This is wonderful and expansive and so welcome. Ahh... can't you just breath better when the usual guideposts hemming in 'reality' get pushed back? I do.
I love this - wasn't familiar with TTT's but will listen to them.
I have more anecdotes than I can count that suggests this world is not what we've been told.
Your story was remarkable and totally believable. Thank you for sharing that. What a trick has been done - that we've been made to feel embarrassed in sharing the magical and mystical.
Essential part of the plan to keep us small. It's not working, fortunately.
Thanks for this, balm for the soul, Mary.xox Can't wait for part 2.
Ooh... I'm intrigued by "I have more anecdotes than I can count that suggests this world is not what we've been told." I'll bet you do. I/we are all ears. I think that the more we share them, the more we foil their plan!
Thank you for the supportive comment; you always lift me up. xox
And PS, I'll be interested in what you think about TTT, if they make their way into your life!
Thank you, Mary, for recording your most interesting post. I listened while working on my business of natural alternatives to allopathy. As always, I find your word-smithing and insights to be brilliant.
Once a Soul has experienced for themselves telepathic communication, and impossibly joyous coincidence there is no more validity in egoic experts. There is no more attention to be paid. They are seen for the compensated shills they are, enslaved to masters and satisfied with only what money can by. A barren life at best.
The authentic richness of Life is found in the energetic exchange of the unseen and dismissed. It validates the truth that we are most assuredly eternal.
Thanks for the tip about TTT. I was not familiar with them, but have believed for about a decade that Essence has manifested as the Autists en masse at this time to assist us with the Shift in Consciousness.
As to "Science," once you realize that all physical reality is imagery created by us to mirror processes undertaken by us in our true non-physical form, then it stands to reason that said Science is merely *camouflage instruments measuring a camouflage world.*
THERE is your quantum physics "observer effect," but it is the norm, not the exception.
And as to the "pooh-pooers," quantum entanglement has already PROVEN that unseen and unmeasured forces that travel faster than the speed of light connect disparate particles at great distances from each other. They can ignore all they want, but it is an established "fact."
A combination of ignorance on the part of some, and fear of loss of control of the masses on the part of others keeps the status quo in place, but that is rapidly dissolving on both fronts.
Science will continue guessing and relying on measured camouflage data until it recognizes the piece that Consciousness plays in our lives and our realities.
This is the Shift, and it is shaking the foundations of our existence, and what we think we know.
Me, too. A brilliant analysis of the situation Science finds itself; I'd expect no less from you, Philip. I adore this: "camouflage instruments measuring a camouflage world." YES.
What do you think will happen when Science recognizes the true role of consciousness? Will Science pivot to study that, as Rupert Sheldrake has advocated? (I'm finding myself moving into Part II even as I comment here 😂)
Quantum theory is already progressing at maximum speed with the development of the new quantum chips. This is leading to all sorts of speculation and hypothesis about the nature of the quantum field, leading to theory regarding other dimensions, time/space and probable realities. Couple this with the tears in time/space and the visitations of beings from other dimensions, and Science is reeling.
The James Webb telescope has just encountered galaxies in distant space that blow up (lol) their long-held theories about the Big Bang, and the age and expansion of the Universe. It's literally back to the drawing board for them. They don't really know where to start, but they know something profound is taking place.
Not to toot my horn too loud, but the very things I have been talking about.
Socially/politically, it appears the rats are padding their pockets, and abandoning ship. Everyone in a position of power at this point knows that the lid is about to blow off. So they seem to be positioning themselves for either a paradigm shift, or as little kings for the people who aren't going to get it for a while.
I think there will appear to be two or more different worlds for a time. And a great deal of trauma as systems implode and disintegrate.
So it seems that guys like French are doubling down out of necessity -- he hasn't figured out yet how to accept what's new AND hold on to his credentialed expertise -- from which he gains his worth. Tough scene!
What you're saying dovetails with everything my intuition tells me. Do you mind if I quote you (with attribution, of course) if the spirit moves?
This IS an amazing time. I need reminders of that every now and then, so thank you!!
In 1996, our home was surrounded by a massive wildfire. I was seven months pregnant and on the precipice of losing our sanctuary. Miraculously, my hubby drove back at 5 am the following day to find the property engulfed in flames, but our house/home was untouched and still standing. How can that be?
