Thanks Mary. For all his flaws, Bobby is the figure most responsible for mainstreaming anti-Jibby Jab discourse. And he has paid the price by being disowned by his family in the most public and humiliating way possible.
Not all of his family -- though the way the NYT et al present it, it might seem so. It's a very, actually very big family. I myself am distantly related. (How does one even define family? Going back just a few generations most of us have absurd numbers of people in our "families," such that we probably don't even know the names of all of them.)
Where Celia Farber, RFK & Trump agree is on Israel and a Biblical endtimes scenario. I agree with you on RFK's sincerity. Perhaps he really believes that the sacrifice of Palestinian children is worth it to be in a position to save generations of children in the US. But I can't agree with him on that, even if he's convinced himself. He could have stood up for Palestine, and have been the only candidate who did, and I would have been 100% behind him. But no candidate is anti-war when they say they'll do whatever it takes to defend Israel. Ukraine is a non-issue, and safe to be against. Israel is engaged in genocide and no hopeful speech can obscure that fact without being propaganda.
I agree with you that his stance on Israel is not congruent with his stated beliefs about not taking sides. In fact, that incongruity made me walk away from his campaign. But eventually, in light of what I understand to be a fact (that no anti-Israel presidential candidate has ever won the election,) I decided that I was never going to find a candidate with whom I was in complete agreement on everything. I could choose to not vote -- and I still may do that, I haven't decided yet -- or I could throw my lot in with the one who seems to have the strongest connection to a moral center. And that, in my opinion, has been RFK, Jr.
But everyone has their issue that matters the most to then, and it sounds as though Israel/Gaza might be the one for you. Is that true?
You also say that any hopeful speech that doesn't mention Israel is propaganda. Why do you believe that?
Thanks, Mary and Kathleen, for your thoughtful replies. When I do an episode on a different conversation later today, you'll see why that's so refreshing and why I'm so grateful to have you all in my life.
I'm a small-scale sovereigntist and believe that people should vote on policies, not personalities, which can't be done with 333M people. And I think the election is theater, scripted for both sides by the same players--or rather all three sides with RFK. Was it Tonika who wrote that Bobby should forget about winning and just speak the truth? He lost every supporter I know, and I have many friends who were active in his campaign, through his staunchly pro-Israel stance. He compromised and is now withdrawing. Could he have won if he hadn't compromised? Who knows?
When you say 'the strongest connection to a moral center,' could you define that, Mary? I think there is a hierarchy of morality based on the degree of harm done, as determined by what I would choose anything else over for my own daughters. So top of my list is torture, being buried under rubble, or a slow death from starvation. , If I had boys, it would include the anal gang rape that's become policy. If someone like RFK supports these actions, what can be a higher moral standard?
As Kathleen and you point out, the Powers Behind Israel (PBI) determine who can be in politics and what policies are passed. They're behind the WEF and WHO and the CovidCon. They brought down the World Trade Center. They killed JFK and RFK, with the Deep State conspiracy as another circle of psyop. I think RFK knows all of this. If you'd like the evidence on these, I can do an episode presenting it.
RFK's campaign was first announced by Kirsch, Malone and Tucker Carlson. I predicted RFK throwing his support to Trump and I expect Malone to be put in charge of some agency when Trump wins. I think this is why my Mealy-Mouthed Malone video got a second-strike after a year, just before his PsyWar interview came out on YT that's at almost a million views. And Trump will win, whether we vote or not, because he's the PBI's chosen one, for all the reasons Isaac gives.
Twelve years ago I did a radio episode called 'Friends Don't Let Friends Condone Genocide.' It's not mentioning Israel that matters, it's condoning genocide. On the practical level, our support of Israel has turned the rest of the world against us, except for a handful of other consumer nations. When the petrodollar falls, it's not Israel who'll supply us. But, as an apocaloptimist, perhaps that will be good for us.
Thanks for this great discussion. This is the first time I've heard of PBI. It brought up a question in my mind that perhaps one of you can answer: Are the Deep State and the PBI two separate entities? In my admittedly limited understanding, the Deep State tried to assassinate Trump. So if the PBI is "for" Trump, I guess that answers my own question? Thanks
PBI is a term I made up but I hope you use it with confidence and spread it far and wide. I don't ever think we should talk about geographic entities as if they have a will. Israel is, imo, another sacrifice zone like Ukraine. I don't think the PBI care about Israelis at all.
And I would answer your question with both no and yes. When people use the term Deep State, it's usually thought of as US-centric intelligence agency. Like the stories of JFK and 911, both focusing us on a red herring for those who didn't buy into the OffNarr (official narrative).
But for those who are really pulling the levers of the CIA, it's the same ones who control Mossad, which is why they so often work together.
The Trump 'assassination' was so hokey, it wasn't even a good fake. If the Deep State had tried to kill Trump, he'd be dead, not posing for victorious photo ops a moment later. There are a dozen data points I can refer you to, on ballistics and the body of the shooter disappearing and the security that got called off, but to me, his reaction was the first giveaway. No one comes that close to a brush with death and comes up with a fist pump.
"I decided that I was never going to find a candidate with whom I was in complete agreement on everything." True enough on that though the Israel piece is likely about more than any one's opinion. More about if you can even have an opinion.
If it's true every congress person has an Israeli handler (Cynthia McKinney I believe has said so) and Israel basically steers our foreign policy - and who knows what else - than going against that disqualifies you from even entering the arena. This is my guess- I don't know.
My assumption - on the generous side with Bobbie - is that he knows what he simply can not talk about while allowed access to positions of power and without that access he can't improve anything. IDK. The silence across the board from politicians is deafening. And also on central bank parasites - not a lot of campaign promises there either.
Honestly, so many landmines when you know 'they' will do anything to keep control. Real fear for the safety of ones' family must be in play.
Yes. Maybe finding a candidate with zero flaws is like trying to find a peach without a single bruise. The ones with NO bruises would be too young and hard. The older juicy ones would have at least a bruise or two, unless they just stayed on the tree.
Palestinians have become the current vehicle for morally inconsistent people to virtue signal. What’s with this sudden burning interest in a group that no country in the Middle East would help, nor take up for all these years, and which has been victimized by one corrupt leadership after another? What suddenly turned people’s attention to their very long standing and purposely maintained situation?
If my website was still up, I could show you episodes going back 12 years called Friends Don't Let Friends Condone Genocide and Muslim is the New Black. My daughters' friends say to them, 'your mom was talking about this on the playground.' I have the enemies to show for it.
Palestine has always been the litmus test for whether someone is actually morally consistent or just giving lip service. I don't know if you read my reply to Mary where I show the logical basis for that.
And when you say 'that no country in the Middle East would help,' do you mean take in as refugees like Jordan so that Israel can claim all their land? The corrupt leadership has been funded and empowered by Israel, from the PLO to Hamas.
So what's your theory, since you obviously have one, of 'What suddenly turned people’s attention to their very long standing and purposely maintained situation?' Since clearly no one really cares about anyone else, no matter what's being done to them and how much my own government is forcing me to participate.
We shouldn’t be misled by suggestions that the Palestine issue is problem of Muslims only, since all sorts of people occupy that region, and are even capable of getting along if they are permitted. Suggesting this ancient, land occupancy issue is delineated by religion is disingenuous.
Equating religion and race is another false representation that is used to keep conflicts going.
It’s time for people of conscience to stop playing along with those who fuel interminable war by setting up conflicts, and keeping people mad at each other. I see all of them as useful “tools” of intelligence community and corrupt leaders who are known for throwing away the “tools” when they’re no longer useful.
I'm not suggesting Palestine is a problem of Muslims. I'm saying that it's the front line in the battle of empire vs. sovereignty, the only war there's ever been. If you don't care about Palestine, then you are willing to go along with empire when it suits you. And if you say you believe in your own sovereignty, yet don't object when you're the empire, you are ethically inconsistent--which is redundant, since ethics are consistency.
I explained my system for determining my moral positions in my reply to Mary. I showed why Occupied Palestine, aka Israel, is consistent with my ethical system as the most important issue, since ethics is not what's done to us but what we do to others. You've yet to explain your ethical system and how you determine what positions you take a stand on. Since you started this by claiming those who pay attention to Palestine are morally inconsistent and only virtue signaling, please clarify the system of morality you're consistent with.
