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How can you reach so deep within, pull these angsty honest parts about yourself and leave me loving you even more?!? To be fair, this resonates so deeply because you might as well have been writing about my feelings about FB and my theatre friends and their liberal hatred (as of course, I too, was one of them back on the day) and finding the warmth and forgiving embrace of people I would have considered the enemy only four short years ago.

But you killed in this essay, Mary. You speak for so many of us that got cast aside and saw there is no side, it’s all an illusion. And FWIW, I don’t need any accolades or reviews to tell me how fabulous, interesting, provocative, thoughtful, insightful, and inspiring of a writer you are. It’s BlueEff’s loss for not seeing it.

BTW, I told someone on FB that his comments would be more welcome on Substack where the normies don’t breed and where people are capable of having intelligent discourse. I’m tryin to pull more smart people away from Zuck’s clutches. What is FB gonna do if it’s only the algorithms and ads left duking it out?

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Oh Tonika! I clearly have some work to do on receiving compliments; my insides are fluttering with embarrassment. 😂 Thank you.

Yeah, I figured this one would hit pretty close to your home. Theatre communities are so tight -- they're almost more like churches -- so getting ejected can feel like excommunication. I was so moved when you told me that it was many of those same people who donated to your GoFundMe...🥲

So, what did the dude say when you tried to lure him away from FB to Substack?

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He hasn’t responded yet. 🤷‍♀️

Funny that you’re comparing theatre and church. Pretty apt. And yeah, many came to my rescue. 😢 very humbling.

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I've always believed religion and church started out pretty much as one and the same. That's what I was taught in my MA program, anyway. Who the eff knows if it's true...😂

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Well I didn’t learn that in my BFA, but then again, college was a blur. However, the devotion part is pretty en pointe in both those institutions. I’ve crawled around on the floor pretending I was autumn. 🤣

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OMG, I can't stop laughing

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