Hi Mary, I’ve been wondering about you and your safety in FL and how you might have been impacted by the devastation of Hurricane Ian. However, after reading your introduction to today’s poem, it sounded like you may still be in NY. Whatever the case, I hope you and Peter are OK and that your place in FL is still standing and not flooded or otherwise seriously damaged.

Thanks for this poem/prayer. We could all use some encouraging words to say to ourselves in these uncertain times. I’ve read that whatever we’re going through, the good and not so good, is given to us to help us on our way, and we should trust in that and count on those “elements not yet seen” to carry us through to where we need to be. I’m not saying that’s easy, but kicking and screaming isn’t easy either, take my word for it. I’ve tried it and it’s exhausting and a lot more stressful, and it doesn’t get you “there” anyway. So doing the “trust walk” or “flight”, I should say, is probably the best way to go.

I think this kind of knowing is called “organic knowledge” because it comes out of our own deep wonderings and life experience, home grown, so to speak.

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Thank you for your concern, Rocket. All is well with our place in FL -- in fact, I just arrived here last night. I'm tremendously fortunate that Ian bypassed us.

I completely agree with you that all that we are given- - the good, bad, and ugly -- is for our highest and best, though sometimes in the moment it is well-nigh impossible to see it that way. This move has been a perfect example of that!

I like the term "organic knowledge" very much! Did you coin it?

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That's good news, Mary. Keeping you in my thoughts as you go through this adjustment phase. Just go with the flow, as the saying goes.

I wish I could say I coined that term "organic knowledge", but it immediately hit me when I saw it.

I was going to send this link, https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/joydah-mae

to you instead of my comment, but I figured you wouldn't have time while traveling to check it out. I got this off of James Roguski's substack. This girl musician, Joyda Mae, from New Zealand is a musical healer and her music is considered to be medicine. You will see the term, "organic knowledge" written on her guitar. Scroll down to the song, "Here to Help". You can read the poem that goes with it. That, actually, was what I wanted to send to you in response to your poem, "The Knowing". It just seemed to fit. I did look it up on line and found that the term is actually "a thing". I love it too.

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Rocket, thank you. Her music speaks to my very soul, and "Here to Help" is the perfect response/concomitant to my poem. I love finding more and more voices speaking the truth!

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Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that I'm reading "Letters To A Young Poet". I love it. Thank you.

There's more I want to share with you, not now, but sometime soon.

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