This is a lovely piece, Mary. I totally know what you're saying. I have managed over the last months to let go of wanting to share my information with those who have no idea of the dangers ahead. It's really hard to do, and painful to watch from the sidelines. I literally want to shake some sense in them, but I know that isn't the way to go. They should be free to make their own choices. All I can do is pray for them, and for all of us, because we need everybody on board to fight this battle that's trying to overcome us.

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It is so, so difficult. We are all free to make our own choices, yet that presupposes that we are also all aware of the systems we're operating in. For an alcoholic, making the choice to have another drink may feel like freedom -- but you and I know it's not.

I have the rare privilege of being married to a hypnotherapist, and we've talked for years about the power of mass propaganda. I consider myself incredibly lucky to know enough to ask the question: what's behind the curtain?

My writing is a small attempt to gently open some eyes and hearts, but ultimately, I'm right where you are-- all I can do is pray. Thanks for your comment, Rocket. Always welcomed and appreciated.

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Wonderful. I'm so happy for you two.

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