mom and dad!"

I don't know much about Modi either, but I'll pay more attention. Thanks for the heads-up, and as always, for your presence here.

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Hello Mary,

Just had to say how much I enjoyed reading this, and I did so for two reasons.

1) Your prose is so clear and cohesive, the reader effortlessly glides through a deceptively long post.

2) I resonate with your values and honesty regarding even the bluntest expressions of Platonic ideals. I also prefer those Wizards of Oz, dead poets, Casablancas, and the killing of mockingbirds over 'high' art — which as often as not, dazzles with technique to either compensate for a lack of the best in humanity, or for incentives and agendas other than inspiration.

For style and content, saving this one to read again.

Thanks again.

Cheers from Japan,


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Hi Steve, thank you so much for your detailed comment! I knew I was pushing the word boundaries of Substack with this one, so to hear that my writing afforded you an "effortless" journey pleases me no end. What a gratifying compliment.

I join with you in your appreciation of art that elevates and inspires. I will always choose human values over production values any day!

So happy you're here, all the way from the other side of the planet. xox M

P.S. Oh, Casablanca! One of my all time faves!

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Agree - I actually didn't notice that it was long!

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Mary that was just beautiful! Genuinely inspired and woven to perfection. I'm honored you included me in your list of stackers. So appreciative of your clear, sane, uplifting and intelligent voice.💞 Such a talent!

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Oh Kathleen, I'm blushing. Such high praise. Thank you!

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Every word sincerely meant, and thank you.

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Wow! you outdid yourself, Mary. I'm at a loss for words. You have a wonderful gift. Thank you for sharing it with us. YOU are "inspirare".

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Thank you, dear Rocket. We inspire each other, no? xox

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Aw Mary, lot's've XOs back to ya--glad my com-mints rang true fer ya--yup, there is SO much in that durned good movie--so much in humanity that Capra embraced and hugged us back with. So go ENJOY the amazin' Yankee Doodle Dandy (git out'cher tap shoes!). Cagney is just THE BEANS he's so good -- but it's a marvelous cast too (Walter Huston is 'specially dear...) This is what we've been fightin' for all along, right? THIS America ... and even knowin' 'bout the (dirty!) rats in the sewers underneath all our sensible (then) shoes, even knowin' 'bout Operations Paperclip an' Mockinbird an' so many others--what we had (even if was a stage set) seemed strong and sturdy an' (to quote-eth another great Jimmy Stewart flick... ) yar! Lady Liberty...yar too!

(now back ta bein'g a "laundry smith!")

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"My, she's yar." Oh yes, she is, and you are too. Go fold them socks, girl... :-)

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As a Canadian, thank you, I really enjoyed this. Trust me I get the whole soul crushing realization that my government is pure GARBAGE. Definitely watching Mr. Smith now.

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It IS soul-crushing, isn't it? I've found it disorienting, too, when I've looked around and seen that very few others seem even mildly concerned. 😳

Thanks for the comment, Sirka. Let me know what you think of Mr. Smith!

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Just reading this again. It’s in my “inspiration”, saved articles queue. Hope. 🕯️ Reading this is the breath. ❤️

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And I am touched and honored to be mentioned in this poignant, uplifting written art. It’s hard to imagine any more satisfying mention than this - to be seen. All I am trying to do is have some positive impact. ❤️

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Which is all any one of us can do. ❤️. Lifts ME up to know that you returned to this piece. Today was a rough one for me; wallowed in a bit of hopelessness... But your comment here is just what I needed, so thank you 🙏

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Which is your point! We all need each other, especially those moments of light that come and go and ultimately keep us afloat. 🙏🏻

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Yes, yes, YES. Well, apparently we don't just teach what we need, we write what we need! :-)

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Jan 26, 2023
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Thank you, Michael! Glad you stumbled upon it as well! :-) Yes, go watch it. So, so inspirational and worth the time. And I look forward to checking out your Stack...

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