Oh, Mary. In my wish today - How good can it get? - I truly hope your beautiful reflections here are widely amplified. (And not because you kindly included my recent stack - though thank you for that!)

As you so capably do, you've weaved many elements here masterfully.

Your encounter with a relative you love, who confidently claims a whole swat of the population in such ungenerous terms, is sadly, very relatable. On my little block in CT, specked with Harris signs, the houses of the occupants are friends of mine. I'll see several of them on Tuesday for book club, and I both look forward to that and carry a dread because I know I'll be listening to the same kind of confident - even certainty - about who the problem is in our country. In honesty, 15 or so years ago, I would have joined in.

I navigate those moments by reminding myself they are good people, whose minds are captured. POW's in a sense.

I will drop small, un-confrontational phrases, to dilute the field of anxiety and anger - "Well, the Trump supporters I know want the same things Harris supporters I know want." I'll reference the media's frenzy and note that I won't watch any of it. I'll be careful about how much wine I imbibe.

In my own way then I'll try to be a voice of sanity. My partner recently asked why I stay in the book club and it was an immediate answer. I love them. I feel sorry for them. And, I want to help.

I trust the numbers of us who see the script and how we are being played - pawns in someone else's story - is growing. I agree with Visceral Adventure too, that it won't matter who wins, not in the larger and more important ways.

And I loved this:

"Our job is to feed ourselves daily, with whatever nurtures and amps up the love and light at the core of our beings… and then pick up our collective pens. We really no longer need The Producers to provide a storyboard to conclude this bizarre reality show."

Thank you for your clear and wise voice here, Mary. More, please. :-)


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It's a strange, humbling feeling, is it not? To know that 15 years ago (or less for me) I would have joined the chorus of blame with nary a whiff of conscience or regret. I think that's why I share your sadness and desire to help. I love them, too.

Your recent essay was/is so beautifully perfect to include here; it dovetailed so sweetly. I feel such a kinship to you and the ideas you express! Thank you for your vision, Kathleen. Clarity and wisdom are your bailiwick, too, ya know... xox!

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Yes both strange and humbling. And, it used to also provide a good dollop of hope - hey I saw through it, so will they - which has not really gone as I thought. So I'm guessing the 'program' is more penetrating than I realized. Still those cosmic frequencies we keep hearing about suggests many more will catch on.🤞

Very kind, Mary. Thank you. I feel that kinship too. :-) xoxo

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Yeah, it's not going as I thought, either. My husband and I were just discussing the "program" and its staggering capture. I've decided that, like the old lightbulb joke, people have to want to change -- and so many really, truly, do not want that.

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With respect, there is one side MUCH more inclined to “othering”, ostracization, cruelty & violence than the other. Generally speaking - & understanding there are both good & bad actors on both sides - during the scamdemic, it was the left much more likely to “other” & ostrasize their families, friends, neighbors, co-workers & total strangers who defied mask & jab mandates, social distancing & lockdown. Who questioned the idiocy of what was going on & cared deeply about loss of freedom & bodily autonomy, only to be mocked, shamed, called terrible names & a desire to exclude us from life & wished death upon us.

So too the same side that committed extreme violence over George Floyd as compared to J6 protesters, w/ the BLM riots & rioters described as “mostly peaceful protests” as looting, burning buildings & antifa thugs beat people up (or murdered them) in the background on the news. Ominously, social distancing in effect at that time was suspended but only for the thugs because raaaaaacism. Or something.

Egged on by the politicians & celebrities of that “side” & more specifically the current democrat presidential candidate was literally raising bail $$ for the criminals - none of whom have been punished, while J6 people who merely wandered the halls of the capitol building languish in deplorable conditions w/ out due process.

And under which administration has our border been thrown open to every criminal / gang / terrorist to overwhelm the populace, social services & culture?

Under which administration has this law been revived or modified to allow our military to turn their guns on their brother & sister citizens & on American soil, no less?

I can absolutely buy that - as Neil Oliver has said - the political parties are 2 cheeks of the same arse - & that in many ways it’s picking the lesser of 2 evils, neither of which seem to care very much about the citizenry or the country.

