If what RFKjr is saying about childhood disease, vaccinations, and chronic diseases is anywhere close to being true, we need to something about these insidious problems now; maybe start with a 90-day special fact finding commission to publicly debate the meaning of the data that we have already, while concurrently developing and implemen…
If what RFKjr is saying about childhood disease, vaccinations, and chronic diseases is anywhere close to being true, we need to something about these insidious problems now; maybe start with a 90-day special fact finding commission to publicly debate the meaning of the data that we have already, while concurrently developing and implementing an aggressive course of action, to include special prosecutors.
Perhaps the only good thing to come out of Covid is that we now know that there are a lot of non-government, non-corporate, medical leaders (Bhattacharya, for one) that can be trusted to address medical issues with competence and honesty.
Can you imagine RFKjr running HHS, with Trump backing him up.
I'm in the middle of watching Tucker's interview of the sibling team that Bobby mentioned in his speech. The levels of duplicity and corruption in "healthcare" are astonishing. Truly. And I thought I had a pretty good grasp of it already 🙄.
Bobby in that role would be "straight fire" as Chris Bray might say...
If what RFKjr is saying about childhood disease, vaccinations, and chronic diseases is anywhere close to being true, we need to something about these insidious problems now; maybe start with a 90-day special fact finding commission to publicly debate the meaning of the data that we have already, while concurrently developing and implementing an aggressive course of action, to include special prosecutors.
Perhaps the only good thing to come out of Covid is that we now know that there are a lot of non-government, non-corporate, medical leaders (Bhattacharya, for one) that can be trusted to address medical issues with competence and honesty.
Can you imagine RFKjr running HHS, with Trump backing him up.
I'm in the middle of watching Tucker's interview of the sibling team that Bobby mentioned in his speech. The levels of duplicity and corruption in "healthcare" are astonishing. Truly. And I thought I had a pretty good grasp of it already 🙄.
Bobby in that role would be "straight fire" as Chris Bray might say...