Labour of love is priceless and I’m so glad you wrote an homage for it. Mothers get it immediately. So the theatre folk. Any work that isn’t a transactional relationship with the world but the world benefits by it anyway speaks to my heart.
This made me laugh aloud: “and no ability to,
on occasion,
lift up to twenty-five pounds.”
And so did the last line. Equal opportunity employer, indeed!
Labour of love is priceless and I’m so glad you wrote an homage for it. Mothers get it immediately. So the theatre folk. Any work that isn’t a transactional relationship with the world but the world benefits by it anyway speaks to my heart.
This made me laugh aloud: “and no ability to,
on occasion,
lift up to twenty-five pounds.”
And so did the last line. Equal opportunity employer, indeed!
Labour of love is priceless and I’m so glad you wrote an homage for it. Mothers get it immediately. So the theatre folk. Any work that isn’t a transactional relationship with the world but the world benefits by it anyway speaks to my heart.
This made me laugh aloud: “and no ability to,
on occasion,
lift up to twenty-five pounds.”
And so did the last line. Equal opportunity employer, indeed!
Thanks, T! "work that isn’t a transactional relationship with the world but the world benefits by it anyway" is the perfect way to describe it.
Glad it made you laugh! Mission accomplished. 😊