Pure solid gold, Mary!! It takes both courage and humility to follow your soul’s guidance as you did in this experience. By taking it lightly, following the rabbit and laughing at yourself, you took a quantum leap into solidifying your purpose while also improving your tennis game. Sweet!🥰

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Couldn't have done it without you, Katie. You have just the right combination of intuition, hard-earned wisdom, and NJ sass to create the perfect container for growth and healing. So grateful for your presence in my life...🙏🏼

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Dear Mary, I'm so bad about paying attention to the weather reports so I was clueless there even was a hurricane until my sister told me and asked if my son was ok. He's in the Raleigh area and was fine but he told me about what happened in the mountains. My mind has been racing thinking about who I know in FL and NC and everywhere in between. Glad you're ok, my friend.

What is it about us and our writing synchronicities? I have a post languishing about Dragonfly in my Dashboard...since June! I have so many stories about these messengers I don't know where to begin. Just yesterday at the Pond they were visiting me. I love love your story and bring on the WOO. It's never too much. :) The energy right now is so intense you can cut it with a knife. It's hard to remember to breathe sometimes. It's hard enough to handle things within ourselves, let alone the outer world. Some days I feel so capable and conscious and then other days, I'm just a puddle on the floor. A walk in the woods is the best reset for me.

I pull this card A LOT and I thought you would like to hear her message. This is from my beloved "Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Deck" by Kim Krans.


Master of Light, Illusion, and the Mind

The Dragonfly is an ancient and ethereal creature that awakens a sense of wonder in all. The Dragonfly is a symbol of the mind–as it is always moving, shifting, shimmering, and changing. When the Dragonfly card appears it’s worth considering the quality of your mind and perception. Are they restless or still? Dream like or crystal clear? The situation at hand may be different than it appears at first glance… the Dragonfly reminds us to calm the mind so the light of wisdom can shine through.

When in balance: sees clearly, joyful, magical

When out of balance: can’t concentrate, busy mind

To bring into balance: focus on the breath”

Thanks for sharing your personal story, Mary. I always enjoy reading and take a gem or two away.

🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️ (Because I think they're from the fairy realm...) XOXO

Kudos on your tennis game! I used to love playing...

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What is it about us, indeed?! I feel like we have some kind of serious mind-meld going on, Barbara. Or maybe it's heart-meld... I like that better.

Hearing that you're affected by the energy in the way you are -- from capable one day to melted the next -- actually makes me feel more "normal." I don't remember feeling this way decades ago and wonder: is the world different? Or am I? Or both? I suppose it doesn't really matter; acceptance is the only path, I think. But walking it with others always feels so nice... :-)

Thank you for this gorgeous info on the dragonfly! More woo for thought...literally!! This resonates big time: "calm the mind so the light of wisdom can shine through." Yesss...

What happened to your tennis? xox

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Love that description and meaning you've added here, Barbara.Maybe not surprisingly I have a dragon-fly post in my drafts too. They are busy sending us messages!

"Some days I feel so capable and conscious and then other days, I'm just a puddle on the floor. A walk in the woods is the best reset for me." Me too. 😘

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I like your guidelines and I'm gonna add my 2 cents to each.

"Freedom comes in all forms, including freeing oneself from the internal shackles we’ve created ourselves."

Internal shackles- beliefs and assumptions that we picked up from society and family that feel like safety but are in fact limiting. It's scary to venture out past where there's no set belief system to follow. It's why I've felt jealous about people who believe in bullshit, yet they feel secure. Meanwhile, here we are with less belief and it's much harder to face things when there's no set belief that controls perception. Don Juan Matus in one of Casteneda's books said that the shamans hardest task was to face infinity without flinching, without a set belief that comforts us and shapes perception of what's happening in reality.

"Pay attention to nature’s signs – and how you interpret them. What you glean from them is entirely up to you, and can tell you much about what you need to learn/do."

Yep! The interpretation is a mirror of our subconscious and helps us see what beliefs we need to re assess. The dragonfly and your interpretation of the sign helped you learn something about yourself.

"Follow the rabbit. Do random things simply because they call to you. Don’t think too hard."