You inserted "Muslim is the new Black into this Palestine discussion. Why?
I contest your claim that 'empire vs sovereignty' is 'the only war that's ever been.' War is usually about stealing other people's stuff, and/or enslaving them. In few individual cases does it progress to empire building. That requires a longer attention span than most people have.
Between Israel (which is corrupt) and the corrupt organization that has been running the Palestinians, I see no good side to take. The aid that goes to Palestine falls into the hands of these billionaire corruptocrats. I do see most of the western world funding both sides in some way or the other, and preventing resolution. Currently I see the conflict between Hamas and Israel as the thing that has exacerbated just in time in to take our attention off of extreme criminality and corruption that preceded, and then fed into the Ukraine war. We are also not to see who destroyed the Nordstream pipeline, are not to remember the 20 year debacle of the U.S. in Afghanistan, and are not to pay attention to China's activities in the South Pacific, and plans for Taiwan. Most significantly for the U.S., the people within are not to see that they are ruled by a faceless oligarchy, and that the elected figureheads exercise little to no executive power nor decision making.
My ethical system is 'first of all do no harm'. (So of course I had to leave health care, which no longer allows for ethically practicing within that system. )
Any people should clean up their own house before they start telling others how to clean theirs. The house of the U.S.A. is absolutely filthy, starting at the top, and therefore neither it nor its people have any moral authority to be meddling in the affairs of other countries.
Since Israel first occupied Palestine, the US has given over $300B in foreign aid, most of it military: The current Pres debates were over which candidate would give the most money to Israel. Netanyahu got 58 standing ovations in Congress. So I agree with you on 'first do no harm.' No one wants the US to 'clean Israel's house.' We want to stop paying for a genocide that couldn't happen if we weren't funding it.
I don't understand how China's activities in the South Pacific and plans for Taiwan fit your ethical system to clean up your own house. Do you live there?
Who do you think the faceless oligarchy are who rule the US? $300B might be a clue. If you think they're faceless, you don't know. I don't think you should be telling other people they're morally inconsistent and virtue signaling when you haven't put in the time to know who's pulling the strings and corrupting the US system, or whose interest 911 and the 20 yr war in Afghanistan has served.
So far, what I have gathered from your posts here is that you favor Palestine over Israel. You wish for Israel to be defunded, but don't mention this with respect to Palestine. I don't favor either one over the other. Both are led by very corrupt groups.
After I merely pointed out that there are other, larger conflicts going on in the world than your focus of interest, you assigned some of the observations of facts to my ethical system. Why?
Why did you initially insert the "Muslims are the new Black" statement into this topic? (I didn't forget).
Why did you, without evidence, accuse me of not putting in the time to understand who is pulling the strings and corrupting the U.S. system?
There has been no debate between the current presidential candidates as of 8-30-2024, therefore no debate between them about how much to fund Israel, (or whether to keep funding Palestine and Hamas and Iran). Therefore your claim about "current presidential debates" is not based upon reality.
That being said, I expect that the "intelligence community" will insist upon keeping money flow to both sides of the conflict, and have all sorts of compromat regarding the pertinent governmental figureheads to ensure that the flow continues.
I appreciate your help in demonstrating how to develop a consistent ethical framework. I've been copying our conversation into an article I'm working on regarding Kennedy. Would you prefer that I include your e-name, if others want to respond, or just link back to here?
What I talk about is systematic debate, starting with defining the question and why it matters, and then defining all the terms within it. I mentioned 'Muslim is the New Black' as the title of a radio episode I did 12 yrs ago, during the Israeli Operation Cast Lead, to show Mary that this wasn't a new concern for me. But it's not the topic we're debating.
You stated that those to whom Palestine is an issue are morally inconsistent and virtue signaling. 'The Palestine issue' means ending US military support for Israel. You stated your ethical framework as 'First, do no harm.' So the question is whether NOT ending US military support for Israel is morally inconsistent with 'First do no harm.'
Defining terms, 'First' would mean that this would be your priority for actions, donations or endorsements that you take. 'Do', to me, means not only direct actions to physically harm someone but those you pay for through your taxes and support with your voice and your votes. 'No' seems self-explanatory. And 'Harm' is something I quantified in my first response to Mary by what I would least want to have happen to my daughters, starting with torture, being buried alive under rubble, being starved to death, or anally gang-raped.
I showed you irrefutable proof that the US supports Israel causing these harms militarily with $300B and escalating, and politically with 58 standing ovations in Congress. You've said the 'intelligence community' is sending money to Palestine but have given no evidence for that. Even if it was covertly true, what we as taxpayers and voters endorse is what candidates campaign on. Bobby Kennedy has said that he'd do whatever it takes to help Israel and Trump is assembling his 'Zionist Dream Team,' which I'll be writing about in my article. You're splitting hairs to say that Kamala and Trump haven't debated, so you don't know how much money she'd give to Israel. Mary's post is on whether we should endorse Bobby and therefore Trump, and we know his views from the debate with Biden.
What I said: “Palestinians have become the current vehicle for morally inconsistent people to virtue signal. “
What you say I said: “You stated that those to whom Palestine is an issue are morally inconsistent and virtue signaling.”
These statements are not the same.
Therefore you lied about what I said.
You also imposed your definition of the Palestinian issue limited to “ending US military support for Israel”, on my statement. My definition of the Palestinian issue encompasses the entire history of the region.
Since you are not accurate in quoting nor paraphrasing what I say, you do not have my permission to carry my content elsewhere. I find your misstatements of what I say to be prohibitive to the so called effort to construct consistent ethical frameworks, and do not wish to collaborate or associate with you, nor engage what is at best, word salad, and at worst willful dissembling.
I hear these criticisms too. People I know well and respect and who nonetheless for me are too quick to pour scorn on every public figure, suggest they must be 'controlled opposition' or in some way 'all as bad as each other'. It leads to a very one dimensional world in which there is no point in us trying to differentiate any candidate from any other. And that cannot be the reality. Even without your advantage of having seen RFK in person, it seems not difficult to me to see that, even if not perfect, there is a lot of good in the man. And not only in his intention and attitude and orientation, but in what he actually does in the world. It speaks loudly to me too that he is widely admired by both Democrat and Republican voters. It is great that he has managed to make what he feels to be right move here while, as you say, not surrendering his own campaign and aspirations entirely.
His move must make Trump's election even more likely (barring massive fraud or a more successful assassination attempt - or even suspension of elections due to a global conflict?? .... Let us pray). If Trump wins, it would be wonderful to see RFK put in some strong position to take on 'the health establishment'. (Attorney General? Health Sec? I don't know...). It's clear enough from our past dialogues that we share the view that some kind of 'extensive break down of the known', followed by a long and difficult rebuilding process is a reasonably strong possibility for the near future. But also that in the meantime we must do everything we can to reduce the savagery of the transition and to maximise the early sowing of seeds for something better. From whatever role RFK works, even if not in official office, he contributes to that.
Cry you might. He is (as far as I can tell, having only what comes through the various media to go on) a great man. An inspiration to us all to stay in the fight.
Thanks for your perspective here, Michael. There is so much good in him, I believe, and it's a shame so many can't recognize that. I don't think any of my former community (left-leaning still) has given him the time of day at all; they believe all the lies and smears. So ironic, given their adulation of him for his environmentalism. Makes me think of Christiane Northrup -- her books were passed around like the Bible in certain circles, until she came out against the vax and then suddenly it was, "she's gone off the deep end!" The programming was so, so intense and so, so successful...
Bobby really does inspire me personally. I feel like I can do more, and am doing some soul-searching to figure out what that could look like. xox
My general orientation is to see massive negative reporting of anyone, sustained and spread across most of the media, as a strong mark in the positive column for that person!
Already in 2009, Robert F Kennedy Jr. was defending the children against the insanity of 70 vaccines that they have to receive before eighteen years old.
I am following him for at least 12 years. All vaccines are poisonous. All. Say no to vaccination.
Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy Present Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Shocking Vaccine Cover Up: Apr 25, 2009
I have accumulated over time a lot of information about vaccine negative effects.
SACRIFICIAL VIRGINS - A new documentary written and narrated by Joan Shenton and directed by Andi Reiss How young girls are being seriously damaged by the vaccine with the highest reported adverse reactions of any existing vaccine.