Much later, hubby and I spoke about this impossibility, this miracle that our home didn't burn to the ground in late October 1996. I spoke first and said I had felt my father's spirit present that day. My father passed away on November 5, 1995. Hubby had the same experience, and at that moment, we knew that my father had provided a "ring" of protection around our home.
TBH, I swiped it from Jonathan Roumie. He is leading/narrating/praying the 40 days of Lent on Hallow. I can't take credit for creating it, but I can take credit for letting marinate for a few days and sharing!
I am a seriously lapsed Catholic back at it again.
I love your take on it, Mary. We can only lead the horse to water. I cannot make them drink. 🙏🔥❤️
Wow, do I love this post, Mary. This made me laugh: "but it doesn’t actually prove anything scientifically.” I have never cared much for science, and less and less by the day. The words "Science Fair" still make me cringe. :) Thank you for reminding me about The Telepathy Tapes. I've been meaning to tune in to them.
I was alone with my mother when she took her last breath and with my partner shortly after he passed at only 49. "Unexplainable" things happened with both, but especially with my partner. By the time he died, I was more aware and open. I can still feel what happened as if it was yesterday.
There is so much more to our lives (past, present, multiple, dream state, meditative state) than what science tries desperately to explain or explain away. It dramatically minimizes all of the current drama going on for me.
I'm so glad this piece resonated with you, Barbara. I had no idea of your biography -- oh my dear, how much you've been through. Yet it makes sense somehow... you have such deep wisdom, and that usually doesn't come easily.
I with you on the current drama fading into the background. That's where it truly belongs.
We are so much more than what we see. We see a fraction of our world, but if we choose, we can see more, feel more. I do not think we can count out The Divine in our experiences.
My sister was with my grandmother when she went to the other side. She said she felt, at that precise moment, that she was standing on the brink of eternity.
And, after my dad passed, every night, between 930-1030 I would hear my stair creaking, like someone was going up them. I knew it was God's way of comforting me in a way that I could understand. My dad checking on me!
And our ties that bind are more than umbilical here on earth.
I was living in MD and my sister was in CA. I had a dream she had her baby and it was a boy.
She called me the next morning and said "Guess what!?" and I answered with "You had your baby last night and it is a boy!"
Each anecdote you share just fills me up with peace, SadieJay. Yes, we are SO much more. "And our ties that bind are more than umbilical here on earth." Gorgeous.
Beautiful Mary. But the most tingly part was your story with your mother, and your feeling you'd done something awful as your last memory of her. And that she came back on a teeny tiny dirt bike to set you free.
This is EXACTLY the kind of stuff I talk to my hairdresser about--sharing woo woo since 1982.
Great essay, Mary! I loved it. I think people are so ready to think and act beyond the limited world view that has been imposed on us for so long, and by many of the individuals and institutions that we have cherished and held in such high esteem. It makes you sick to think about it, especially considering all the suffering, loss, and injustice that has been endured by so many, for no reason, over these last several years alone. There's no denying it any longer. We may know only a smidgen of the truth at this point, but we know a lie now when we hear or see one, and that's enough to get started. Hey, speaking of the X-Files which I think you mentioned, "The Truth is Out There", so let's go get it!! Thanks, Mary.
I totally agree, Ronnie. There is a huge swath of the population now that KNOWS there's more than meets the eye, and as you said, that's enough to get started. And as more and more people share their smidgen-drops (like you're now doing with Sacred Notions), we create the tsunami.
I don't know 'The Telepathy Tapes' but I do know the woo, the placebo effect, and that people experience unexplained communications and cures. Can't erase those things.
Hi Mary, very brave of you to share your story, first heart-wrenching and later tear-inducing, of your mother's departure. Becausse the probability is that those who read it will likely divide into to camps (one much, muuch bigger than the other within these pages, I'd guess). One group of people who have also had uniquivocal experience of realities beyond the rational/material bubble, and are already with you, and another who will attribute your story to the human capacity for self-delusion. You knew that, and you put someting deeply personal and precious out there anyway. Bravo, I say, we live in times in which it is more and more important to speak the truth without being concerned about how certain parts of society might respond. The old paradigm may not go gently into the the night, but into the night it will go!!
