You're so lovely, Mary. And I'm more than happy to wait for more content from you. These projects pulling at you sound amazing - go with where your creative juices want to flow.

So grateful for you.❤️

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Grateful for you, too, Kathleen. Wish I could find more ways to express that...

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I so very much applaud your decision! Always a pleasure to peep whatever treat you have cooked up!

Btw, one of my favorite performances ever of a show I directed was a the late night of a double header. The prime time slot of the show was sold out, but the late night had only one audience member: a guy who traveled three states to come see us. The energy was electric. :)

I’m here for your quality not your quantity. 🙌

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That's a wonderful, illustrative story and just what I needed to hear. You've been a tremendous friend, Tonika. Thank you.

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I so relate to the "performing for a few friends who were also actors in a church basement." Until two years ago when I started my Substack, the only people who read my writing--including my book--were those I paid with money or reciprocity. This included my daughters, who earned money for college by reading it, my hired editor, and a neighborhood book club I started for that purpose.

So I am gobsmacked to have willing readers now with a 66 yr backlog of things I've been spilling over to say. I'm in the opposite quandary, trying to figure out how much I can impose on my readers without burning them out. When I told one I was doing every other day, she looked stricken.

I don't do paid subs, in either direction, but I suspect yours are there to support you. It's not a transactional thing, money for words. It's a relationship. If you hold to a deadline (and think about that word) you're turning it into a transaction, which does both them and you a disservice.

Your works-in-progress sound AMAZING and if I was a paid sub, I'd be proud to be supporting them. Don't compare yourself to anyone else. I don't have a life, other than daughters and dancers, and a lot of pent-up energy. I'm testing the limits of what my readers pay me in attention. Time is a finite 'commodity' where money is an artificial construct. The real gift is people wanting to be a part of you, who you are and what you're doing. The more that you respond to you, the more you're giving them.

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Excellent advice, all around. I'm going to read this comment again and again, whenever I need to remind myself of the happier path. Thanks, Tereza ❤️

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Slow and steady wins the race, if we listen to Aesop. I think of that lever on a lawnmower that has the turtle or tortoise at one end, and the rabbit or hare on the other. We can all probably use a little more of the tortoise approach in a world of hares. Enjoy the slow-flow!

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Thank you, Sara! You've helped me embrace the turtle so very much. xox

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I really think this is the way to go Mary. Following the 'rules' that stuff must be churned out frequently is not good for writers, whose work may suffer from it, nor for readers, who don't want to be bombed with mountains of stuff. It's about quality. Yours is as good as it gets. I'll be happy to recieve it when it comes, and will continue to savour it!


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Thanks so much, Michael! I feel the same way about your "stuff," too. xox

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Mary, I couldn't relate more to this. It takes me a long time to crank out a post. No surprise that the TURTLE has been a lifelong animal spirit friend of mine. In real life and in that "Otherworld."

I always love reading your posts and look forward to whatever comes our way and whenever it comes will be just right. Did I mention I hate deadlines??? So, no whining from me. XOXO

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Love that we have yet another similarity! Turtles have been showing up in droves, right before writing this and after publishing. Just astonishing.

Thanks for your non-whining vote of support, Barbara... xox

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Turtle Power! 🐢🐢🐢 XOXO

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"Slow 'n steady wins the race" (even when it comes ta yer own self with nobuddy in the lane next ta ya), so take the time, we'll all be there 'a waitin' any time ya push sumthin' past the "Finish" line!


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Gosh, I haven't seen that cartoon in DECADES. Such a classic. Thanks for the inspiration ☺️

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Mary, This post warms my heart. I'm so happy for you to have set a direction for yourself, after hanging out there in "suspended animation" for some time. Of course, you continued to produce great content all the while. Hey, a scripture quote just came to me: "Behold, Now is the acceptable time." So, go for it!

I look forward to reading anything and everything you want to throw at us. "Theater of the Absurd", uh? I'm salivating already. And go slow, whatever it takes. I like slow, I even write my crazy comments slow, let alone my emails. Sometimes, I'm never quite sure what I'm going to say, until I say it. It's just the way it is. xox

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Thank you for the encouragement! I can always count on you for that, Rocket. And that's a perfect biblical quote. I love that it's "the" acceptable time, not "an" acceptable time -- it really ups the sense of urgency.

Off I go, slowly! 🐢

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