Except that this time - w/ the growing howls for censorship, the unhinged lawfare, “othering” (deplorables & worse), ostracization & violence from the left cheek, it truly feels like we really are in a final battle between good & evil & the outcome will affect the whole world.

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I completely understand where you're coming from, Cindi. The side that holds power right now has been and is wielding it fiercely. Yet that hasn't always been the case. History shows the power pendulum swinging from side to side, following (in general) the moneyed interests.

From reading your follow-up comment, I can tell that you and I are on the same page in terms of wanting to forgive and have compassion for those who don't seem to realize that their actions are hurtful; it's not easy to put into practice always!

We are all more alike than not, but that's not what's drummed into us, especially at election time. I do think that the goal, always, in every election, is to keep us all powerless, distracted, and divided, so that we don't even have a moment to drop into our fertile imaginations and consider alternatives to ANYTHING.

I so appreciate your honesty in your comments, and your presence here.

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Thanks so much, Mary. For better AND worse, I am a “glass half empty” gal as a defense mechanism to disappointment or fear or despair & everything else. If I can envision a bad outcome & it comes to pass, I am prepared; if it doesn’t, I can be pleasantly surprised. Win-win (at least for me).

But you write beautifully & with such inspiration & aspiration that things can / will / or at least might be better. I can appreciate the optimism even if I have doubts!

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I am married to a glass half empty man! Your description is perfect! During the past few weeks I've recently come to appreciate his view of the world even more; during the past two hurricanes, our house survived b/c he insisted when we were looking for a home that we buy one that was high up and as far from a flood zone as possible. I, on the other hand, was Little Miss Optimist and thought we could surely get one of the cuter ones near the bayou... I've thanked him multiple times since then. 😂

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I agree, and feel choosing one side will just buy us a little time at best. How best to use that time?

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Indeed! That's THE question, Kathryn. (BTW, you sound like Kathleen Devanney... have you read her stuff?)

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I wish I knew, Kathryn. Surely getting right w/ God, making amends to those we’ve hurt & loving our family & friends & spending quality time with/ them. Even tho I’ve clearly picked a “side” w/ my initial comments, I’ve hated no one & always just ever wanted to be left alone & have a very live & let live as others see fit (long as it’s legal & age of majority). I still have liberal friends even though some treated me unkindly. But since 2020 & surely well before that, government wants to intrude on every aspect of our lives & God-given right to freedom & privacy.

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One other thought: more & more people globally are awakening to the sinister plans. If we had a little more time (4 years), more will awaken?

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I agree with you

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Bless you. I posted just a couple weeks ago that "they" don't care which candidate "wins." Either will do as told, or else... They want chaos & strife, even to civil war, to justify lockdowns (incarceration), cbdc's, rationing, & who know what else!

I refuse to play their game. 🤷 I already don't watch any mainstream anything beyond weather forecast. Let teevee go a decade ago & netflix 8 years ago. I will not vote. I know who is my Lord & King.

I barely even listen to the radio anymore. Enough to record favorite songs & listen to those instead, steeping myself in his love.

(Advice to those who get started on this path. It can attract Satan's attention & his minions can be very sneaky about how they try to infiltrate! Music is great at drowning them out 😁)

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Bless you, too, SBW! I admire your dedication to the path of truth and steadfastness in the face of minions. I agree about music -- it's ALL about vibration! xox

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Notice how both the DemoCRIPS and RepubliBLOODS will bitch and moan about voting shit like mail in ballots, illegals, corruption in counting , hacking etc....

But they'll never state the obvious elephant in the room...


no hacking needed....

So they already sELECT the president. We just get the fake control. Even if voting wasn't likely rigged, both mainstream candidates pretty much do the same fkin exact shit.

Clinton was the one who got right wing pro corporate crap passed.

Stalin said that it doesn't matter who you vote for, it matters who counts the votes.

The election hoopla including the electoral college narrative is there to get people worried about who wins.

