Mary, "Who ARE "they?" " Indeed! I went back and reread your poem and off the top of my head I decided that "they" are most likely one's spiritual guides (whoever they are), our guardian angels, ancestors, one's soul, IDK. Then I did a search and found an article which said that we each have a "spiritual guidance squad". I had no idea. I…
Mary, "Who ARE "they?" " Indeed! I went back and reread your poem and off the top of my head I decided that "they" are most likely one's spiritual guides (whoever they are), our guardian angels, ancestors, one's soul, IDK. Then I did a search and found an article which said that we each have a "spiritual guidance squad". I had no idea. I only just within the last year started communicating with my soul, thanks to 'you know who', but I need to be constantly reminded to do so. Anyway, in my search I found this article right off the bat and I thought it was pretty good for starters. Thanks a lot for your comment above. I would have just continued to "blow past" all the other signs that were written in your poem, and only take away that one memory of my son. EEww! I can be so dense sometimes! LOL
Mary, "Who ARE "they?" " Indeed! I went back and reread your poem and off the top of my head I decided that "they" are most likely one's spiritual guides (whoever they are), our guardian angels, ancestors, one's soul, IDK. Then I did a search and found an article which said that we each have a "spiritual guidance squad". I had no idea. I only just within the last year started communicating with my soul, thanks to 'you know who', but I need to be constantly reminded to do so. Anyway, in my search I found this article right off the bat and I thought it was pretty good for starters. Thanks a lot for your comment above. I would have just continued to "blow past" all the other signs that were written in your poem, and only take away that one memory of my son. EEww! I can be so dense sometimes! LOL
You are the furthest thing from dense!
Great article. Pretty much covers all the bases... xox