Non anticipation, try new things outside of our comfort zones.

"Facing infinity without flinching"

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Wonderful additions, Rob. You said it again, but I will, too: "to face infinity without flinching." That is, indeed, gold. No wonder it's so hard to acquire. Who am I without my beliefs? Pure love, probably. I'm clearly not there yet... 😂

Thank you for building on my thoughts with your own. Great stuff!

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What’s really empowering is facing infinity WITHIN! When we regain our connection to our soul’s infinite presence, we bring heaven to earth. That’s our collective purpose now.

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There's the Greek philosophical saying


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Interesting you mention the hurricane. I’m on my way to rescue my wife and granddaughter in western NC. No power, no cell, no way a car can get in or out. But if she had to be stranded you couldn’t ask for a better place. She’s not lacking in essentials like food, water, and propane to cook.

Also interesting about signs. Before I left there the last time I moved my truck and tractor into different parking than I usually do. Dozens of trees down. Neighbors with satellite tell me the only places without trees down is the house, the truck, the tractor, and her car. Now if that ain’t some prescience. I love that forest !

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Godspeed, Mike! What a mission -- all blessings on your journey! What has happened in WNC is absolutely shocking. Places I've been in the last few months are just GONE. I'm so glad your wife and granddaughter have what they need; soon they'll have you, too. :-)

That's wild about your truck and tractor. Nice job! Paying attention to those little internal whispers is essential. We're as intuitive as the animal world, but are so distracted and mind-heavy that we often miss the signals.

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I'm glad they're ok, Mike! I'm fretting a bit about a few people I know who live there. And yay for the parking sign you received and followed through on. I almost moved there several years ago but ended up in New Hampshire instead. I still carry deep memories of the mountains there. Good luck to you and yours.

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Lucky you, to have a daughter who listens and tells you what you don't want to hear. I've got three of those ;-)

I SO relate to the Blockbuster paralysis. It's not just too many choices, it's also taking responsibility for other people's happiness. I'd rather go to any restaurant than have to pick for others.

But even just for me, I get paralyzed. I have to tell myself at least once a day "This isn't a big decision. Nothing big depends on it. Flip a coin."

I keep my clothes in stacks in my closet and make it my practice (rule?) to take one item at least from the bottom (next to the scented soap as incentive) so I rotate through them. Otherwise I could spend the whole day in my closet.

What to eat? What to do? I can't begin to tell you how much time I spend doing nothing, making up my mind about what to do.

I've been trying to practice selfishness training and ask myself, "What do I want, right now?" Not what I should use up in the fridge, not what I should save for someone else, what do I want?

I think that some of the difficulty is because making the wrong decision is what I fear most. If something bad happens and there was nothing I could do about it, I'm relatively sanguine. But if I made a decision that could have been otherwise, I'm mired in recrimination even if there's no way I could have known.

This is why the vaxx stuff is so much harder for people to see when they've taken it. Look at your own fear of picking a boring video and multiply that by a million. That's what the world is facing.

And why our mantra needs to be "You are making all the right decisions. You've always made the right decisions. All the decisions you ever make will all be right. Amen."

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Oh, my. What would life have been like if I had adopted that as my mantra long ago? "You are making all the right decisions. You've always made the right decisions. All the decisions you ever make will all be right. Amen"

I suppose my job is to adopt it NOW, right? So that my non-adopting the mantra was actually the right decision?? 😜

BTW... I totally relate to the dithering over tiny decisions. I'm getting better, though, as I listen more deeply to my soul -- because at that level, only the REALLY big stuff "matters." Almost everything else is just filler.

Thanks for the comment and the sympathy, Tereza!! xox

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“What do I want right now?” I love this practice, Tereza!! Asking yourself this connects you with the wisdom of your soul where all the answers you need dwell.

If you ask, your soul WILL answer!

This radical practice challenges the taboo against selfishness many of us were raised with. When we’re disconnected from our soul and trapped in our thoughts, we’re confused because we’ve temporarily lose that essential link with our intrinsic guidance.

Good on ya—ignoring those dying leftovers in favor of what you really, really want!😁

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Yes, Katie! I love it, too. It machetes through all the bs our minds and conditioning throw in our path.