Who, really, is believing bizarre things however? Years ago I was at a conference on such themes and one of the speakers spoke of how some particular conundrum about the nature of reality was being confronted by a 'materialiist skeptic' (skeptic that is, of the kind of phenomena you (and increasing numbers of scientists too, such as Rupert Sheldrake and Lyall Watson and perhaps to some extent Evelyn Fox-Keller) speak of, and how this particualr materialist skeptic got around the unexplained phenomenon in question by invoking the possibitily of parallel universes. And of how certain theoretical problems with the possibility of parallel universes was then worked around by suggesting that there must be an infinite number of them. The speaker closed their presentation by saying 'this just goes to show that a skeptic will believe anything'!
By the way, I LOVE the Voltaire quote “It is dangerous to be right in matters where established men are wrong.” That's virtually a history of the world in single sentence!
Thank you, Michael, for calling out bravery when you see it. I guess along with my caring less and less about facts, I'm also caring less and less about what people think. Been a long time coming...
Your own anecdote about the conference and its conclusions drawn made me laugh! Makes me think of Hamlet's "O God, I could be bounded in a nutshell, and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams." Actually, that fits perfectly in with Part II!!
This is wonderful and expansive and so welcome. Ahh... can't you just breath better when the usual guideposts hemming in 'reality' get pushed back? I do.
I love this - wasn't familiar with TTT's but will listen to them.
I have more anecdotes than I can count that suggests this world is not what we've been told.
Your story was remarkable and totally believable. Thank you for sharing that. What a trick has been done - that we've been made to feel embarrassed in sharing the magical and mystical.
Essential part of the plan to keep us small. It's not working, fortunately.
Thanks for this, balm for the soul, Mary.xox Can't wait for part 2.
Ooh... I'm intrigued by "I have more anecdotes than I can count that suggests this world is not what we've been told." I'll bet you do. I/we are all ears. I think that the more we share them, the more we foil their plan!
Thank you for the supportive comment; you always lift me up. xox
And PS, I'll be interested in what you think about TTT, if they make their way into your life!
I'll keep that in mind, Mary. Maybe a future post. "All the Things I Can't (happily) Explain' or something along those lines.😘
Love it.
You're a special angel carrying a different color light in a very black, white & grey world. Sincerest Thanks...and guard your light😇
Gosh that's lovely... thank you, EJay. I will.
Thank you, Mary, for recording your most interesting post. I listened while working on my business of natural alternatives to allopathy. As always, I find your word-smithing and insights to be brilliant.
Once a Soul has experienced for themselves telepathic communication, and impossibly joyous coincidence there is no more validity in egoic experts. There is no more attention to be paid. They are seen for the compensated shills they are, enslaved to masters and satisfied with only what money can by. A barren life at best.
The authentic richness of Life is found in the energetic exchange of the unseen and dismissed. It validates the truth that we are most assuredly eternal.
Looking very forward to part 2.☀️♥️
A barren life, indeed. The very farthest from how I know you to live, Graciel.
Grateful for your comment, and hoping my resolve to keep recording holds! If it lures you in, it's totally worth it...😉 xox
Thanks for the tip about TTT. I was not familiar with them, but have believed for about a decade that Essence has manifested as the Autists en masse at this time to assist us with the Shift in Consciousness.
As to "Science," once you realize that all physical reality is imagery created by us to mirror processes undertaken by us in our true non-physical form, then it stands to reason that said Science is merely *camouflage instruments measuring a camouflage world.*
THERE is your quantum physics "observer effect," but it is the norm, not the exception.
And as to the "pooh-pooers," quantum entanglement has already PROVEN that unseen and unmeasured forces that travel faster than the speed of light connect disparate particles at great distances from each other. They can ignore all they want, but it is an established "fact."
A combination of ignorance on the part of some, and fear of loss of control of the masses on the part of others keeps the status quo in place, but that is rapidly dissolving on both fronts.
Science will continue guessing and relying on measured camouflage data until it recognizes the piece that Consciousness plays in our lives and our realities.
This is the Shift, and it is shaking the foundations of our existence, and what we think we know.
Great post Mary, and I look forward to Part 2!
Well said, Philip. Agree, agree!
Me, too. A brilliant analysis of the situation Science finds itself; I'd expect no less from you, Philip. I adore this: "camouflage instruments measuring a camouflage world." YES.
