The world would be a grayer place without your creative works. I love reading them - and sharing them with others so they can discover you!

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Patricia, thank you for saying that... and for sharing my work! SO grateful for both.

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I loved reading this article Mary - flipping a coin...how unbelievably brave of you! Then again, I did something rather similar about 26 or 27 years ago. I was faced with a life of frantic, high-paying jobs with increasing responsibility and pay...in Silicone Valley! My heart told me to sell everything I owned and move across country from Berkeley to Vermont and enroll in culinary school. My brain told me to choose the money and professional success. I chose the creative, uncertain path as well. Looking back, I don't know if it was the right decision or not - I guess that depends on how one measures success. But I do know my life is far richer choosing the path of creativity and discovery. I hope you can say the same!

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So glad you listened to your heart, Jack. What the hell IS success, anyway? What we are all told is a "rich" life is a recipe (pardon my pun! :-) for overwork and ever-receding goalposts. Bravo to you for choosing the uncertain path!!

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somehow I think we sort of share the same philosophy with respect to this topic...

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