¨Film Exposes Motives Behind Mass HPV Vaccinations and Deadly Side Effects
A substantial new documentary film released online to audiences in the UK and across Europe this week, questions claims made by UK, Danish and Spanish health authorities that widespread administering of the HPV vaccine is both safe and a guaranteed means of preventing cervical cancer. It comes at a time when – flying in the face of independent science – UK and European medical experts are proposing to extend the vaccine’s use from teenage girls, adding teenage boys and children below the age of puberty. 'Manufactured Crisis: What they're not telling you about the HPV Vaccine' exposes cases of severe, life-changing adverse reactions experienced by girls and young women following doses of the commercial HPV vaccines Gardasil or Cervarix – cases from which the public has previously been shielded. Recorded adverse reactions include severe disability, paralysis and even death. Throughout Manufactured Crisis, victims and their families tell their own, often heartrending, stories.¨ Read More
The Vaccine Holocaust: Laura Hayes - “Why Is This Legal?” "We cannot, and should not, defend that which is indefensible, and that includes the barbaric and reprehensible practice of vaccination. "
The problem is, it is impossible to have an interview with the media if you say something negative against vaccine. It is the reality now and not only that, it was even worst ten years ago and before. People were killed. I will post later Dr Andrew Moulder videos.
In the 90s, Dr Guylaine Lanctôt wrote a book and did conferences against vaccine and she was attacked by all the media, lost her right to practice medecine and brought to court.
The book was translated in english : THE MEDICAL MAFIA.
My point is, the only way to be able to counteract all this, is to say that you are not against vaccination but for safe vaccines so perhaps if you are lucky, you will be able to introduce a seed of information.
So beautifully said, Mary. I watched the whole thing live and my experience was much like yours. It had me thinking, can I do what, in my estimation is the best way forward - stop participating in a corrupt system (I'm no longer registered to vote) and also support those people who are still acting in that system with integrity? Perhaps these are not mutually exclusive.
I listened yesterday to Dark Journalist who is fierce about the need to vote and why it matters. It's not just cynicism that keeps people from voting, for some of us, it's just a calculation to stop supporting systems of control, that we'll progress faster if we pull our energy out of that.
DJ believes it matters and I respect that calculation too.
I'm so torn. I respect both sides of the debate, too, and struggle to hear my own wisdom on it. Who knows... maybe the decision will be made for us? It's possible there won't even be an election to vote in...😳
>stop participating in a corrupt system (I'm no longer registered to vote) and also support those people who are still acting in that system with integrity?
I ponder the same. I gave up on voting last election. Pretty much everything I’ve seen since has more concretely dug my heels in this decision. Except seeing Bobby speak. Something about Bobby.
When you vote, you are giving consent to the system of control. Thank you for pulling your support from it. I know my opinion won't be popular on this issue, but I believe the reason people like Robert are thrown in, is to lure those pulling their support from the system, back in. And as much as I appreciate his stance on vaccines, I don't feel he is an overall honest person.
Your opinion is totally valid, and I'm glad you're sharing it, Ann. We've all got to do what our instinct and conscience dictate! Thanks for being here and being honest.
His family abandoned him years ago by going along with the crooked big pharma industrial complex. They went along with the stupid DemoCRIPS vs RepubliBLOODS gang war.
The Trump and Kennedy story was done in WWE wrestling style.
There was word about Kennedy getting offered the VP spot that he turned down. Neither side denied it.
Then there was the videotaped phone call of Kennedy speaking to Trump.
Shortly after, Kennedy appealed to the DNC saying he could beat Trump.
I had a feeling at that time there would be something big! But I thought they were gonna do a Kennedy vs Trump thing.
And then on the tail of the DNC, Kennedy announces this and he's at the rally that afternoon with fireworks and "my hero" intro music.
Well done....
Now let's see if Trump actually gives him a position where he can actually call out big pharma and the framework is there to bring back transparency and safety.
After the COVID debacle, this is the way they can regain trust.
Not through more 1984 like censorship and denial, but opening up to people who have stopped blindly trusting big pharma and the agencies.
Great backstory, Rob, thanks. And it was well done, I agree. We'll see if Trump upholds his end of the bargain -- integrity is sorely needed about now.
I cried reading YOUR thoughts and am grateful for their heartfelt honest eloquence because I've been writing my own (in my head!) Now, I think, I will simply share yours. Thank you for writing this piece about Bobby (I know...he’s not a personal friend, but everyone is calling him Bobby these days, so...) I think he's the best of humanity and I truly believe he's a Lightworker. Yes, even politicians can be lightworkers.
The cynics can laugh at me - I really don't care. I have watched countless videos over the years - well before his campaign - and some of the things you list are always apparent. Number one for me (I think it was first on your list) is his Authenticity because it is everything to me. I have an Authenticity meter you can't believe. My Sagittarian Sun can sniff out inauthenticity in a heartbeat. Seeking the Truth is everything to us.
I may sound naive and like I haven’t been down enough rabbit holes. I have. Sometimes I think that people get stuck down those rabbit holes and can’t find their way back out into the light.
I fully understand why some people won’t vote - even for Bobby. I know the system is broken. In my hopelessly (or hopeful?) optimism, I can’t see how the system will be dismantled and improved upon by not participating in it anymore. I’m not so naive to think that someone is going to be our savior - even Bobby. I am my own sovereign person and I proved that to myself in 2020. But, I still live in the hope that those who came into this world to effect change on a massive level should be given a chance. So, I will take an hour or so out of my day on November 5th to cast a vote (if there actually is an election - see…I am paying attention!) What can it hurt?
I so appreciate your comment, Barbara. You have such clarity about why Bobby is trustworthy, and I relate to that. I share your inauthenticity-meter! I also share your desire to stay in the light without ignoring the very present, very real darkness. It's not easy to do.
I love you too, friend, and I'm deeply grateful for your support. I feel it. xox!
P.S. -- thanks for the astrology vid. Fascinating. I think I need a primer on chart reading, b/c I feel like that Far Side cartoon -- blah blah blah Fido, blah blah blah -- when astrologers throw out all their jargon 😂
Hahaha! I took a basic astrology course and I’m still a toddler! My brain is not cut out for it but I get the general gist! I thought she did a really good job though! He has so much Capricorn! ♑️ Lol I have the same north/south nodes as Bobby…what happened to me? 😂
I think it is possibly the best campaign speech I’ve heard in my lifetime. I must admit- I am the poster child for the Cynical Smart Set. I believe the control is so deep at this point, it’s impossible for anyone “real” to surface. The scripts of the puppets are exquisitely written. I’m convinced 9-11 was a planned, inside job, we didn’t land on the moon, and vaccines were developed to ultimately kill us. Not sure voting has any meaning anymore. And yet here I sit, willing, even begging, to be convinced otherwise.
😂 I don't blame you in the least, poster child! I know of what you speak...
For me, adopting Havel's "orientation of the spirit" works. I'm willing to entertain ALL possibilities, including the very worst AND the very best outcomes, because in the end, who am I to judge what is the worst or the best? That stance allows me to keep my heart open, because if that shuts down, I'm a goner. My two cents ❤️
Mary, this is so thoughtful and really captures the essence of the brilliance that RFK, Jr., embodies. I feel so incredibly lucky to witness his journey and to see how truly dedicated he is to service. He is such a heart-led human.
I too subscribe to the theater aspect of global politics. And good theater plays on emotions and attempts to validate hero/ heroin laudable human qualities. So I’m cautious interpreting any presentations to mass audiences. I also realize that to navigate politics of power, safe strategies, alliances, and compromises must be made. One must be a chameleon. So call me a cynic, or skeptic, but I just view it as prudent caution. Having said that I just can’t get past the point that children are dying at the hands of a state he, and all of them support. Are some children more important than others? As a human, how does that work? Because I must be missing something.
Thoughtful and heartfelt piece by Mary. The fact that she has met and shook hands counts for a lot in my book. It’s one of the best ways read a person. So I’ll take the position I hope it was a good read and await his actions for any further judgement. I like Havel’s definition of hope but as I always say, hope is not strategy for achieving desired outcomes.