But since COVID, people are less confident in politicians and corporations. Even the WEF knows that they are losing trust.

Perhaps that's why they changed to pro wrestling entertainment narratives! 😂 🤡

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"DemoCRIPS and RepubliBLOODS" -- that's perfect! 😂

John Carter talked about how voting is really just a substitution for violence, historically, so maybe we should just let each candidate duel for the position. We'd definitely narrow the field of potential candidates!

Thanks for the comment, Rob.

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Didn't candidates duel each other in the movie Idiocracy? 😂

They're basically dueling these days with all the shit being thrown out there. WWE politics.

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True that.

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A combination of spectacle, distraction and division seems to be the best way to manipulate people, even (and maybe especially) intelligent, good-hearted types. I think certain people / groups have known this for a long time; but I think they may be getting better and better at this because of new technologies.

We need to go back to the basics, think for ourselves, keep an open mind, avoid the firehose of questionable “information”, and then we all should vote.

Hopefully we’ll elect good, non-ideological people, and they will make our elections as fair as possible, and then be responsive to the reasonable wants and needs of the voters. . . Am I dreaming?

Fifty years ago, it was popular (and true) to say there was little substantive difference between the two parties - not so now. Great post.

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I love your dream! Why should electing "good, non-ideological people, and they will make our elections as fair as possible, and then be responsive to the reasonable wants and needs of the voters" be a DREAM, for crying out loud? It's so reasonable!!

I agree, too, that tech is making it far, far easier to manipulate us all. All the more reason to do exactly what you suggest: go back to basics. I think that includes stepping out of the machine as fully and as often as possible.

Thanks for your comment, Gym+Fritz!

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Beautiful and compelling. I shared with my family, whom we just had loving but intense convos recently. Interesting to read this this morning, after getting mad at my husband last night. The source of getting mad - my deepest wounded parts so badly want to be seen by him. And when he can't see them, I get mad and start blaming him. As I read your piece, it made me think about how susceptible we all are to dividing, blaming, othering, because we all have these wounded parts. If we weren't so wounded, the blaming wouldn't work. We'd know our own power and our security no matter what some one else believes or chooses to do.

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Oh Marta... I am honored that you're willing to share such honest feelings here. You're so right: we all have wounds that we want witnessed, and so much of our anger and blame is generated from those unseen places. I've certainly felt that -- with my own husband, in fact. There were years of resentment, where I was convinced that he was responsible for the choices I made that I regretted. Seriously, we were on the verge of divorce. Stepping out of that belief -- and into my own power -- did wonders for our relationship.

Your observation that it's the wounds underneath it all is spot-on. I had to do a lot of soul-searching and healing of deep, old stuff to get to the point of being able to shift my no-longer-useful beliefs.

Blessings on your relationships with your family; may there be healing for you and with them on all levels. xox

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"As I read your piece, it made me think about how susceptible we all are to dividing, blaming, othering, because we all have these wounded parts. If we weren't so wounded, the blaming wouldn't work. We'd know our own power and our security no matter what some one else believes or chooses to do." 🎯

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Thank you Mary. This is a a position- a rational illumination I can resonate with and yes, vote for- unlike anything or any one on a ballot this November. Our work to be leaders of love and light is needed now more than ever. Spread the word!!

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One hundred percent, Kate. That IS our work. xox

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And the other reason for the season is even simpler but just as WWE'ish.

Sell tickets. Keep us engaged.

What would happen if you put on an election and no-one showed up to vote?

What would happen if you held a tax day and no-one bothered to file?

What would happen if you started a war, but both sides went to breakfast instead of fighting?

All we have to do is wake up from our long slumber and realize no-one controls us, and stop choosing those things where we act like they do.

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I agree. It's also a huge jolt of freedom to realize that no one controls you, and I think for many, it's scary. If you let go of the illusion of control, what would that mean for your life, your choices?

