That was a very interesting interview. One of the overlooked and odious architect of "nudge" theory is Cass Sunstein. He has been an extremely important, behind the scenes, player in both the Obama and Biden administrations. In 2008, Cass Sunstein laid out his “counterspeech” doctrine in his paper, “Conspiracy Theories.” He suggested that the U.S. government recruit “nongovernmental officials” to pose as “independent experts with information” so the U.S. government could “prod them into action from behind the scenes.” From 2009 to 2012, Cass Sunstein served in the Obama administration’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, then the President’s Review Board on Intelligence and Communications Technologies and the Pentagon’s Defense Innovation Board.

Since its inception in 2008, Sunstein’s “counterspeech” strategy has evolved into a preemptive, offensive doctrine used to shore up the holes in whatever non-oppositional ideology rules the day. Criticize Hillary Clinton? Trump supporter! Object to open borders? White Nationalist! Don’t want digital currency? Conspiracy theorist! Questions the war in Ukraine? Putinista! If public ridicule and shame does not dissuade critics, the alphabet soup agencies in Washington can always “nudge” the real arbiters of free speech in America today, the Sultans of Silicon Valley. Sunstein is married to Obama and Biden administration official Samantha Power and, among other things, the author of a book entitled "Nudge."

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Thanks for introducing Sunstein to us, Peter. I'd never heard of him... But he seems insidiously instrumental to keeping the controlling narrative alive. Have you read Nudge?

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No I couldn't bring myself to read it. I did read his seminal 2008 article "Conspiracy Theories."


Originally conceived as a strategy to dismiss anyone who raised questions about the official 9/11 narrative, our rulers soon found other uses for bolstering the non oppositional ideology de jour: Russiagate, COVID, immigration, Ukraine, the list goes on and on. Samantha Power and Cass Sunstein are neoliberalism's dynamic duo. That said, their project is now taking on water. As I wrote in one of my articles, I suspect that Sunstein is the emmince grise behind the immigration debacle and probably Russiagate. Lest we not forget, Power never offered a straight answer for her 260 "unmasking" requests in the final year of the Obama administration including the time between Trump's election and the inauguration.

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Just reading the abstract of that 2008 piece by Sunstein was enough for me, thank you very much. Actually, the first sentence was enough: "Many millions of people hold conspiracy theories; they believe that powerful people have worked together in order to withhold the truth about some important practice or some terrible event." Um, yeah. That's pretty much a definition of "victor-told history," no?

Thanks for the description of their project taking on water... I have to say, I'm not sad...

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I just inhaled the entire transcript. Quite fascinating. I want to dig in more into NLP and hypnosis and Pete’s YT channel and I still plan on making an appointment to see if I can unearth something of this ancestral trauma. It’s so hard to assess your own troubles, isn’t it? I can armchair psychoanalyse the world, but hard to gaze an inch into my own naval.

I wish I could see the video, but terrible internet prevents me. Will put a pin in it tho and return.

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It's amazing stuff, and YES, seeing into our own souls can be such a challenge. That's why we have friends 😉.

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Outstanding and fascinating interview. (And thank you so much for providing a transcript!)

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Glad you enjoyed it! And I always default to reading when there's a transcript. Which is why I so appreciate what you do, TB!

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Thanks for your kind words.

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Woo Hoo!! That WAS a "home run". I loved the whole thing! I took notes before I realized it had been transcribed. Thanks for that. This was soooo interesting, informative , enjoyable, etc. etc. So many things really got my attention. I saw myseslf in a number of places in the discussion. The one thing I wished I had heard 4 years ago was what Peter said about "rapport". That was, without a doubt, my biggest FUBAR with my friends, where I "fucked up beyond any repair or recognition." It was all my own fault. I just lost it when I tried to communicate with them. It became apparent that I was ultimately the one with the issue, for which I did seek help. Thank you, Rev. And thank you, Mary and Peter. This is another one to share with others for sure. xox

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So glad you got so much out of it, Rocket! And believe me, I had my own spectacular fubar with a family member. Just got so frustrated, I lost my composure completely -- and thereby lost her trust in me. Oh, if I could do it over again...