Thanks for your thoughts, Mike. I'm copying my response to Tereza C here, because I think it might explain what I think you're referring to when you say you can't get past the point that children are dying at the hands of a state he, and all of them support. Your observation that "all of them support" that state is true, and it informs my own thought process.
Here's what I wrote her: "I agree with you that his stance on Israel is not congruent with his stated beliefs about not taking sides. In fact, that incongruity made me walk away from his campaign. But eventually, in light of what I understand to be a fact (that no anti-Israel presidential candidate has ever won the election,) I decided that I was never going to find a candidate with whom I was in complete agreement on everything. I could choose to not vote -- and I still may do that, I haven't decided yet -- or I could throw my lot in with the one who seems to have the strongest connection to a moral center. And that, in my opinion, has been RFK, Jr. But everyone has their issue that matters the most to them."
I won't copy my response to Mary, but will put this in as a pointer to it. And I feel like a heel saying it, Mary, because hope is such a precious commodity these days. And I still haven't listened to the speech but I will.
You know, theatre nerd, I’ve wondered if the reason we liked Bobby so much is because if he is acting, that man is the best actor of a generation. But I, too, get the feels and the goosy bumps, and if it’s all theatre, listening to Bobby sure has been the most inspiring and hopeful the show has made me feel.
And I agree with you and Isaac, he has had the courage to stand there and say these things about our health and about the Jibby jab, issues I feel strongly about, largely unpopular and yet, there he was. I can only imagine how much courage he needed to stand with Trump - the biggest and most unappealing unpopular decision of his career.
With all this empathy coming out of his mouth and from your words here in this article, I can only align, even if I’m a fool for it.
Ha! Yes! He should win an Emmy AND an Oscar if this is all an act.
Celia Farber still speaks of him with so much admiration, and god knows that woman's been scalded by her hope. I don't think it serves us to blindly follow leaders, but I also don't think it serves to reject everyone out of hand. It's like dating, no? Do we just stop dating because we've been burned so many times? Some would say yes, some no. It really is a personal choice. I know what Shakespeare (Aemilia) would say...😉
Yes, cynicism left by itself will devour its victims, masticate them and spit them out until they resemble that which they were skeptical of in the first place. I have to read Farber’s piece. I’m just so behind on catching up to friends’ work! 😬
I hear you, big time. I've been slowly winnowing my Substack subscriptions to the ones I actually want to read, rather than the ones I think I should. It's still a big list...
I didn’t cry, but I was very moved by his refreshing & remarkable honesty & courage (extremely rare commodities these days): about the state of our country & those destroying it from within - the corrupt Uniparty, greedy corporations & duplicitous lame street media. It’s kind of a wonder he stayed a DemoncRAT so long because it has not been his father or uncle’s brand for a very long time. The personal toll must be so painful. In any event he & Trump need our prayers to survive the deep state.
I wish this man was our president, everything would instantly start getting better. Hopefully America won’t look back in shame at a missed opportunity for what could have been on of the greatest leaders ever.
If what RFKjr is saying about childhood disease, vaccinations, and chronic diseases is anywhere close to being true, we need to something about these insidious problems now; maybe start with a 90-day special fact finding commission to publicly debate the meaning of the data that we have already, while concurrently developing and implementing an aggressive course of action, to include special prosecutors.
Perhaps the only good thing to come out of Covid is that we now know that there are a lot of non-government, non-corporate, medical leaders (Bhattacharya, for one) that can be trusted to address medical issues with competence and honesty.
Can you imagine RFKjr running HHS, with Trump backing him up.
I'm in the middle of watching Tucker's interview of the sibling team that Bobby mentioned in his speech. The levels of duplicity and corruption in "healthcare" are astonishing. Truly. And I thought I had a pretty good grasp of it already 🙄.
Bobby in that role would be "straight fire" as Chris Bray might say...
Regarding RFK Jr’s past, I’m reminded of the old Churchill quote (yes I know he was a monster), but slightly modified: “If you’re not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you’re not a conservative at forty, you have no brain... (my addition: If you’re not against the Deep State at 60, you’re part of the problem).
I feel fer ya Mary--I think a LOT of RJK Jr. an' have fer years (few others suck their necks our fer kids with autism--I got one--few supported the great Dr. Andy Wakefield--he did). IMHO I believe RFK Jr did his best under the hardest circumstances possible--even his own wife had ta distance herself from 'im--his fambly too--how BRAVE it is fer a man ta soldier such an attack an' still do his durndest ta maintain integrity. He has a tough obstacle course ta straddle--some things cain't be full out stated (JJ Couey has gone hard on 'im--an' I DO think the firin' of JJ was plain wrong but I also know there's much WE DO NOT KNOW).
I send RFK Jr my full blessin's an' I hope he is protected in the universe by all the powers that be b/c he could even yet help git the message out about the jabs-bad, even movin' forward if The Donald does git in an' this time LISTENS ta Bobby an' not ta Fraudski--that's if we don't have civil war chaos.
Guess I need ta hear his speech too... (tonight if I kin fit it in!)
Me, havin' a kid on the spectrum (my eldest), I've known 'bout his hard work for a loooong time... he listened to the moms--when no others would. He's not at all new ta listenin' to us moms--it all started with Riverkeeper (all the way back then I was kinda involved). He's never been too timid ta stick his neck out on topics unpopular an' THAT is why I don't think he's been lyin' ta "save his neck." Addin' too that personally I've had contact with one of his CHD leaders Laura Bono--also an autism mom an' they don't make 'em any more sincere an' kind than her--that's say he works with really good people!
Frankly, when it comes ta most topics, I'm fine lettin' everyone have their onions--this is not the place ta put out a political agenda since the topic is mostly 'bout Bobby steppin' down an' how sad it is indeed. If folks wanna sincerely believe RFK Jr MUST be corrupt (bought/sold) & rotten b/c only rotten folks support Israel wull go to it y'all (as many stackers do!). IMHO (as one of the rotten ones ha ha) there is much bullshart all over the innertubes (I'm sorry ta be crude) -- comin' from ALL SIDES. Thus, I will be unpopluar an' add my one lousy turd in the punch bowl to state that there ain't no "ancient nation of Palestine" (prove I'm wrong yall if ya disagree) nor are there "Native Palestinians" an' also, a LOT is made up 'bout Israel an' it's supposed evil designs ta take over the entire frickin' world -- an' it's bein' at fault for ALL issues in ALL history includin' in the USA ("it" means us "evil joos" of course). It's far more nuanced (of course there are rotten joos--there are rotten everybuddies!) but as Rene Girard sez--folks NEED scapegoats!
All over the whirled there are beautiful, lovin' talented kind folks, many of 'em parents--artists, writers, incredible people, substackers! speakers! dancers! all active in their communities, kind to a fault--BUT they too still need their scapegoats an' find them they will! Knowin' it's only an' always the joos fits the bill an' lovin'ly frees them ta live their beautiful thoughtful lives an' know in their hearts EXACTLY where evil lies; they kin sniff it out (hint, there's pungent garlic lurkin'--onions too)! They now see & sniff this "taint" in Bobby Jr--now he's one of them! (out with the bad--of course...)
It's old hat... song as old as time...they are beauty, we're the beast (grrr), they wanna kill us (or at least git us outta this country--pronto! no joos holdin' office, mebbe none allowed ta vote... the plan is formin' up...)--we beasts just say let's eat, this is old nooz. Bobby's welcome at my table! Onions, garlic an' all!
Some know, some don't, that there are actually rotten globalists of all faiths, creeds, origins--includin' the Black Nobility--who ain't any've 'em joos btw (ignore that fact, it's inconvenient)--an' tho Mossad is no Shirley Temple (I'm first ta rail against some've their crimes AND against the awful BBGun!)--they work hand-in-hand with MI6, the CIA an' all the 5 eyes--a team effort--who all deserve a whippin' an' worse--they are EQUALLY guilty in this mess we're in. So beautiful pee-pull--by all means go ahead an single out Israel as the WORST nation on the planet with joos the worst creatures ('specially if we ain't virulent anti-zionists) an' put poor Bobby Jr in that same heap fer takin' the WRONG SIDE---but honestly yer not givin' credit where it's DUE!--to the globalist masterminds of ALL stripes!
