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I love this, Mary. When you wrote the part about parents at an Easter Egg Hunt watching their child blow past every egg lying right out in the open, it brought back a very sweet memory for me from 50 years ago of our oldest son. Visuals help me to grasp meaning and that description really did. And as I read I kept wondering, who are "they"? But I digress, lol. Luckily for us, the universe is very patient and forgiving affording us numerous opportunities to finally read the writing on the wall. Thanks though for this reminder to pay closer attention, as Cathy Whelehan commented.

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Thanks, Rocket. Somewhere in one of my storage facilities (yes, I have multiple 🙄) I have a picture of my oldest son at 7 or 8, looking down at the ground, with an egg at eye level right next to him. It's priceless. Wished I could've included it!

Who are they? I'm curious what you think...😊

Cathy W is a soul-sister of mine from way back. She co-runs an organization called BeLovedNow that helped me so much: https://belovednow.org/

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Mary, "Who ARE "they?" " Indeed! I went back and reread your poem and off the top of my head I decided that "they" are most likely one's spiritual guides (whoever they are), our guardian angels, ancestors, one's soul, IDK. Then I did a search and found an article which said that we each have a "spiritual guidance squad". I had no idea. I only just within the last year started communicating with my soul, thanks to 'you know who', but I need to be constantly reminded to do so. Anyway, in my search I found this article right off the bat and I thought it was pretty good for starters. https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/who-is-on-your-spiritual-guidance-squad Thanks a lot for your comment above. I would have just continued to "blow past" all the other signs that were written in your poem, and only take away that one memory of my son. EEww! I can be so dense sometimes! LOL

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You are the furthest thing from dense!

Great article. Pretty much covers all the bases... xox

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