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Mary, I think you and I were both referred to as "aliens" by close friends or family members, if I remember correctly. Actually I kind of wear that badge proudly, if you know what I mean. lol

I do know what you mean about wishing you could do it over again, but then I learned so much from my FUBAR, so there is that.

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Great interview. I will definitely be checking out the blueskyhypnosis YouTube channel.

It's amazing how deeply held, limiting beliefs can be changed in such a short period of time.

Having such tools at our disposal gives us the capacity to completely transform our lives. We can even repurpose negative or limiting thoughts as pointers toward specific beliefs that we can change, and learn to do so on the fly.

Our thoughts, emotions and beliefs are the tools we use to create our lives. Noble Laureates more than a hundred years ago began to recognize that consciousness actually creates reality, or as they put it ‘matter is derived from consciousness’. These are profound scientific revelations.

Since then we’ve learned that this world is teeming with subtle energies, as EKGs and EEGs clearly demonstrate.

Our thoughts are like the frequency or channel of a signal we are transmitting into the world. The emotion we attach to that thought is the power level at which we transmit that signal. Together they make a belief that affects the world around us.

Combining this with the notion that consciousness creates reality ... (refer to Nobel Laureate Max Planck's many missives more than a hundred years ago through Bohr, Wheeler and many others up to Robert Lanza M.D.'s latest book Biocentrism), ... we begin to catch a faint glimpse of our own true potential.

To that end, my wife developed a method for reprogramming her own subconscious mind. She did this to overcome her decades long struggle with depression. Her method is a combination of a certain self-performed muscle testing technique to test the subconscious for a specific belief, and self hypnosis to replace the disabling belief with a better one, followed by another muscle test to make sure the new belief took hold. She's taught it and the science behind it to people who were clinically suicidal. It completely changed their lives. She recently taught it to a neurofeedback practitioner who used it on herself and loved it. I'm curious to see them capture some before and after images of their brains using an EEG. Hopefully they will collaborate and write a book soon.

I'm so glad to see so many people pursuing and embracing such tools to overcome their struggles. What Peter and Natalie and others like them are doing is truly a gift to the world. I cannot imagine a higher or better calling than setting people free.

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Wow, Bill -- the four of us are on the same wavelength, for sure. The work Natalie is doing sounds fantastic! If she is interested, Peter would very much like to compare notes with her. Much of what he does is very similar to her method. She can reach him at peter@blueskyhypnosis.com.

Thank you so much for your comprehensive, helpful comment!

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I'm sure she would be very interested in comparing notes with Peter. I will pass his contact info along to her. Thanks!

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Thanks for sharing. I don’t have a tv and always wonder if that is why so much of the mainstream narratives / hypnoses seem so laughably false to me. Is that something you’ve noticed people have in common?

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Yes! We got rid of our tv for about 15 years -- basically our entire three children's childhoods. Best thing we did as parents: https://marypoindextermclaughlin.substack.com/p/best-thing-we-ever-did-as-parents

But it was great for us, too. I do think that tv-free people are WAY more able to see through the bullshit; how could they not? Their minds haven't been softened up to accept the "reality" presented to them. What made you decide to not have one?

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Never had one. I think it’s just so bossy / clickbait-y that it just makes me annoyed.

I do play on my phone way too much, but at least I can be selective with what I’m exposed to.

The people I know who never believed much propaganda don’t use their tvs often.

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I took notes all the way through this excellent interview, belatedly remembering there was a transcript ;-0 There's so much I learned about how to approach topics where people are already on the defense. I found this extremely enlightening and helpful. I'll be referring to it in a future article on a Covid Retrospective.

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So glad it was helpful, Tereza. Pete laughed out loud when I told him we have to visit the Garage Majal -- that name is priceless! xox

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What a fascinating discussion. And what an impressive husband you have!