Again, anyone can an' will blame the joos an' blame Bobby Jr fer takin' the "wrong side" with 'em all statin' he ONLY did that cuz his life was threatened by the same folks that killed off his dad 'n uncle or he wuz given an "or else" ultimatum by da joos that they would "do him" like they did his dad an' uncle. PROOF please that he wuz given this live-or-die THREAT? Or mebbe (as some say) he was BRAINWARSHED an' MKUltra'd by the Nazi-Joos ta side with Israel. Lemme know--I'm all ears, when? How? By whom? (fwiw NOPE I do not agree it wuz ONLY or even MAINLY the joos that took out his fambly--tho' there is indeed a Mossad piece ta the JFK story--LBJ was sleepin' with Matilda Krim!--but the full story has a lotta non-joos involved an' it ain't nearly the entire one either!)--fwiw, most American joos had voted for JFK an' loved him--did NOT want him dead. Anywhoo...I've read lots on the whole ball of wax an' it's far bigger than one might think....mafia, plastic surgeons, hitmen, etc Anywhoo...
I fer one don't believe fer an instant Bobby said what he did cuz an uzi was pointed at his head. Honestly he didn't have ta even say anythin' on the topic--many poly-tish-uns do not! They avoid certain topics all the time. I'll add (an' I'm too tihred ta argue it but it's provable easy) that the Romans made up the term Palestine ta divest chews of their land. It was a named territory--not a faith, not a unique culture, not anythin'--it was actually Philistine--an' nope, it wasn't "muslim land" either. I won't offer a velly unwelcome hist'ry lesson here or stir up more in unfriendly warters here as it's not the place an' this lovely postin' from Mary is about RFK Jr the man, the political hopeful. But I mention this stuff as folks say he lost any integrity he ONCE had in speakin' "for" Israel /against Hamas an' I'm sayin' I don't think he was forced ta say JackSquat AND I think he duz have his integrity intact--I hope he'll still be a vital force in at very least the world of medi-cull mayhem bein' perpetrated on us, on our kids.
So I do not think RFK Jr is a pawn AND I don't think he's bullshartin' under pressure ta state his support of Israel an' I think he's done his best to state HIS views an' remains a good man of integrity who had some tough decisions ta make--at personal risk an' public risk too. He also is 100% ignored by most "MSM" run-of-the-mill joos (some BECAUSE of his controversial stance on the jabs!)--those on the Right are Trumpers, the Lefties are Never-Trumpers which means Biden (an' sadly now Harris) or ANYONE that ain't Trump (except Bobby cuz he's a nutcase they say).
He could'a changed topics as many do--an' didn't--an' that's whut rubs folks raw--when yer "hero" sez something that's not in yer own script...All this ta say, that imho Bobby is not a one-issue man (tho the jabs ta me are his most brave one!)--I frankly believe Bobby is a man that understands far more politically speakin' than he's given credit fer.
He pulled out (mostly pulled out) with integrity an' imho he still has it. I send him my blessin's an' wishes that he remain safe an' in good health--since the Biden admin pulled his security--he'll need some good wishes sure! An' we still need 'im! (don't yall give up the baby with the bathwarter--an' Mary--I'm sorry ta lay that turd in yer lovely crystal punchbowl--I'll try ta send lemonade 'round next time if I'm allowed... I just hate ta see a good man vilified cuz of an association some find too foul ta fathom!)
ps I won't argue what I've stated --most who feel the way they do--FEEL the way they do an' have no desire ta change that--I'm just pipin' up cuz I esteem that man highly an' feel that doin' him dirty like that isn't quite..fair (but what is fair anyway, right?) so I liked yer piece--an' I'm wishin' for "peace"... here, there, everywhere!
I deeply appreciate your two (or twenty?) cents here, Daisy. Nothing compares to personal experience to shape our beliefs, and I'm glad you shared what you've experienced vis a vis RFK, Jr. and the Israel/Palestine topic. (No punchbowl infractions perceived here 😂.) I always welcome your unique views, uniquely stated. Keep 'em comin. xox
Imagine the gall of the laughably named Democratic Party, the organisation of the Biden crime family and - for crying out loud - the Clintons, smearing RFK Jr for personal failings.
Thanks Mary. For all his flaws, Bobby is the figure most responsible for mainstreaming anti-Jibby Jab discourse. And he has paid the price by being disowned by his family in the most public and humiliating way possible.
Indeed. No matter what anyone may think of his actions or motives, he is to be admired for that...
Thanks for your comment, Isaac.
Not all of his family -- though the way the NYT et al present it, it might seem so. It's a very, actually very big family. I myself am distantly related. (How does one even define family? Going back just a few generations most of us have absurd numbers of people in our "families," such that we probably don't even know the names of all of them.)
Where Celia Farber, RFK & Trump agree is on Israel and a Biblical endtimes scenario. I agree with you on RFK's sincerity. Perhaps he really believes that the sacrifice of Palestinian children is worth it to be in a position to save generations of children in the US. But I can't agree with him on that, even if he's convinced himself. He could have stood up for Palestine, and have been the only candidate who did, and I would have been 100% behind him. But no candidate is anti-war when they say they'll do whatever it takes to defend Israel. Ukraine is a non-issue, and safe to be against. Israel is engaged in genocide and no hopeful speech can obscure that fact without being propaganda.
I agree with you that his stance on Israel is not congruent with his stated beliefs about not taking sides. In fact, that incongruity made me walk away from his campaign. But eventually, in light of what I understand to be a fact (that no anti-Israel presidential candidate has ever won the election,) I decided that I was never going to find a candidate with whom I was in complete agreement on everything. I could choose to not vote -- and I still may do that, I haven't decided yet -- or I could throw my lot in with the one who seems to have the strongest connection to a moral center. And that, in my opinion, has been RFK, Jr.
But everyone has their issue that matters the most to then, and it sounds as though Israel/Gaza might be the one for you. Is that true?
You also say that any hopeful speech that doesn't mention Israel is propaganda. Why do you believe that?
Thanks, Mary and Kathleen, for your thoughtful replies. When I do an episode on a different conversation later today, you'll see why that's so refreshing and why I'm so grateful to have you all in my life.
I'm a small-scale sovereigntist and believe that people should vote on policies, not personalities, which can't be done with 333M people. And I think the election is theater, scripted for both sides by the same players--or rather all three sides with RFK. Was it Tonika who wrote that Bobby should forget about winning and just speak the truth? He lost every supporter I know, and I have many friends who were active in his campaign, through his staunchly pro-Israel stance. He compromised and is now withdrawing. Could he have won if he hadn't compromised? Who knows?
When you say 'the strongest connection to a moral center,' could you define that, Mary? I think there is a hierarchy of morality based on the degree of harm done, as determined by what I would choose anything else over for my own daughters. So top of my list is torture, being buried under rubble, or a slow death from starvation. , If I had boys, it would include the anal gang rape that's become policy. If someone like RFK supports these actions, what can be a higher moral standard?
As Kathleen and you point out, the Powers Behind Israel (PBI) determine who can be in politics and what policies are passed. They're behind the WEF and WHO and the CovidCon. They brought down the World Trade Center. They killed JFK and RFK, with the Deep State conspiracy as another circle of psyop. I think RFK knows all of this. If you'd like the evidence on these, I can do an episode presenting it.
RFK's campaign was first announced by Kirsch, Malone and Tucker Carlson. I predicted RFK throwing his support to Trump and I expect Malone to be put in charge of some agency when Trump wins. I think this is why my Mealy-Mouthed Malone video got a second-strike after a year, just before his PsyWar interview came out on YT that's at almost a million views. And Trump will win, whether we vote or not, because he's the PBI's chosen one, for all the reasons Isaac gives.
Twelve years ago I did a radio episode called 'Friends Don't Let Friends Condone Genocide.' It's not mentioning Israel that matters, it's condoning genocide. On the practical level, our support of Israel has turned the rest of the world against us, except for a handful of other consumer nations. When the petrodollar falls, it's not Israel who'll supply us. But, as an apocaloptimist, perhaps that will be good for us.
Thanks again, my friends.