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It's my last night in my Appalachian house. I threw away a bunch of veggies and ate mint chocolate chip ice cream for dinner. It wouldn't keep!

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Well done!! 😂

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What a beautiful sharing of your journey to the truest kind of freedom that can only come from within!

I am blessed to spend time with Rev. Katie in person as a friend and so love how she asks just the right questions that prompt curiousity and introspection so deftly .

I am now deeply inspired to ask about what is my own “gold” that I have given away and how I can take it back and move forward towards my dreams of creating new paradigms of community starting an incubators of inner metamorphosis , which I call “The Chrysalis” , & having both butterflies and dragonflies as our animal guides.

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Thank you, Marcelle! Wow, you ARE blessed. I'd love to be able to hang with Katie on the regular... :-)

I love hearing about your dream. Sounds like just what the world needs. If you figure out what your "gold" is, and feel like sharing, I'd love to know. Appreciate the comment.

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Wow. Speaking of a touch of woo...

For the last couple years I've been at a loss. I have prayed several times, not for outcomes, but for answers.

Each time, my prayer has been the same question & I've gotten the same answer:

"What do you want me to do, Lord? What do you want me to do?"

"Do whatever you want to do. It doesn't matter."

That last sentence did not sound like "you're irrelevant." It was more like "no need to measure up." Like I'd already done enough. Permission to give up & let go.

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So interesting, SBW. There is much wisdom in that answer. It also sounds like exactly what you needed to hear...

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oh goodness, so glad yer safe & sound Mary--didn't realize you all were near that hurricane!

I guess we both gotta count our lucky stars! (as ya know new yawk state never gits tornados an' we sure got one in August--a turrible crazy flood in our basement an' the added benny-fits of mold!) I'd like ta think that "they" are uppin' the ante cuz they're desperate... an' losin'. I could be wrong but hope's always good! now as fer the woo--I got me puhlenty of it!

d'ya think there was something electrical goin' on with the spats with yer hubby an' the some connection with the atmosphere they've been weaponizin' on us all? not specific--I'm meanin' in general... the way our dogs always used ta git anxious an' head fer the bathroom (grounded!) fer safety.... Mebbe ya grounded yerself too!

But all this ta say--what struck me most wuz yer dragonfly... I immediately thought'a this poem (it's a beaut!) by Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Today I saw the dragonfly

Come from the wells where he did lie.

An inner impulse rent the veil

Of his old husk: from head to tail

Came out clear plates of sapphire mail.

He dried his wings: like gauze they grew;

Thro’ crofts and pastures wet with dew

A living flash of light he flew.

An' y' know what is really kinda amazin'--Sir Al penned this piece tryin' ta see HOPE after the loss of a dear friend (who had passed away) an' he was feelin' purdy bleak--an' somehow--the strange and imperfect metamorphsis of the dragonfly got 'im inspired to write--an' gave him a way forward after the loss... (Dragonflies go thru a lotta moltin's--they don't fully develop their wings same way as butterflies or moths)--so... many strippin's of the outer "skins" an' many new ones comin' out an' then... WINGS!

Methinks you were channelin' Sir Alfred -- but it took a few "moltin's" ta feel right, right?

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Thank you, Daisy dear! As for the electrical piece -- I'm open to that possibility. I stopped dismissing the unseen quite a long time ago now!

Oh, that poem... gorgeous and true. "A living flash of light he flew." I'm sighing with contentment. So grateful you dropped it here!! And I love knowing the backstory of the poem's genesis. It's when we are bottomed out that our channels to grace open wide. Hmm... I might need to write a post about that.

I sure did need a few moltings! And no doubt many more to come!! Much love... xox

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aw, glad ya liked the poem--like ya said "gorgeous an' true" an' I love how it had ta be a dragonfly--none other--an' them moltins'!--to find the wings to soar again... glad yer own came back an' yer feelin' "right"

An' yup, as we all know--there is that emf thing... interestingly bugs are majorly affected too! (drive a spell an' see how clean yer windshield is.. an' we desperately need them pollinators!) Anywhoo--xos back at'cha... an' glad yer all BETTER than ok now ;-)

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Loved this Mary - definitely not too 'woo' for me. And I love Rev Kay's advice about getting over ourselves, I so agree. It's part of the 'knot' we've all inherited.