What do you think will happen when Science recognizes the true role of consciousness? Will Science pivot to study that, as Rupert Sheldrake has advocated? (I'm finding myself moving into Part II even as I comment here 😂)
I believe it is inevitable.
Quantum theory is already progressing at maximum speed with the development of the new quantum chips. This is leading to all sorts of speculation and hypothesis about the nature of the quantum field, leading to theory regarding other dimensions, time/space and probable realities. Couple this with the tears in time/space and the visitations of beings from other dimensions, and Science is reeling.
The James Webb telescope has just encountered galaxies in distant space that blow up (lol) their long-held theories about the Big Bang, and the age and expansion of the Universe. It's literally back to the drawing board for them. They don't really know where to start, but they know something profound is taking place.
Not to toot my horn too loud, but the very things I have been talking about.
Socially/politically, it appears the rats are padding their pockets, and abandoning ship. Everyone in a position of power at this point knows that the lid is about to blow off. So they seem to be positioning themselves for either a paradigm shift, or as little kings for the people who aren't going to get it for a while.
I think there will appear to be two or more different worlds for a time. And a great deal of trauma as systems implode and disintegrate.
This is an amazing time to be alive!
Damn, Philip, I love how you think. 🤓
So it seems that guys like French are doubling down out of necessity -- he hasn't figured out yet how to accept what's new AND hold on to his credentialed expertise -- from which he gains his worth. Tough scene!
What you're saying dovetails with everything my intuition tells me. Do you mind if I quote you (with attribution, of course) if the spirit moves?
This IS an amazing time. I need reminders of that every now and then, so thank you!!
Yes, of course - share far and wide with or without attribution Mary.
I love how this is becoming more and more mainstream as society can no longer ignore the changes related to the Shift.
Wonderful. Thanks! Cheers back!
This one statement is a mantra of mine now.
"Lord, I believe, help my unbelief."
In 1996, our home was surrounded by a massive wildfire. I was seven months pregnant and on the precipice of losing our sanctuary. Miraculously, my hubby drove back at 5 am the following day to find the property engulfed in flames, but our house/home was untouched and still standing. How can that be?
Much later, hubby and I spoke about this impossibility, this miracle that our home didn't burn to the ground in late October 1996. I spoke first and said I had felt my father's spirit present that day. My father passed away on November 5, 1995. Hubby had the same experience, and at that moment, we knew that my father had provided a "ring" of protection around our home.
Bullocks to the skeptical, the "unbelievers!"
A marvelous mantra, well-earned. Makes me think that I might take it and tweak it: "Lord, I believe; help their unbelief." 😊
Thank you for sharing your miracle with us, KatWarrior. Moving and instructive. xox
TBH, I swiped it from Jonathan Roumie. He is leading/narrating/praying the 40 days of Lent on Hallow. I can't take credit for creating it, but I can take credit for letting marinate for a few days and sharing!
I am a seriously lapsed Catholic back at it again.
I love your take on it, Mary. We can only lead the horse to water. I cannot make them drink. 🙏🔥❤️
Wow, do I love this post, Mary. This made me laugh: "but it doesn’t actually prove anything scientifically.” I have never cared much for science, and less and less by the day. The words "Science Fair" still make me cringe. :) Thank you for reminding me about The Telepathy Tapes. I've been meaning to tune in to them.
I was alone with my mother when she took her last breath and with my partner shortly after he passed at only 49. "Unexplainable" things happened with both, but especially with my partner. By the time he died, I was more aware and open. I can still feel what happened as if it was yesterday.
There is so much more to our lives (past, present, multiple, dream state, meditative state) than what science tries desperately to explain or explain away. It dramatically minimizes all of the current drama going on for me.
You are such a great writer, Mary. XO
I'm so glad this piece resonated with you, Barbara. I had no idea of your biography -- oh my dear, how much you've been through. Yet it makes sense somehow... you have such deep wisdom, and that usually doesn't come easily.
I with you on the current drama fading into the background. That's where it truly belongs.
Thank you for the kind compliment. *blushes* xox
Blush away, my friend! You deserve it! XOXO
We are so much more than what we see. We see a fraction of our world, but if we choose, we can see more, feel more. I do not think we can count out The Divine in our experiences.