Thank you for sharing this, Mary. Really helpful information.

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Thanks, Kathleen. He's pretty nifty. 😊

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wull that's sure a nice honor fer yer hubby an' hopefully the exposure will get more folks ta tune inta his work--I've held the hypnosis angle as a piece of the puzzle fer awhile (more n' once referred ta the fascinatin' work of Jason Christoff--nice Peter also uses it "for good" but of course, even beyond MKUltra an' the Mockin'boid media--we know it's been used for "not good" or worse--the power of it Peter described so well--I really kinda key'd inta the part where he talks about kids wearin' the same stuff or all gettin' jabbed as a form of hypnosis that needs little outside pressure... I wonder if those 've us outliers who never caved were also the ones that didn't conform dress-wize or anythin'-else-wize? (That soitely would'a been me! when I went ta a skool that had uniforms even then I got in hot warter all the time for refusin' ta wear it "right" ("accessorize" was the word of my accusers, ha!)--an' it galled me ta bits as unlike the kids that blew off their homework, cut classes, I wuz one'a the good students when it came ta larnin'--but they just could not DEAL with my thinkin' their rules were ridiculous!) I do wonder if that resistance starts early per yer husband, in his experience. Did' ya really think he was off his cracker when this plandemic started? Wowee--I'm SURE ya caught on quick! Whatta tale 'bout the big C an' Lyme same day!

Seems like we're on the same plane (not air but mebbe ether?) b/c just this week in my first postin' 'bout the Eeek-Lips! (https://thcsofdaisymoses.substack.com/p/the-total-soul-lure-eclipse ) I went inta some detail 'bout the yin and the yang -- an' also how we don't need ta fear / reject / revile the darkness (I don't mean association with evil--I mean absence of light which kin be a comfort--it's where we all started!) ALSO jus' today I mentioned the Ashe experiment- in one comment on a post I made-that meebbe other states'll stop the chem-trailin' if even just a few foller the lead of Tennessee... once it reaches that number folks don't see con-trails (tho they'ze conned) but mebbe will finally see them pile-lots 're playin' tic-tac-toe with our lives (the poison game...). Anywho, it's interestin' that my thoughts on odd pernts crossed with Peters by chance.

Goes without sayin' I did indeed enjoy the interview! I'm wonderin' if mebbe you an' her hubby might do a helpful join' postin' sort of condensin' an' parsin' some of the tips 'bout how to talk to others to let them hear some helpful info? As Peter said, folks dig in their heels when ya try ta argue with 'em--so I've larned! But gettin' more specifics on the use of certain words or approaches--that would help mightily! ALSO I'm'a thinkin' (ahead) that such an approach might help when my girls enter college (pendin' for one, the other's doin' pre-college musical the-ate-er so she'll meet more "normies" herself)... but anywho--in terms of education where kids are gonna enter an environment where many around 'em are pre-programmed. Young gal just had a prof (pre college stuff she's doin') that insists "there is NO Western Civilization" an' ta suggest that is "Racist." Another one (philosophy) argued for predictive euthanasia when organs will be useful if extracted before death. She's gotta good head on her shoulders but havin' TOOLS fer this stuff is the best kinda kit possible! (Lordy, we never had such troubles in college, did we Mary? The blessin' of homeschoolin' is I missed a lotta kid-groomin' thought-wise, wasn't even on my radar until recently--I gotta write the education postin'--anywho--mebbe you guys as a dynamic n' cool duo could figger out a way to give us some pernters?!

off ta git a cup ta ketch a hornet (we got hornets nests now SOMEWHERE unseen in the house an' the little buzzers are frequentin' the livin' space far too often!--the roof rats finally left, gave way ta lil' brown mice (they'ze still here...sigh), one unidentified animule that leaves gnawed bones an' gristle IN our basement!--an' HORNETS!) We also found a dead bat there... I guess he flew here from WooHan!

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