This IS our only true reality, and thankfully, many of us are migrating back to that meeting room and recognizing it as sacred space.

Thank you, as ever, for penning us in the direction of what matters. 💚🫖☀️

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"Sacred space." Indeed. Stepping into the physical presence of another blesses both. I'm happy I was able to experience that blessing with you at the end of 2022! xox

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Well said. I miss it too! Suspect we all do

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Connecting with real people is a beautiful thing ..

To put my hand in another human hand, gently squeeze and look sometime in the eye.

That is a beautiful thing.

But for those, like me, who live far away...

Well I'm thankful for any way to connect...

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I hear you, Jack. I've felt that way, too, especially since moving to FL. My "community" is still virtual for now, and I'm grateful for it. But oh! I can't wait to create a REAL one!

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Yes and yes and YES! Exactly.

That was beautiful, Mary.

No substitute for the real thing - as you so well captured. Loved it. ❤️‍🩹 Thank you.

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You're welcome, Kathleen. Thanks for the kind words...

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This poem is a punch in the gut, makes my belly ache. Especially because, with most people, even back in the room in physical form, something has changed. The words said and the actions taken during the in between have altered our relationships. I can tell by the hugs, which are a rarity in and of themselves, among other signs.

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That observation of your IS a punch in the gut. How will these relationships mend? Will they ever?

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I think it’s ok for some relationships to fall apart and be done with, having served their purpose. Maybe the paths cross streams again, maybe not. As we get older, I’m general, we trust less, we’re surprised by less, we discover less. But I’d like to argue that I trust my instinct more now, and I’m more open to discovery. As if a veil has been lifted and a whole new reality is out there to be feasted upon. And I’m surprised by the connections made through the abyss. Like you. :) I see it as a good sign, a validation from the universe that the path walked is going the right way.

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Well said. In the past, I used to pretzel myself to hang on to as many relationships as possible; now, I'm way more comfortable with the comings and goings. Hard to know if I've changed or just aged out of something... Or both? Regardless, it feels right. And that's all I've got to go on these days -- as you said, instinct and signs from the universe. 💫

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wull thanks back Mary an' thanks fer the kind words! yup, all this zoom "thee-ate-her" is a farce (an' not the good kind neither) the energy of a live audience, candy wrappers n' one-handed clappin' n' missed cues an' ol' man farts an' all--I'll take it any day--wooly, silky, nubby--it's a world of textures ya cain't git virtue-ly! (I'm done with virtue-al, that's fer sure :-)

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You are hilarious. I hope I get to experience YOU onstage someday, Daisy!!

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So many powerful words and phrases, Mary: "for the wildfire magic of ideas and the unstoppable power of human love that explodes in a real room,..." Beautiful! Perhaps the proliferation of "virtual" meetings have enkindled in many people a reverence for the in-person moments. I think so, and your poem verifies this. Thank you for this insight shared so poetically and profoundly.

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Thanks for your kind words, Moira! You make a great point about enkindling (love that word, btw) reverence. I hope you are rightI My concern lies with a younger generation that is so plugged in to the screen culture that they may not even know what they are missing.

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...a screen is a filter an' 'cept fer cawfee (which IS the beans!) most've us do better without some dang filter in between us--filterin' words, feelin's, touch, smell and creatin' arty-fish-all distance--We need the whole 9 yards you so "be-you-ta-fully" express here. Life (real) is the good turtle soup not merely the mock and it all comes down to the texture of love! (Poetry is, of course, very much in the real!)

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Such a great comment, Daisy! Filters of all and any sort prevent us from true connection. As you of all people know, that's why the theatre has so much power -- nothing between the audience and the actors -- and why historically, so many tyrannical governments have attempted to shut them down.

PS I love the phrase "the texture of love." Beautiful. Thanks for being here with me!

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Hey, Mary, thanks for this. Now I understand why I get so irritable when I have a zoom meeting on my schedule. I feel like I don't even want to go to it. I think, "to what end?" Same old conversation over and over every time. In a group like that, we don't get a chance to speak honestly from the heart. We hesitate because this one up there at the top of my screen wouldn't appreciate hearing that. We don't really get to talk about the truth of what's happened or still happening, that old proverbial "elephant in the room". No opportunity for a little side conversation with one of the attendees (No, "CHAT" on the sidebar doesn't come anywhere near to what I'm wanting). Most importantly, I long to hug some people, long and hard. I don't think I can do that with my eyes, try as I may.

The images you create with your words are so beautiful and touching.

One line in your poem that stood out to me was, (in the room) "...where leave-taking is gradual." You are so right to call attention to that aspect. Zoom ends so abruptly, within a fraction of a second, poof! everyone is gone, no chance to wave goodbye as you're driving away, or say a few parting words to so-and-so. It just sucks. And I don't want to settle for "better-than-nothing". That sounds too much like compliance, or capitulation.

Aside from reminding us of what we miss from our "previous lives", you have also made us more aware of what we won't ever want to forget about what was done to us. xox

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It's so frustrating and inadequate. So much is lost. I relate fully to the attempt to hug people with my eyes -- sometimes I get off a call thoroughly exhausted from trying to do that for an hour! And the goodbye thing REALLY fries me. You're right -- there are no parting words or another wave. It's like the equivalent of being hit by a bus.

Grateful for your thoughts! xox

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shucks Mary, may it all come ta' pass!... heck, if the moo cows don't mind a little comp'ny, I'm near-ready to trod them barn boards fer matinee shows at least (cows appear to head ta bed early so I wouldn't wanna inconvenience 'em much) --I don't wonder that some creative if pungent stages WILL pop up for us all 'fore too long--I sure hope so!

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Gorgeous and beautiful. Thank you 💜

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I have just returned from an in-person weekend with a club that I have been Zooming with for some time. Your words hit home to me. What great timing you have!

The sweetness of being in the same room. The smell of cinnamon buns at breakfast! The laughter! The light touch on the arm! The slight flinch when the fire in the fireplace crackled and sparked. Yes, yes, and yes! To truly met together.

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Peter, you paint such a beautiful picture. The simplest joys of life, taken for granted until they're suddenly relics. I'm so glad you were able to meet in the flesh with your club! (I'm not sure if it's my timing or yours that's so great... :-)

And thank you for your support of my writing; please know how deeply I appreciate it!

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"creative if pungent" 😂

Damn, woman, you know how to turn a phrase!

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