I love your counselor's advice, Philip! I was once so frustrated with consensus decision making at the Grange, a volunteer farmer network, that I developed a process called ENABLED. I just found it on an old computer and copied it into a draft. It's an acronym that starts with "Enter the room with respect for each person's integrity and …
I love your counselor's advice, Philip! I was once so frustrated with consensus decision making at the Grange, a volunteer farmer network, that I developed a process called ENABLED. I just found it on an old computer and copied it into a draft. It's an acronym that starts with "Enter the room with respect for each person's integrity and desire to bring about a solution that works for all." But I also notice how words I used then, like stakeholders, have been weaponized and were being used back then to paralyze any progress. It was woke before I had a word for it.
At the meeting that I was to lead and introduce this process, there was a coup of 'who put you in charge?' and it dissolved into bickering about the process of deciding who would lead the meeting. That was when I fully and completely gave up on the Grange, to which I'd devoted many years. Volunteer groups are notorious for people who have a little corner of power, something they don't have in their lives, and they guard it fiercely. It makes corporate hierarchies into a pleasure to deal with by comparison, where competency counts. Give me a committee of 3 with 2 absent any day.
ENABLED... I like it. I'm sorry you never got a chance to use it! I swear, Tereza, you are a woman whose time is just around the corner, I can feel it... xox
I love your counselor's advice, Philip! I was once so frustrated with consensus decision making at the Grange, a volunteer farmer network, that I developed a process called ENABLED. I just found it on an old computer and copied it into a draft. It's an acronym that starts with "Enter the room with respect for each person's integrity and desire to bring about a solution that works for all." But I also notice how words I used then, like stakeholders, have been weaponized and were being used back then to paralyze any progress. It was woke before I had a word for it.
At the meeting that I was to lead and introduce this process, there was a coup of 'who put you in charge?' and it dissolved into bickering about the process of deciding who would lead the meeting. That was when I fully and completely gave up on the Grange, to which I'd devoted many years. Volunteer groups are notorious for people who have a little corner of power, something they don't have in their lives, and they guard it fiercely. It makes corporate hierarchies into a pleasure to deal with by comparison, where competency counts. Give me a committee of 3 with 2 absent any day.
ENABLED... I like it. I'm sorry you never got a chance to use it! I swear, Tereza, you are a woman whose time is just around the corner, I can feel it... xox