Thanks for this great discussion. This is the first time I've heard of PBI. It brought up a question in my mind that perhaps one of you can answer: Are the Deep State and the PBI two separate entities? In my admittedly limited understanding, the Deep State tried to assassinate Trump. So if the PBI is "for" Trump, I guess that answers my own question? Thanks
Thanks for that great question, Scott. I just put this conversation, btw, up on my Substack and it's getting a lively discussion there:
PBI is a term I made up but I hope you use it with confidence and spread it far and wide. I don't ever think we should talk about geographic entities as if they have a will. Israel is, imo, another sacrifice zone like Ukraine. I don't think the PBI care about Israelis at all.
And I would answer your question with both no and yes. When people use the term Deep State, it's usually thought of as US-centric intelligence agency. Like the stories of JFK and 911, both focusing us on a red herring for those who didn't buy into the OffNarr (official narrative).
But for those who are really pulling the levers of the CIA, it's the same ones who control Mossad, which is why they so often work together.
The Trump 'assassination' was so hokey, it wasn't even a good fake. If the Deep State had tried to kill Trump, he'd be dead, not posing for victorious photo ops a moment later. There are a dozen data points I can refer you to, on ballistics and the body of the shooter disappearing and the security that got called off, but to me, his reaction was the first giveaway. No one comes that close to a brush with death and comes up with a fist pump.
"I decided that I was never going to find a candidate with whom I was in complete agreement on everything." True enough on that though the Israel piece is likely about more than any one's opinion. More about if you can even have an opinion.
If it's true every congress person has an Israeli handler (Cynthia McKinney I believe has said so) and Israel basically steers our foreign policy - and who knows what else - than going against that disqualifies you from even entering the arena. This is my guess- I don't know.
My assumption - on the generous side with Bobbie - is that he knows what he simply can not talk about while allowed access to positions of power and without that access he can't improve anything. IDK. The silence across the board from politicians is deafening. And also on central bank parasites - not a lot of campaign promises there either.
Honestly, so many landmines when you know 'they' will do anything to keep control. Real fear for the safety of ones' family must be in play.
Yes. Maybe finding a candidate with zero flaws is like trying to find a peach without a single bruise. The ones with NO bruises would be too young and hard. The older juicy ones would have at least a bruise or two, unless they just stayed on the tree.
Palestinians have become the current vehicle for morally inconsistent people to virtue signal. What’s with this sudden burning interest in a group that no country in the Middle East would help, nor take up for all these years, and which has been victimized by one corrupt leadership after another? What suddenly turned people’s attention to their very long standing and purposely maintained situation?
Great questions.
If my website was still up, I could show you episodes going back 12 years called Friends Don't Let Friends Condone Genocide and Muslim is the New Black. My daughters' friends say to them, 'your mom was talking about this on the playground.' I have the enemies to show for it.
Palestine has always been the litmus test for whether someone is actually morally consistent or just giving lip service. I don't know if you read my reply to Mary where I show the logical basis for that.
And when you say 'that no country in the Middle East would help,' do you mean take in as refugees like Jordan so that Israel can claim all their land? The corrupt leadership has been funded and empowered by Israel, from the PLO to Hamas.
So what's your theory, since you obviously have one, of 'What suddenly turned people’s attention to their very long standing and purposely maintained situation?' Since clearly no one really cares about anyone else, no matter what's being done to them and how much my own government is forcing me to participate.
We shouldn’t be misled by suggestions that the Palestine issue is problem of Muslims only, since all sorts of people occupy that region, and are even capable of getting along if they are permitted. Suggesting this ancient, land occupancy issue is delineated by religion is disingenuous.
Equating religion and race is another false representation that is used to keep conflicts going.
It’s time for people of conscience to stop playing along with those who fuel interminable war by setting up conflicts, and keeping people mad at each other. I see all of them as useful “tools” of intelligence community and corrupt leaders who are known for throwing away the “tools” when they’re no longer useful.
I'm not suggesting Palestine is a problem of Muslims. I'm saying that it's the front line in the battle of empire vs. sovereignty, the only war there's ever been. If you don't care about Palestine, then you are willing to go along with empire when it suits you. And if you say you believe in your own sovereignty, yet don't object when you're the empire, you are ethically inconsistent--which is redundant, since ethics are consistency.
I explained my system for determining my moral positions in my reply to Mary. I showed why Occupied Palestine, aka Israel, is consistent with my ethical system as the most important issue, since ethics is not what's done to us but what we do to others. You've yet to explain your ethical system and how you determine what positions you take a stand on. Since you started this by claiming those who pay attention to Palestine are morally inconsistent and only virtue signaling, please clarify the system of morality you're consistent with.
You inserted "Muslim is the new Black into this Palestine discussion. Why?
I contest your claim that 'empire vs sovereignty' is 'the only war that's ever been.' War is usually about stealing other people's stuff, and/or enslaving them. In few individual cases does it progress to empire building. That requires a longer attention span than most people have.
Between Israel (which is corrupt) and the corrupt organization that has been running the Palestinians, I see no good side to take. The aid that goes to Palestine falls into the hands of these billionaire corruptocrats. I do see most of the western world funding both sides in some way or the other, and preventing resolution. Currently I see the conflict between Hamas and Israel as the thing that has exacerbated just in time in to take our attention off of extreme criminality and corruption that preceded, and then fed into the Ukraine war. We are also not to see who destroyed the Nordstream pipeline, are not to remember the 20 year debacle of the U.S. in Afghanistan, and are not to pay attention to China's activities in the South Pacific, and plans for Taiwan. Most significantly for the U.S., the people within are not to see that they are ruled by a faceless oligarchy, and that the elected figureheads exercise little to no executive power nor decision making.
My ethical system is 'first of all do no harm'. (So of course I had to leave health care, which no longer allows for ethically practicing within that system. )
Any people should clean up their own house before they start telling others how to clean theirs. The house of the U.S.A. is absolutely filthy, starting at the top, and therefore neither it nor its people have any moral authority to be meddling in the affairs of other countries.
Since Israel first occupied Palestine, the US has given over $300B in foreign aid, most of it military: The current Pres debates were over which candidate would give the most money to Israel. Netanyahu got 58 standing ovations in Congress. So I agree with you on 'first do no harm.' No one wants the US to 'clean Israel's house.' We want to stop paying for a genocide that couldn't happen if we weren't funding it.
As Mary can attest, I have a pretty good attention span and can hold more than one thing in mind at a time. Here's my article on who destroyed the Nordstream: I have several on Ukraine, here are two: and
I don't understand how China's activities in the South Pacific and plans for Taiwan fit your ethical system to clean up your own house. Do you live there?
Who do you think the faceless oligarchy are who rule the US? $300B might be a clue. If you think they're faceless, you don't know. I don't think you should be telling other people they're morally inconsistent and virtue signaling when you haven't put in the time to know who's pulling the strings and corrupting the US system, or whose interest 911 and the 20 yr war in Afghanistan has served.
So far, what I have gathered from your posts here is that you favor Palestine over Israel. You wish for Israel to be defunded, but don't mention this with respect to Palestine. I don't favor either one over the other. Both are led by very corrupt groups.
After I merely pointed out that there are other, larger conflicts going on in the world than your focus of interest, you assigned some of the observations of facts to my ethical system. Why?
Why did you initially insert the "Muslims are the new Black" statement into this topic? (I didn't forget).
Why did you, without evidence, accuse me of not putting in the time to understand who is pulling the strings and corrupting the U.S. system?
There has been no debate between the current presidential candidates as of 8-30-2024, therefore no debate between them about how much to fund Israel, (or whether to keep funding Palestine and Hamas and Iran). Therefore your claim about "current presidential debates" is not based upon reality.
That being said, I expect that the "intelligence community" will insist upon keeping money flow to both sides of the conflict, and have all sorts of compromat regarding the pertinent governmental figureheads to ensure that the flow continues.
I appreciate your help in demonstrating how to develop a consistent ethical framework. I've been copying our conversation into an article I'm working on regarding Kennedy. Would you prefer that I include your e-name, if others want to respond, or just link back to here?
What I talk about is systematic debate, starting with defining the question and why it matters, and then defining all the terms within it. I mentioned 'Muslim is the New Black' as the title of a radio episode I did 12 yrs ago, during the Israeli Operation Cast Lead, to show Mary that this wasn't a new concern for me. But it's not the topic we're debating.