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Delighted at seeing you finding a way (yet again!) to expand the heart and allow love to set in. I often get so trapped in earthly thoughts, like little monkeys getting caught in the cogs of my brain, no, not just my brain, my spirit! You and Kathleen so naturally snap into love mode. But I feel drawn to allowing more love in. Argh! I have to tell you guys what I was told today. I’ll save it for the zoom though. You’re gonna need a crank to get your jaws off the floor.

As a side note, it is just a little too much fun to razz both democrats and republicans. I know I shouldn’t find delight in it, but I can’t help but watch how cringy they get. I’m sorry. I’m still on a very low bar of enlightenment. I can’t help myself.

But! Your theatre reference I totally get. Duh! And yes, I am all about changing the overarching goal. Even if we’re unclear about each character’s individual objective. Just allow me to clown the evangelists no matter what jersey they’re wearing while doing the work. It’s for moral.

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Okay, so you've piqued my interest no end. I'll wait to hear the jaw-dropping info... but if it's for public consumption, will you pretty-please put it in the comments later?

I get totally spun out in earthly thoughts myself! It's just part of the game, the push-pull of being both human and divine. The trick is to keep loving oneself, no matter what, and keep coming back over and over. And over.

PLEASE don't apologize for the delight! I've often said that if we were all enlightened, most comedy as we know it would die. Fortunately, we're NOT enlightened, far from it, and humor is therefore one of our most essential lifelines on this crazy planet. Keep clowning, T, and let me join you sometimes, too... xox

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With upmost pleasure, we'a make a divine buffoon duo!

I will come back for the comment for the public eye, just can't yet!

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Mary! This is such a fabulous post, so interesting. You make so much sense, and you are so decent and fair in your assessment of both sides. I love the way you used your knowledge of theatre to frame your take on this election spectacle, which I'd call a farce but only there's nothing humorous about it, and if it weren't so pathetically sad and didn't make such a mockery of all of us citizens. Your comments on The Producers' end game being divisiveness, hatred, and civil war is right on the money. I think though that you are a true Apocaloptimist leaning heavy toward the "optimist" part. Thanks for all your efforts to help bring us all together and giving us so much to think about. You really make it hard for a person to dismiss the truth of what you say and continue being stubborn and resistant. You could have had a career in law with your ability to be so convincing. xox

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Thanks, Rocket! It IS a farce, no doubt about it, and by calling it such I don't think you're out of line. Yes, it does make a mockery of us... AND it is in our human nature to seek humor as a respite from the trials of the world. I think viewing the whole thing with as light a heart as possible is actually a wonderful way to defuse it, IMHO.

Speaking of trials, what a kind comment about a law career. Next lifetime! 😂 xox

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Much truth in what'cha write Mary (an' ditto fer Tonika's take)--BUT I ALSO fear folks fall fer the con of "equivalencies" that takes away OUR agency, OUR ability ta have an effect on the world 'round us--an' just like Tavistock encourages us ta "drop out" (with or without the lsd!)

The idear that "yer vote won't count so why botha?" or "the system's endlessly corrupt so... why botha?" is groomin' us to give up any (little?) agency we have (which we DO have).

Let's say sumbuddy said OH it duzn't matter if you fight ta git fluoride removed from the water--the EPA's bought an' paid fer--TRUE but.... Some folks that didn't just say it's "inevitable" sued the EPA in the ongoin' 50+ year battle ta git fluoride outta the water system an'... they WON.

Bobbie Anne Cox who here'bouts in NY fought HoHOHocul against the Quarantine Camps KNEW the system was flawed an' skewed in Hochul's favor--but she won an' when they appealed an' revoked that win--she kept fightin'! B/c the BATTLE itself woke people up... way more are aware there ARE these "camps" an' our HoHoHochul can weaponize the law ta lock us up in 'em... So it's a win even with a loss... an' bless Bobbie Ann for fightin' within the system cuz it's all we got...

Then they set up "equivalencies"--right now the sayin' goes that due ta corruption the democraps (this from a former lefty!) are the "same" as the "republicons"--but that's not QUITE true in spite a rhinos an' rotters in the woiks... imho it's not just a small diff, it's fairly big... time'll tell but to drop out 'til the system is FAIR is a con... if enuf vote they may not be able to rig the system as wuz done before... (?) If enuf folks spit in the well they'll HAVE TO clean it up (lol)!