My sister was with my grandmother when she went to the other side. She said she felt, at that precise moment, that she was standing on the brink of eternity.
And, after my dad passed, every night, between 930-1030 I would hear my stair creaking, like someone was going up them. I knew it was God's way of comforting me in a way that I could understand. My dad checking on me!
And our ties that bind are more than umbilical here on earth.
I was living in MD and my sister was in CA. I had a dream she had her baby and it was a boy.
She called me the next morning and said "Guess what!?" and I answered with "You had your baby last night and it is a boy!"
Absolutely spiritual.
Thanks Mary...loved it.♥♥
Each anecdote you share just fills me up with peace, SadieJay. Yes, we are SO much more. "And our ties that bind are more than umbilical here on earth." Gorgeous.
Thank you for the inspiring comment... xox!
Thanks for being so much MORE.♥♥
I am so grateful to have found people who inhabit the same world.
Me too, SBW. Glad you feel that way.
Beautiful Mary. But the most tingly part was your story with your mother, and your feeling you'd done something awful as your last memory of her. And that she came back on a teeny tiny dirt bike to set you free.
This is EXACTLY the kind of stuff I talk to my hairdresser about--sharing woo woo since 1982.
Thank you, Tereza! Love the way you put it! 😆
Of course you do. I need to find a different hairdresser...
Great essay, Mary! I loved it. I think people are so ready to think and act beyond the limited world view that has been imposed on us for so long, and by many of the individuals and institutions that we have cherished and held in such high esteem. It makes you sick to think about it, especially considering all the suffering, loss, and injustice that has been endured by so many, for no reason, over these last several years alone. There's no denying it any longer. We may know only a smidgen of the truth at this point, but we know a lie now when we hear or see one, and that's enough to get started. Hey, speaking of the X-Files which I think you mentioned, "The Truth is Out There", so let's go get it!! Thanks, Mary.
I totally agree, Ronnie. There is a huge swath of the population now that KNOWS there's more than meets the eye, and as you said, that's enough to get started. And as more and more people share their smidgen-drops (like you're now doing with Sacred Notions), we create the tsunami.
Thank you for the great comment. xox!
Wonderful Mary! ❤️❤️ I will not forget your story, which very much underscores your point.
Thanks, CM! xox
I don't know 'The Telepathy Tapes' but I do know the woo, the placebo effect, and that people experience unexplained communications and cures. Can't erase those things.
So well written and insightful observations about science and the religion of scientism.
cant wait to listen to the podcast
Hi Mary, very brave of you to share your story, first heart-wrenching and later tear-inducing, of your mother's departure. Becausse the probability is that those who read it will likely divide into to camps (one much, muuch bigger than the other within these pages, I'd guess). One group of people who have also had uniquivocal experience of realities beyond the rational/material bubble, and are already with you, and another who will attribute your story to the human capacity for self-delusion. You knew that, and you put someting deeply personal and precious out there anyway. Bravo, I say, we live in times in which it is more and more important to speak the truth without being concerned about how certain parts of society might respond. The old paradigm may not go gently into the the night, but into the night it will go!!
Who, really, is believing bizarre things however? Years ago I was at a conference on such themes and one of the speakers spoke of how some particular conundrum about the nature of reality was being confronted by a 'materialiist skeptic' (skeptic that is, of the kind of phenomena you (and increasing numbers of scientists too, such as Rupert Sheldrake and Lyall Watson and perhaps to some extent Evelyn Fox-Keller) speak of, and how this particualr materialist skeptic got around the unexplained phenomenon in question by invoking the possibitily of parallel universes. And of how certain theoretical problems with the possibility of parallel universes was then worked around by suggesting that there must be an infinite number of them. The speaker closed their presentation by saying 'this just goes to show that a skeptic will believe anything'!
By the way, I LOVE the Voltaire quote “It is dangerous to be right in matters where established men are wrong.” That's virtually a history of the world in single sentence!
Thank you, Michael, for calling out bravery when you see it. I guess along with my caring less and less about facts, I'm also caring less and less about what people think. Been a long time coming...
Your own anecdote about the conference and its conclusions drawn made me laugh! Makes me think of Hamlet's "O God, I could be bounded in a nutshell, and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams." Actually, that fits perfectly in with Part II!!
Yeah, Voltaire nailed it.
Wonderful to hear from you here! xox