I want to say re question on 'what is my purpose '- and haven't we all spend way too much time on that one? - you simply being you is 100% your purpose. You're already equip and don't need to do anything but be yourself. Trust yourself, more and more.

You know how to navigate this distorted space - who to turn to, how to open to the Universe, how to self-reflect how to connect the dots (and people!) - and say "I'm sorry"

Seriously darlin, you are impressive, just you being you is more than enough - is its own purpose - and you make the world better.

Thank for for sharing this. Thank you sincerely, for being you.

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Reading your comment brought tears, Kathleen. Thank you, from the deepest part of me. 🙏🏼

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Mary, this was great! I totally related to what you shared with us, the struggle to find one’s purpose, and using one’s spouse as an excuse not to go after what you want, (what would you do without Maddie, btw? LOL) but the one thing I want to comment on was the part about taking back one’s gold. About ten days ago I came across the expression “Inner Gold.” In this instance it described the Divine image within a person which they could not see, so they hand it off to someone who has reflected it back to them to hold until they are solid enough to hold it themselves. It’s a kind of projection. Typically, the author, the psychologist, Robert Johnson says, when we awaken to new possibilities in our lives, we often see it first in another person. A part of us that has been hidden is about to emerge, but it doesn’t go in a straight line from our unconscious to becoming conscious…We project it first on to someone else…It’s a sure sign that something is changing in us when we project our gold onto another person. It’s essential, and it offers the best chance for an advance to wholeness.” Pretty interesting, uh? Oh, and of course, I totally agree that you couldn’t have selected a better person than The Rev. to guide you through this process.

I also love the way you “follow the rabbit” going after that message from the universe. And you were duly rewarded for your determination. It doesn’t get any better than that. xox

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I love your comment, Rocket, and this idea of Inner Gold being held by another... and the projection part -- that strikes me as Truth. It makes so much sense, doesn't it, that we'd need one another to recognize and free the gold in our own souls? Thanks so much for this wisdom!! Absolutely fascinating.

I remember that early on in our connection, you mentioned the Rev as someone who might be able to help me. I clearly wasn't ready then, but your voice was in my head when I said yes to her this time. Love our friendship... xox

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I love it too! And YOU!

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This is so so wonderful! Your light hearted sharing makes this process so relatable - but it's so tricky and challenging. I find it fascinating, because we all have degrees of 'awakeness' and taking back our powers, and then we all keep bumping up into the ways that we're still asleep.

I've been writing about how getting triggered is a message to take back our power - not by changing others, but by changing ourselves. Maybe there will be some more support or more encouragement for you or your readers in this video about getting triggered and doing the YOU-turn and mirror exercise:


Or this post on Triggering Season


Or this one of the Gifts from Stressors:


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It IS so challenging! Thus the disclaimer at the beginning. I know myself well enough by now to admit that this shift I've had may need reinforcing as I "bump up," as you astutely put it, into my still-sleepwalking parts.

Thank you for these terrific resources, marta! I will check them out and I hope my readers do, too. Glad you're here...xox

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Also, I LOVED the Italian Job when it came out so many years ago. Haha, I totally believe it's terrible.

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For what it is, it succeeds! 😂

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With Katie's restack, I needed to read this all over again and felt it more deeply this time. For one thing, because I'm more aware and horrified by the devastation. And that sense of impending doom is all too present.

But I wanted to tell you that on the airport shuttle coming back, we were packed in tight. I said something about it being cozy and this lovely woman sat next to me and said, "Lucky for me, cozy is my jam." She's just gotten back from a 5-day massage seminar in LA of yummy feminine energy and lots of touching. Naturally we started chatting. When we read off our valet numbers for the driver, I called out 7555. She said, "Look at you with your angel number. No big deal!"

