Oct 15, 2023Liked by Mary Poindexter McLaughlin

I loved both the poem and the video of the SteepleJack ...great metaphor and attitude when faced with what seems an overwhelming task to dismantle societal structures that are no longer serving or useful ...brick by brick

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The video grabbed me and yelled, "poem!" 😊 Thanks for the comment, Marcelle.

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Love your poem; wise and layered.

What a task, Fred took on. Oh, humans and their building and unbuilding. Thank you, Mary.

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By choosing to be here at this time, we've taken on quite the task ourselves, eh? 😳

Thanks, Kathleen!

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Yes Mary, so true. At least we're not doing it alone. 💝

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Mary Poindexter McLaughlin

Thanks, Mary, great poem! Funny you should mention: "By choosing to be here at this time..." in your comment below, I was just thinking this same thought this morning. I guess somehow, we knew that something big was going to go down and didn't want to miss it. What were we thinking?? But we're here now, so hang on to your hat. It's going to be quite a ride! Woo! Hoo! Reminds me of a scene from the movie, "Jewel of the Nile", with Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner when they slid down this hill in the jungle at about 50 mph on their butts in the pouring rain, and when they got to the bottom he scream-laughed his ass off like it was the biggest thrill of his life. Let's hope that's how we feel when this dismantling experience is over. Yee Haw!! xox

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That's PERFECT, Rocket. I remember the scene -- but not his reaction at the end of the slide-ride. Thank you for that! Yes, YEE HAW!! 🤠

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Mary Poindexter McLaughlin

That's so cool that your subtitle is the title of my book! It's the universal resonance at work again ;-)


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I love that!! And it's an honor to resonate with you, Tereza.

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Tickles mah fancy that it takes jus' one small tenacious tinkerer ta tend, tackle, 'er topple tall towers.... an' mebbe tyrants too (?) Without a net. Or "a litter-a-shun!" Liked the poem, like the man too! I'm a mite in awe of them hardy souls who climb inta the clouds ta look the giants in the eye an' live ta tell the tale.

An' speakin' a' "tall tales" that happen ta be true... they recently fixed Big Ben an' it's quite the story as well --( https://www.politicshome.com/thehouse/article/secret-repair-of-big-ben-clock-in-dacre-penrith-cumbria-by-cumbria-clock-company )

Clocks, steeples, spires.... once we all found sumtin' ta look up to... now'days it's harder.... Time again' fer "young" Fred ta save Pepperland while the band still knows the tune!

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Agreed. Thanks for the "a litter-a-shun" and for the Big Ben story. Wow -- another story that shows us human persistence and the ability to work together.

Pepperland? 🤔

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Yellow Submarine! Young Fred is tasked with SAVING THE MUSIC (Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band) 'fore they fergit the tune! An' they do!--just like in Pepperland we'ze got "blue meanies" all 'round us but STILL there are those've us old 'nuff ta 'member the tunes (an' know the ins an' outs of fixin' steeples too!). It's a great moovie btw, see if it ya git the chance!

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Aha! Okay, will do. Funny how I can sing every word of the album yet have never seen the movie! You're a wealth of information, Daisy...

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Mary Poindexter McLaughlin

Potent writer that you are, you got me both emotional and self reflecting at the same time. I can’t remember where I saw that guy on a YouTube video before but I pondered on how they just don’t make them like that anymore. Thank you for painting his role (and all of ours) in such an inspiring and empowering light. You layered your stanzas just so. Brick by goddamn brick.

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It's funny... I can't remember where I saw this video either. Must be a Substacker we both follow. But it landed on me so hard as a metaphor for what we're up against, I knew a poem was waiting for me.

Thanks for the comment, bud. Leave it to you to notice the structure...🤓

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Mary Poindexter McLaughlin

Mary, I love that your post was the first one that I saw in my dreaded email this morning. The Sagittarius optimist in me read every word of your poem and watched the entire video. I will never give up hope that we can take down what no longer serves us (if it ever did) and, as Charles Eisenstein wrote, build "The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible."

Thank you for spreading hope today. xo

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You are so welcome, Barbara. I know just what you mean re: the dreaded email. I've been feeling the same way lately. And thank you for posting this to Notes... I so appreciate it.

May your Sagittarius optimist keep leading the charge!

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Mary Poindexter McLaughlin

I will try my best! ♐💗

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Mary Poindexter McLaughlin

And, P.S. Mary, it wasn't YOUR email I dreaded - emails in general stress me out! Mine included... xo

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Mary Poindexter McLaughlin

Beautiful Mary! This is one moves me almost to tears. I’m going to hang it on my wall. God bless the hand and the heart that wrote it!

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Oh Michael, that's so lovely to hear. Truly. Thank you for this comment; it made my day.🙏🏼

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Mary Poindexter McLaughlin

So good, so perfect, timely, inspiring. Thank you, Mary.

Makes me think of Ozymandias...

Keep up the good work!

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Grateful for your comment, Sara. And so glad to revisit Ozymandias -- I had completely forgotten Shelley's poem! Definitely in the bloodline of this one. xox

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Oct 16, 2023·edited Oct 16, 2023Liked by Mary Poindexter McLaughlin

Hi Mary.

Something I noticed in Quora (back when it "was" Quora) — there appears to be a positive correlation between the ratio of comments to upvotes and the quality of the original post.

I suspect quality scales, but scales best in subversively nurturing ways ... like your Steeple Jack ... pun intended.

" ... blessed godamn brick."

I love it! 😅

Warm regards and keep the faith.


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Love the pun and this comment, Steve.

I will, and you, too! xox

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