So this "it's all the same" thing just makes folks feel fatigued an' useless--even if we know it's not "quite" the same at all ;-) -- just as organic (however it's been infiltrated by BigAg) is STILL not the same as conventional.... tho' BigFood tries ta convince ya they are exactly the same an' folks are just throwin' their $$$ away on organic cuz it's the same Co's involved (true when not goin' ta local farmers) but it ain't a zero-sum game... if we fail to put our $ inta organics or inta supportin' our local nofa farmers--the second option disappears... makin' sense?

Also everyone who ain't perfect is labeled counterintel or a gatekeeper an' ALL their good work dismissed! This is a con in itself ta git folks ta drop out an' be apathetic... by all means vote fer the lesser evil as some good may come from it (imho)

But takin' a side is not of course showin' full confidence in the system--it's takin' a CHANCE some part of the system, however flawed, will be better than just droppin' out

The most compellin' argue-mint I've heard for why we should vote is below--I've only excerpted a part of it but Miri (who writes really "massive" missives lol!) writes from the UK but her words of caution kin also reach us in the US too (imho)... If ya wanna read more than I've pasted just search for "abstaining, or participating" but here's a start!



So, what made more of a positive difference in that scenario: abstaining, or participating?

Participating, because that - being active rather than passive - always makes more of a difference.

That's why such a monumental psy-op has been sewn in convincing you not to vote. It's because the group the establishment wants to neutralise the most, are the anti-establishment activists (the "anti-vaxxers", the "conspiracy theorists" etc) - so, the establishment has successfully prevented these groups from having any formal political influence by entirely excising them from the political process.

The establishment has always wanted to exclude such people from politics, and they used to do it by force - when only a tiny percent of the population was allowed to vote, essentially only wealthy establishment men - but they've since realised it's far more effective not to use explicit force, but rather, to get you to exclude yourself by making you believe that is the radical, subversive thing to do

Actually, you're just letting their chosen candidate walk in.

The phrase repeated ad nauseum in the conspiraverse is "if voting made a difference, they wouldn't let you do it", but the reality is the opposite: "if NOT voting made a difference, they wouldn't let you do it."

Read that again.

If not voting had the effect its advocates claim it has - undermining the system, delivering a seismic blow to the evil overlords, putting pressure on them to replace the current system with something better, etc - do you really think it would be so easy to do?

Not voting is literally the easiest thing in the world, which takes no energy, no effort, no time - nothing.


Proles to the polls?....

French fry anyone???? (NOT from the Arches tho' lol)

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Daisy, I hope this essay didn't convey a mistaken impression that I'm a fan of sitting on one's hands -- though I could see how it might. Not my intention AT ALL. I just wanted to encourage us all to take deep breath and lift up out of the trenches to perhaps see a broader picture.

I have to say, I disagree with the claim that "not voting is literally the easiest thing in the world." I feel like that's similar to saying that practicing nonviolence is the easiest thing in the world -- after all, you're doing nothing, right?

I agree that passivity is encouraged in order to keep us all from taking down power structures that need to topple, AND knowing when to take action and when not to is an art. Sun Tzu said, "He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight." I have the UTMOST respect and gratitude for Bobbi Ann Cox, and for others who've blown whistles, brought legislation, exposed corruption, and the like.

I also agree R and L are not the same, but I would argue that globocap has plans in place no matter which one wins. Which doesn't mean you shouldn't vote, it just means we need to keep our eyes on the puppeteers, not the puppets. Which I know you know.

Voting, like all possible actions we can take, is such a personal decision. I've already voted here in FL, and am glad I did, but I do recognize and respect others' disgust at having to vote for someone they loathe, or their heartfelt decision to opt out of the system entirely. Just like I respect people who still live in NYS -- for whatever reason -- even though they view the NY gov't as oppressive. I don't think there are easy answers to all the excellent points you raise. I guess ultimately I think we all have our own paths to walk.

