This is excellent, Mary! Did you see his interview with RFK Jr.?

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Thanks, Barbara! I haven't watched the whole thing -- but I will now.

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LMK what you think!

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Will do!

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Thank you Mary. I LOVE Jimmy Dore! Such a stellar Human Being!! Watch him every moment I can; he gives my spirit a boost.

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I'm with you, Tricia. Seeing him in person reinforced the sense I've had that he's a seriously good person!

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“Oh how fond they are of the book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous yearning and hope.” — Martin Luther


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Also, I love your new logo and title typography!

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I've come to really like Dore although I had never heard of him prior to covid. I think the first video I watched was him saying he thought he was vax injured. You observations on humour echo mine with your indefatigable way of tying various themes and sources together. I do however see the whole Shakespeare thing completely differently after I went down the "who is William Shakespeare" rabbit hole and then I listened to this podcast that just made it all make sense. It's eleven episodes but it is beyond entertaining and I think it's a must for any theatre nerd: https://open.spotify.com/show/6R9aiVXaFTcwtFdQI8xIqw

I promise you will not be the same listening to this.

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Oooh, I love your theatre nerd recommendations. I'm on it! Actually, I love all of your recommendations, come to think of it...🧐😂

Just for the record, when I wrote Her Own Words, which posited that Shakespeare was actually Aemilia Bassano Lanier, I fell into some major rabbit holes myself. I am so thoroughly convinced that he did NOT write a single word of those plays! But I'm looking forward to the podcast to have my mind blown some more.

And thanks for noticing the logo! It's part of some new adventures for TAOF and for me...😉

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What a wonderful essay! I've wanted to do an episode on Jimmy since his interview with Russell Brand. It was my first introduction to him and I just loved him. Very humble, very down to earth. Thank you for reminding me that humor is the first victim of the totalitarians, and laughter is the best protection.

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Thanks, Tereza! I agree, Jimmy is a peach. And I'm becoming more and more convinced that I need to spend more time creating satirical pieces that skewer the establishment; Tonika and I are working on something together...😏

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I can't wait!

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This is great Mary. Comedians do indeed play a super-important role in society, and it is no accident that so many of them are being cancelled, censored and smeared at present, as the 'king' gets a bit hysterical about too much truth being told. (Members of the 'big club' excluded of course).

In one of my own pieces (excuse me for the self-promotion!) michaelwarden.substack.com/p/good-government - which I later re-titled 'Why Culture Must Lead', I invoked those from William Blake to Alexis de Toqueville and Vaclav Havel who have rightly insisted that it is not the job of government to create an environment in which culture can flourish, but culture's job to create an environment in which good government becomes possible. That seems not well enough understood at present.

You also make a good point about the fashion (within government and media) for invalidating opinions of the public (at least ones which go against their agendas) wherein nobody can have anything to say about any aspect of the pandemic if they are not a doctor - and let's face it, it the they are a world class doctor, even with the right specialisations, they still can't if it doesn't conform to the narrative, and they are again censored and smeared. The general poplulation are doing this to each other to - as you said, in the spirit of one who is evaluating a car for purchase and is told "who the f*** do you think you are, Henry Ford?’” What strikes me here is that alll of the people guity of this nonsense are perfectly happy themselves to have to have opinions about nuclear power without having a degree in nuclear physics, and to vote with only the bareset understanding of political science or economics.

More evidence of mass psychosis!!

Keep up the good work!!

(Oh, and for what it's worth, I too am an admirer of Jimmy Dore).

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Your article, https://michaelwarden.substack.com/p/good-government, is spot-on, Michael. I'm glad you posted it here and hope others will read it. Culture is such a complicated topic, but you define it well: "Culture is the essence of being human, and the sphere in which what is most human in us can emerge." Yes. By god, have we seen the marginalization and devaluation of that "essence of being human." It is no wonder that we find ourselves in a dark forest with no clear path out.

Until, as you note, we insist that culture lead government, and not the other way around, the path will remain hidden.

Thanks for being here, Michael, and for the re-post -- I'm so grateful. xox

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Jimmy Dore is playing the freedom-salvaging/tyranny-defeating role of the heyoka, or what Lin Yutang calls “the scamp” as I discussed in my letter exchange with David Josef Volodzko:

“In this present age of threats to democracy and individual liberty, probably only the scamp and the spirit of the scamp alone will save us from becoming lost as serially numbered units in the masses of disciplined, obedient, regimented and uniformed coolies. The scamp will be the last and most formidable enemy of dictatorships. He will be the champion of human dignity and individual freedom, and will be the last to be conquered. All modern civilization depends entirely upon him.” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dissident-dialogues-margaret-anna)

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Thank you for pointing readers to your excellent exchange with Volodzko, and the concept of the "heyoka." What a fascinating read. I came away with so much! I'd never heard of Lin Yutang, and though the concept of the "horseshoe theory," was familiar, I'd never known it had an actual NAME.

And yes, Dore is a classic heyoka. The "empath heyoka" moniker resonates with me as it did for you -- thanks for that, too!

As always, you bring so much knowledge, compassion, and humor to the table. Grateful for your presence here, Margaret.

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Love this Mary!

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Thanks, Deb!

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Mary, this piece is so very good! I too, love Jimmy Dore. He is definitely a "truth-teller" par excellence. One paragraph that struck me immediately was the part where Jimmy talked about research. I think I told you about our visit with friends in AZ a few months ago and the extremely uncomfortable discussion we had with them regarding the vaccine and other woke issues. Jimmy describes it perfectly, "Who do you think you are? You're not a scientist or a doctor, doing your own research," etc. etc. I was blown away by that exchange. I'm tempted to send our friend your article. The thing I've noticed though is that those on the other end of the spectrum seem not to remember those past conversations at all. Very strange. Anyway, thanks for another wonderful, thought-provoking article. xox

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Thanks, Rocket! I've noticed a similar propensity toward amnesia, but I usually chalk it up to a desire to forget. Not sure if it's subconscious or conscious. On my fatalistic days, though, I chalk it up to injury.

Let me know if you send your friend the article; I'd be curious to hear what the response is! xox

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Love Jimmy Dore. Have for years...

Just now recovering from a 2-month Kafkaesque gov bureaucracy ordeal. 15 minutes to re-register my student loan account. Not unlike 2 weeks to flatten the curve ...

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Kafkaesque is the word! I keep half-expecting I'm going to wake up as a beetle one of these days...😂

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All I remember is "I would prefer not to."

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That's probably the most important thing to remember 😂

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Thanks Mary. Nice weaving of big, longstanding themes that again and again, come front and center, when truth itself becomes the obvious target of our controllers. Dore's continual astonishment at the degree of lies and extent of those willing to uphold them, is so welcome, so needed. And still, we're merely scratching the surface! Best.

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I agree... we ARE just scratching the surface. And his astonishment feels so genuine to me -- I think that's one of the reasons I like him so much. He really does have an "everyman" quality to him, not unlike Frank Capra's Mr. Smith. Rare, and as you said, welcome. Thanks, Kathleen.

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Another sane and uplifting essay from my fav Stacker!

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