So I looked it up when I got home: "Angel number 555 is all about change. This number is a message that a transformation is coming your way and that whatever this change is - it’s going to propel you to the next stage of your journey and put you on a whole new path. While this can sound super daunting and you may feel compelled to resist or kick against change, know that this disruption is happening for a reason and that it is here to bring you to a higher place. When you see the number 555 it is a gentle nudge from your angel guides to let you know that things are going to shake up and you should be ready to roll with this."

Funny, huh?

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I'm touched that you re-read it! ❤️

I'll join you in that same horrified place. I have an essay half-written because I just can't seem to organize my thoughts and feelings about it all, and nothing I write feels useful. Writing itself actually feels self-indulgent somehow.

Thank you for telling me about your perfect woo experience. It is PERFECT. How did it make you feel when you saw the message translation?

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I loved re-reading it, Mary. You're such a genuine writer. I feel like I got things I hadn't before, even though with you I always read and don't skim. I'm trying to enjoy the one thing I'm doing, and not rush it because I feel like I should be moving on to something else.

I saw that you looked at my Hazy Daze & Tin Foil Skies episode, so we're probably in the same place that this isn't a natural disaster, but disaster opportunism. I'll be writing about it sometime soon, but here's one video that make me realize the extent of it: https://rumble.com/v5h4kat-appalachia-after-hurricane-helene-what-the-media-wont-tell-you-by-really-gr.html.

But first I'm thinking to post a Miracle Diary of my trip, because the more that things spin out of control out there, the more attention I think I need to pay to the little synchronicities that tell us things are really spinning into control, and we don't need to control them. Like my angel number.

It's that ground moving under my feet feeling, that's so unnerving. And since the geoweapons are fire, flood and quakes, that could be literal. I just got notice that my house won't be insured after Dec 5th, due to a scant cup's worth of lichen on the edges of the garaj mahal roof, which isn't even covered. They're jettisoning as many policies as possible because they know what they have planned.

But I'm paying attention to the little miracles that tell me it's all part of the plan, and that plan is for our happiness. So don't hide your joy, Mary, because other people are going through terrible things. Your misery does nothing for them. Don't worry, be happy. That's what the dragonfly is telling you and my valet number is telling me.

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Oh Tereza... I'm in a puddle of tears. You've spoken to the very soul of me here, and I'm certain you're right. Thank you for your friendship. It's a lifeline.

Bring on the Miracle Diary, you gorgeous being.

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Here's another: I'm eating my golden Mutsu apple from my tree on a yellow handpainted plate my daughter picked up for me in a thrift store because the woman on it reminded her of me. The script around it says, "First nourish your soul ... then--the worlds ..." Although it's possible this artists isn't as picky about grammar as you and me, I choose to see it as worlds plural.

I just noticed the woman is wearing a hat full of apples and balancing an apple on her open hand.

I was just reading my Course in Miracles and I've been thinking that I start each day by hydrating my body and soul, with citrus water and my course meditation. Then I move on to coffee and computer. But today I reversed it. So nourishment must be the need.

Much, much love and thanks, you who look like my plate since we're dimple twins, which I just noticed she has too!

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Thrift store? What a steal. That plate is gold. We must all find ways to nourish our souls FIRST. (My reverend buddies at BeLovedNow say, "Give from the saucer, not from the cup.") Only when our own souls are brimming can we offer anything of true value.

My dear dimple twin, I love you right back. xoxox

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I love the concept of “Inner Gold” as our “Divine Design” which we realize when we have the courage to release that which is not aligned with our soul. Love you both for sharing your woo and making it easier for others to imagine.

Here’s a post that I hope can help you with making this shift:


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Terrific post, Katie.

This in particular spoke to me:"Such a shift can sometimes eliminate our attachments to people, places, habits and things that used to define us. When we find ourselves in a new reality that we didn’t plan, we may be tempted to wonder what we’ve done wrong. Rather than receiving radically changed circumstances as evidence that your life is falling apart, welcome it as proof that your soul is realigning with a grander design and making way for a truer, braver and more enlightened version of you."

I imagine there are many, many individuals who have found themselves in a new reality in the past few years. Your re-frame is marvelous. xox

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Www.livingwiththelandfoundation.ca is what we’re doing. Complacency is not an option. Not for we Mothers and Grandmothers who used to be the authority before the bible shut us down.

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