Always grateful for your insights.

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yup, an' I hear ya--I shared Miri's missive as some food fer thought not agreein' with every word so much as the scenty-mint--that we must think about what we give up in throwin' our hands up in the air. For some, it's an act of protest an' not defeat, this I know. It's not that I sensed you were recusin' yerself or suggestin' others should--but ruther you touched upon the idea of that option an' I feel that such a choice bears a 2nd look--no more/ no less. Many aren't lookin' at all--they're just walkin' the other way!

I see around me a lotta "why botha?" WITH very much a "we are doomed" outlook--yup, it's lookin' BLEAK but I feel that EVEN in a bought/sold paradigm your vote CAN have some weight if enuf of us do the same--even in this definitely broken system. So my take on what Miri said is that it's not so much "easy" as it is at least as I'm hearin' it--(somewhat) defeatest... or potentially so...

If votin' were just an energetic endeavor, mebbe just puttin' the energy IN vs withdrawin' it... no matter for whom even!--might just help hold up the framework long enuf for sum'buddy ta put a shim under it, scaffold it so it doesn't fully collapse.

I like yer paintin' a bigger picture--I just threw in the idea of hangin' on to that brush even with the bristles shot... who knows what we might draw (a longer straw perhaps?!), even with such a handicap ... or as Scarlett O'Hara one said..."Tomorrow is another day!"... ;-)

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Wow I like your franc-parlé

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So many things I love in this post, Mary. Rewriting the ending to this script--yes!!! Such a power. Keeping your heart full in the midst of the insanity. I just titled a draft 'The Banality of Virtue.' That's what I feel like we're seeing. It's an empty gesture, signifying nothing, blowing from both sides.

The DoD language, "to ensure a balance between national security and the protection of civil liberties" is telling. It's not a balance between the security and liberty of the people, only between this concept of control called a country and the freedom of its inhabitants.

I see Cindi's point that one side is more inclined to viciousness in their characterizations of the other. Yet, isn't even that comment a statement of inherent moral superiority? It doesn't ask why liberals are this way, now, unlike ever before at this fevered pitch. It assumes this is just how they are.

If Trump was the Great Setup to the Great Reset, then Trump Derangement Syndrome was the PsyOp from the start. To say that others are deranged and your side is simply rational just plays your part.

But to continue to play my part at this Spinal Tap 11 (great reference), and to close this tab, this video that Pasheen reposted on Kamala is worth a watch. Not to endorse Trump, of course, but to reinforce that we've reached a particular nadir in our choices: https://x.com/bennyjohnson/status/1850233429159219307.

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"Banality of Virtue" -- ooh, that's good. Yes! If something can be "signalled," then it's probably skin-deep, no?

Great point about the language of the DoD! And what does "ensure a balance" even mean? It's so entirely subjective -- one person's "balance" is another's "lopsided."

Yes, the question really to ask is always "why." It's always far more illuminating to the big picture. You specialize in why, I'd say. 😊

Whoa... just watched the video. Thanks.

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P.S. If you watch the rest of Kamala's talk about "the stroke of a pen," you realize she was warning about the dangers of power overreach. The ad very skillfully took the part of her talk that would make her seem utterly deranged, insensitive, and power-hungry. She may be all of those things, I don't know, but having done commercials and created videos myself, I'm all too aware of how easy it is to use that medium to skew perceptions. Having said that, I agree: it's still a nadir in terms of choices!!

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When I open my iPad the Notes icon appears with my last note. I don’t use this app much and I was tired of seeing my last note next to the weather icon. I opened Notes and typed VOTE into the program. In the line below where some other algorithm/ program or very artificial “intelligence” impersonator suggested as my next word in MY note- BLUE. I typed RED.

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Wow. That's amazing and creepy and oh so perfect. Thanks, T.L.!

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First, I want to thank MAA for posting a quote and this article in Notes, Mary. I recognize your name (maybe from MAA or Notes?).