You stated that those to whom Palestine is an issue are morally inconsistent and virtue signaling. 'The Palestine issue' means ending US military support for Israel. You stated your ethical framework as 'First, do no harm.' So the question is whether NOT ending US military support for Israel is morally inconsistent with 'First do no harm.'
Defining terms, 'First' would mean that this would be your priority for actions, donations or endorsements that you take. 'Do', to me, means not only direct actions to physically harm someone but those you pay for through your taxes and support with your voice and your votes. 'No' seems self-explanatory. And 'Harm' is something I quantified in my first response to Mary by what I would least want to have happen to my daughters, starting with torture, being buried alive under rubble, being starved to death, or anally gang-raped.
I showed you irrefutable proof that the US supports Israel causing these harms militarily with $300B and escalating, and politically with 58 standing ovations in Congress. You've said the 'intelligence community' is sending money to Palestine but have given no evidence for that. Even if it was covertly true, what we as taxpayers and voters endorse is what candidates campaign on. Bobby Kennedy has said that he'd do whatever it takes to help Israel and Trump is assembling his 'Zionist Dream Team,' which I'll be writing about in my article. You're splitting hairs to say that Kamala and Trump haven't debated, so you don't know how much money she'd give to Israel. Mary's post is on whether we should endorse Bobby and therefore Trump, and we know his views from the debate with Biden.
What I said: “Palestinians have become the current vehicle for morally inconsistent people to virtue signal. “
What you say I said: “You stated that those to whom Palestine is an issue are morally inconsistent and virtue signaling.”
These statements are not the same.
Therefore you lied about what I said.
You also imposed your definition of the Palestinian issue limited to “ending US military support for Israel”, on my statement. My definition of the Palestinian issue encompasses the entire history of the region.
Since you are not accurate in quoting nor paraphrasing what I say, you do not have my permission to carry my content elsewhere. I find your misstatements of what I say to be prohibitive to the so called effort to construct consistent ethical frameworks, and do not wish to collaborate or associate with you, nor engage what is at best, word salad, and at worst willful dissembling.
Can we expect to see an astrological reading on RFK Jr from you? :-)
Beautifully said Mary.
I hear these criticisms too. People I know well and respect and who nonetheless for me are too quick to pour scorn on every public figure, suggest they must be 'controlled opposition' or in some way 'all as bad as each other'. It leads to a very one dimensional world in which there is no point in us trying to differentiate any candidate from any other. And that cannot be the reality. Even without your advantage of having seen RFK in person, it seems not difficult to me to see that, even if not perfect, there is a lot of good in the man. And not only in his intention and attitude and orientation, but in what he actually does in the world. It speaks loudly to me too that he is widely admired by both Democrat and Republican voters. It is great that he has managed to make what he feels to be right move here while, as you say, not surrendering his own campaign and aspirations entirely.
His move must make Trump's election even more likely (barring massive fraud or a more successful assassination attempt - or even suspension of elections due to a global conflict?? .... Let us pray). If Trump wins, it would be wonderful to see RFK put in some strong position to take on 'the health establishment'. (Attorney General? Health Sec? I don't know...). It's clear enough from our past dialogues that we share the view that some kind of 'extensive break down of the known', followed by a long and difficult rebuilding process is a reasonably strong possibility for the near future. But also that in the meantime we must do everything we can to reduce the savagery of the transition and to maximise the early sowing of seeds for something better. From whatever role RFK works, even if not in official office, he contributes to that.
Cry you might. He is (as far as I can tell, having only what comes through the various media to go on) a great man. An inspiration to us all to stay in the fight.
Thanks for your perspective here, Michael. There is so much good in him, I believe, and it's a shame so many can't recognize that. I don't think any of my former community (left-leaning still) has given him the time of day at all; they believe all the lies and smears. So ironic, given their adulation of him for his environmentalism. Makes me think of Christiane Northrup -- her books were passed around like the Bible in certain circles, until she came out against the vax and then suddenly it was, "she's gone off the deep end!" The programming was so, so intense and so, so successful...
Bobby really does inspire me personally. I feel like I can do more, and am doing some soul-searching to figure out what that could look like. xox
My general orientation is to see massive negative reporting of anyone, sustained and spread across most of the media, as a strong mark in the positive column for that person!
A most logical stance! I'd expect nothing less from you...😊
Hope you find a way to get involved!
Already in 2009, Robert F Kennedy Jr. was defending the children against the insanity of 70 vaccines that they have to receive before eighteen years old.
I am following him for at least 12 years. All vaccines are poisonous. All. Say no to vaccination.
Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy Present Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Shocking Vaccine Cover Up: Apr 25, 2009
Part 2: Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy Present Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Shocking Vaccine Cover Up Apr 25, 2009
Vaccines Shortly after Birth
Hepatitis B (HepB) 1st dose of 3. This is insane.
Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule
Absolute insanity. Thanks, Mario, for these great resources!
I have accumulated over time a lot of information about vaccine negative effects.
SACRIFICIAL VIRGINS - A new documentary written and narrated by Joan Shenton and directed by Andi Reiss How young girls are being seriously damaged by the vaccine with the highest reported adverse reactions of any existing vaccine.
¨Film Exposes Motives Behind Mass HPV Vaccinations and Deadly Side Effects
A substantial new documentary film released online to audiences in the UK and across Europe this week, questions claims made by UK, Danish and Spanish health authorities that widespread administering of the HPV vaccine is both safe and a guaranteed means of preventing cervical cancer. It comes at a time when – flying in the face of independent science – UK and European medical experts are proposing to extend the vaccine’s use from teenage girls, adding teenage boys and children below the age of puberty. 'Manufactured Crisis: What they're not telling you about the HPV Vaccine' exposes cases of severe, life-changing adverse reactions experienced by girls and young women following doses of the commercial HPV vaccines Gardasil or Cervarix – cases from which the public has previously been shielded. Recorded adverse reactions include severe disability, paralysis and even death. Throughout Manufactured Crisis, victims and their families tell their own, often heartrending, stories.¨ Read More
Manufactured Crisis - The documentory :
Laura Hayes NO ON SB277 speech Sacramento at The Capitol on April 8, 2015 14:20 min
The Vaccine Holocaust: Laura Hayes - “Why Is This Legal?” "We cannot, and should not, defend that which is indefensible, and that includes the barbaric and reprehensible practice of vaccination. "
Laura Hayes
Why Is This Legal?
Presentation on Vaccines by Laura Hayes
I'm in agreement with you Mario but RFK states that he's NOT anti-vaxx: I don't know how anyone could read, much less write, his book and say that, but it's what he's said.
The problem is, it is impossible to have an interview with the media if you say something negative against vaccine. It is the reality now and not only that, it was even worst ten years ago and before. People were killed. I will post later Dr Andrew Moulder videos.
In the 90s, Dr Guylaine Lanctôt wrote a book and did conferences against vaccine and she was attacked by all the media, lost her right to practice medecine and brought to court.
The book was translated in english : THE MEDICAL MAFIA.
My point is, the only way to be able to counteract all this, is to say that you are not against vaccination but for safe vaccines so perhaps if you are lucky, you will be able to introduce a seed of information.
LA MAFIA MEDICALE by Guylaine Lanctôt
So beautifully said, Mary. I watched the whole thing live and my experience was much like yours. It had me thinking, can I do what, in my estimation is the best way forward - stop participating in a corrupt system (I'm no longer registered to vote) and also support those people who are still acting in that system with integrity? Perhaps these are not mutually exclusive.
I listened yesterday to Dark Journalist who is fierce about the need to vote and why it matters. It's not just cynicism that keeps people from voting, for some of us, it's just a calculation to stop supporting systems of control, that we'll progress faster if we pull our energy out of that.
DJ believes it matters and I respect that calculation too.
I guess we all have to decide, but for sure, I found his speech uplifting and so incredibly needed.
Thank you for your deeply human perspective. xoxo
I'm so torn. I respect both sides of the debate, too, and struggle to hear my own wisdom on it. Who knows... maybe the decision will be made for us? It's possible there won't even be an election to vote in...😳
Thank you for your comment, Kathleen. xox
So true. If TPTWB smell defeat I don't know that they would allow the election process.
What's for sure is that Kennedy supporting Trump has ripples, what's not clear is if they turn into bigger waves. We'll see.
