Oct 1, 2023Liked by Mary Poindexter McLaughlin

Very beautiful, Mary.

The honing in on 'that' moment.

Oh, it's so visceral. It can torment, level and just as quickly set free, depending on the choice of course. That inner voice. Will it be claimed or be drummed out by the external voices and those entanglements that in one moment comfort and in the next confine. (I can feel it in my gut right now.)

Well-captured, by both talented authors here. Thank you.

The cold warmth of starlight. I know it well.

Thanks for the Van Gogh image too!

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Mary Poindexter McLaughlin

Thank you Mary... your oxygen hit me with better timing than you can know.

Oh how the world needs poetry just now - and how well your contributions are recieved - not just by me, that I know.

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Mary Poindexter McLaughlin

This is beautiful, Mary. I love the poetry of both Marys. :) I will add, though, since you asked, that we are all such different animals. I have done some major leaving in my lifetime and maybe it's because at my core I'm an introvert that being in solitude has brought me peace and contentment, without regret. I have blossomed fully into myself by being alone. Of course, if my newly-married 20 year-old self had read this, I would have had a much different answer.

I would add that my age (69) helps, but there are many lonely 69 year-olds and so I'm just grateful that I'm not one of them. 💗

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Mary Poindexter McLaughlin

Well, aside from the fact that you continue to outdo yourself on a regular basis, this one really spoke to me after having had an exchange with my husband just last night about this very issue. I tried to suggest it might be good to become connected with some kind of community or group of like-minded people as we go forward into the unknown. He responded rather gruffly "NO!", I'm not trying to save anyone else here, only just our family. My heart sank hearing him say that, but I knew it was because he was just so angry and discouraged that so many people are still not connecting the dots. This could have developed into quite an argument, but my newer self stopped my old self. I figure that he will eventually discover the reality that we can’t/won’t make it alone, and that’s the whole point of this experience we’re going through, isn’t it? To reconnect ourselves to ourselves and to one another, and to God, or to whatever name you use. Thanks again, Mary. xox

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Mary Poindexter McLaughlin

It’s reading poetry like this that rushes hope into my tired soul and lifts my spirits to the stars. How can anyone refuse a walk along with you, sharing stories, weaving memories, waving at the stars? What good is it to save yourself if you’ve got none to share yourself with? Thank you for this respite from doom.

Btw, I had never seen that Gough painting before. Is that the sun and the moon up in the sky at the same time? 😍

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Mary Poindexter McLaughlin

that is quite a poem there. I don't know you as a writer, I just clicked on the suggestions at the right margin. Pretty easy to understand. When the view through rose-colored glasses ends, you had better move on.

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Oct 2, 2023Liked by Mary Poindexter McLaughlin

I love this Mary Oliver poem and it's a very worthy sequel. I think my favorite line is "And though burning stars do light my path, no one would call them sociable." The long slog after the dramatic door slam, that's the story not often told. Glad that you're giving it voice.

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Wow, Mary. You bravely took on a formidable challenge and created a companion that does the original Mary proud.

“The Journey” is one of my favorite Mary Oliver poems and one I share with people who are working up the courage to leave abusive relationships. I also included it in the following piece:

• “Letter to the Menticided: A 12-Step Recovery Program” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-menticided-a-12-step)

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