I read through some comments and the one’s that resonated most were Cindi’s. I won’t go into any detail, but I was so ostracized, vilified, yelled at, spat at…if you can think of more nasty behaviors, they were all thrust upon me.

My own mum, called me an Idiot for refusing the poison Covid jab.

I am no longer super duper angry, but I will not accept that I am deplorable or garbage. I have a few threads left of my sense of civility and dignity.

I am a woman of faith in God and this has helped me forgive those that toss hurtful words just because I want to live freely.

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I recognize your name, too! I think we may frequent the comment sections of many fellow TruthStackers.

The treatment you describe receiving at the hands of fellow human beings -- including your MOTHER, of all people?? -- is despicable and wrenching to read. I'm so sorry, KatWarrior. You deserved better.

There is nothing quite so inspiring as witnessing forgiveness like the kind you were able to summon from the very depths of your soul. I admire your faith, and your resilience -- living freely as you do is what everyone says they want, but few are willing to do the excruciating work to arrive at true freedom. You have much to teach us all.

Thank you for being here, and for this beautiful comment. xox

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I agonize every single day, Mary. The day in October 2021 that my mum did call me an idiot, I never talked to her again until the medical system killed her September 8, 2022.

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This breaks my heart. I pray that both of you find peace...❤️

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It's insane. You did an excellent job, as always, Mary, describing the insanity. I'm staying centered and spending more time in the woods now that the deer flies are gone. I'd rather be with the trees than discuss politics. Although I am going to a potluck tomorrow night. 😳😳 I rarely go out, even when it's not an election year. :)

I've been listening to a lot of astrologers and believe that we're definitely going to see CHAOS, things will continue to be revealed, and old systems are falling apart. I find it fascinating...the chart of the US and all the can-di-dates. I am going to vote - it'll take just an hour out of my day in my tiny town. Even if voting is rigged, I still feel like it's a better-safe-than-sorry situation. I might even wear my Make American Healthy Again hat. Yes, I bought one. Go Bobby! :) I might get punched...this is an uber-liberal town of Massachusetts transplants and yes, most of them are very nice people. I wore it to the farmer's market one Saturday and one of the farmers, who I love, stared at my hat and said "Are you ok????" 😂 It's all so silly. XOXO

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Oh man... the woods are definitely the place to be right now. How did the potluck go??

I agree: chaos is coming, we can all feel it. I think that's why I was so moved to write what I did. I just want people to take a breath and try to see things from at least a FEW feet above the fray...

Your story about the farmer's market is so, so funny and so, so absurd. What did you say in return to "Are you okay???" I'm curious... XOX

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I don’t remember what I said! I’m not really quick with comebacks like George Costanza in the Jerk Store episode. 😂 Do you remember it?

Just getting back from the potluck. My socialization for the next month. 😂 Yes everyone…let’s remember to breathe. 🌲 🌲 🌲 💚

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« both sides are wrong — and both sides are right »

« it doesn’t actually matter which side wins the election »

US citizens must see that this election is historic and see their own responsability in saving our precious democracy : our right to choose. Our right to be human.

The global-elite-deep-state-satanists, rooted in the richest corporations, mostly based in US, with western countries, yes also and mainly in your country, is about to finalise its total grab on the world and to eradicate any freedom for the little people we are. For this they need to totally control the US military force and politics, combined with NATO, WEF, etc. they already control.

The democrats have facilitate the power grab in any way possible. Democrats are totally captured.

They must be stopped.

You must vote to stop the destruction of any democracy in the world.

You have a duty to resist, as a true member of humanity.

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I hear you Johanne... and I've heard the exact same thing from the left, down to the exact phraseology. Is it possible that you're 100% right and they're 100% wrong? Absolutely. I also happen to think that globocorp is playing the long game, not just banking on one side to win to achieve their ends. But that's just my opinion. Time will reveal all! Thanks for the comment.

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Thank you Mary, your are totally right that nobody is totally right or wrong. Me included. I salute your open mind regarding my comment, that might have offend some people.

I am very worried for the survival and coherence of this world.

This election is very crucial.

But I agree with you that change starts and ends within ourselves.

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