>stop participating in a corrupt system (I'm no longer registered to vote) and also support those people who are still acting in that system with integrity?
I ponder the same. I gave up on voting last election. Pretty much everything I’ve seen since has more concretely dug my heels in this decision. Except seeing Bobby speak. Something about Bobby.
In my mind, he'll forever be linked to my friendship with you...😊
Yes, indeed!! Grateful! 🙏
Yeah, something about Bobby.
When you vote, you are giving consent to the system of control. Thank you for pulling your support from it. I know my opinion won't be popular on this issue, but I believe the reason people like Robert are thrown in, is to lure those pulling their support from the system, back in. And as much as I appreciate his stance on vaccines, I don't feel he is an overall honest person.
Your opinion is totally valid, and I'm glad you're sharing it, Ann. We've all got to do what our instinct and conscience dictate! Thanks for being here and being honest.
His family abandoned him years ago by going along with the crooked big pharma industrial complex. They went along with the stupid DemoCRIPS vs RepubliBLOODS gang war.
The Trump and Kennedy story was done in WWE wrestling style.
There was word about Kennedy getting offered the VP spot that he turned down. Neither side denied it.
Then there was the videotaped phone call of Kennedy speaking to Trump.
Shortly after, Kennedy appealed to the DNC saying he could beat Trump.
I had a feeling at that time there would be something big! But I thought they were gonna do a Kennedy vs Trump thing.
And then on the tail of the DNC, Kennedy announces this and he's at the rally that afternoon with fireworks and "my hero" intro music.
Well done....
Now let's see if Trump actually gives him a position where he can actually call out big pharma and the framework is there to bring back transparency and safety.
After the COVID debacle, this is the way they can regain trust.
Not through more 1984 like censorship and denial, but opening up to people who have stopped blindly trusting big pharma and the agencies.
Great backstory, Rob, thanks. And it was well done, I agree. We'll see if Trump upholds his end of the bargain -- integrity is sorely needed about now.
Looking forward to reading your piece.
Dear Mary,
I cried reading YOUR thoughts and am grateful for their heartfelt honest eloquence because I've been writing my own (in my head!) Now, I think, I will simply share yours. Thank you for writing this piece about Bobby (I know...he’s not a personal friend, but everyone is calling him Bobby these days, so...) I think he's the best of humanity and I truly believe he's a Lightworker. Yes, even politicians can be lightworkers.
The cynics can laugh at me - I really don't care. I have watched countless videos over the years - well before his campaign - and some of the things you list are always apparent. Number one for me (I think it was first on your list) is his Authenticity because it is everything to me. I have an Authenticity meter you can't believe. My Sagittarian Sun can sniff out inauthenticity in a heartbeat. Seeking the Truth is everything to us.
I may sound naive and like I haven’t been down enough rabbit holes. I have. Sometimes I think that people get stuck down those rabbit holes and can’t find their way back out into the light.
I fully understand why some people won’t vote - even for Bobby. I know the system is broken. In my hopelessly (or hopeful?) optimism, I can’t see how the system will be dismantled and improved upon by not participating in it anymore. I’m not so naive to think that someone is going to be our savior - even Bobby. I am my own sovereign person and I proved that to myself in 2020. But, I still live in the hope that those who came into this world to effect change on a massive level should be given a chance. So, I will take an hour or so out of my day on November 5th to cast a vote (if there actually is an election - see…I am paying attention!) What can it hurt?
I just happened upon this astrology reading of RFK, Jr. this morning and thought you might enjoy it!
Love you, Mary! Thank you for writing this, my friend. XO
I so appreciate your comment, Barbara. You have such clarity about why Bobby is trustworthy, and I relate to that. I share your inauthenticity-meter! I also share your desire to stay in the light without ignoring the very present, very real darkness. It's not easy to do.
I love you too, friend, and I'm deeply grateful for your support. I feel it. xox!
P.S. -- thanks for the astrology vid. Fascinating. I think I need a primer on chart reading, b/c I feel like that Far Side cartoon -- blah blah blah Fido, blah blah blah -- when astrologers throw out all their jargon 😂
Hahaha! I took a basic astrology course and I’m still a toddler! My brain is not cut out for it but I get the general gist! I thought she did a really good job though! He has so much Capricorn! ♑️ Lol I have the same north/south nodes as Bobby…what happened to me? 😂
That's hilarious
Me too!
I think it is possibly the best campaign speech I’ve heard in my lifetime. I must admit- I am the poster child for the Cynical Smart Set. I believe the control is so deep at this point, it’s impossible for anyone “real” to surface. The scripts of the puppets are exquisitely written. I’m convinced 9-11 was a planned, inside job, we didn’t land on the moon, and vaccines were developed to ultimately kill us. Not sure voting has any meaning anymore. And yet here I sit, willing, even begging, to be convinced otherwise.
😂 I don't blame you in the least, poster child! I know of what you speak...
For me, adopting Havel's "orientation of the spirit" works. I'm willing to entertain ALL possibilities, including the very worst AND the very best outcomes, because in the end, who am I to judge what is the worst or the best? That stance allows me to keep my heart open, because if that shuts down, I'm a goner. My two cents ❤️
Mary, this is so thoughtful and really captures the essence of the brilliance that RFK, Jr., embodies. I feel so incredibly lucky to witness his journey and to see how truly dedicated he is to service. He is such a heart-led human.
Thank you, Amanda! I feel lucky, too. He really inspires me to step beyond my own SERIOUS lack of perfection and just keep showing up. Best to you.
I too subscribe to the theater aspect of global politics. And good theater plays on emotions and attempts to validate hero/ heroin laudable human qualities. So I’m cautious interpreting any presentations to mass audiences. I also realize that to navigate politics of power, safe strategies, alliances, and compromises must be made. One must be a chameleon. So call me a cynic, or skeptic, but I just view it as prudent caution. Having said that I just can’t get past the point that children are dying at the hands of a state he, and all of them support. Are some children more important than others? As a human, how does that work? Because I must be missing something.
Thoughtful and heartfelt piece by Mary. The fact that she has met and shook hands counts for a lot in my book. It’s one of the best ways read a person. So I’ll take the position I hope it was a good read and await his actions for any further judgement. I like Havel’s definition of hope but as I always say, hope is not strategy for achieving desired outcomes.
Thanks for your thoughts, Mike. I'm copying my response to Tereza C here, because I think it might explain what I think you're referring to when you say you can't get past the point that children are dying at the hands of a state he, and all of them support. Your observation that "all of them support" that state is true, and it informs my own thought process.
Here's what I wrote her: "I agree with you that his stance on Israel is not congruent with his stated beliefs about not taking sides. In fact, that incongruity made me walk away from his campaign. But eventually, in light of what I understand to be a fact (that no anti-Israel presidential candidate has ever won the election,) I decided that I was never going to find a candidate with whom I was in complete agreement on everything. I could choose to not vote -- and I still may do that, I haven't decided yet -- or I could throw my lot in with the one who seems to have the strongest connection to a moral center. And that, in my opinion, has been RFK, Jr. But everyone has their issue that matters the most to them."
I won't copy my response to Mary, but will put this in as a pointer to it. And I feel like a heel saying it, Mary, because hope is such a precious commodity these days. And I still haven't listened to the speech but I will.
You know, theatre nerd, I’ve wondered if the reason we liked Bobby so much is because if he is acting, that man is the best actor of a generation. But I, too, get the feels and the goosy bumps, and if it’s all theatre, listening to Bobby sure has been the most inspiring and hopeful the show has made me feel.
And I agree with you and Isaac, he has had the courage to stand there and say these things about our health and about the Jibby jab, issues I feel strongly about, largely unpopular and yet, there he was. I can only imagine how much courage he needed to stand with Trump - the biggest and most unappealing unpopular decision of his career.
With all this empathy coming out of his mouth and from your words here in this article, I can only align, even if I’m a fool for it.
Ha! Yes! He should win an Emmy AND an Oscar if this is all an act.
Celia Farber still speaks of him with so much admiration, and god knows that woman's been scalded by her hope. I don't think it serves us to blindly follow leaders, but I also don't think it serves to reject everyone out of hand. It's like dating, no? Do we just stop dating because we've been burned so many times? Some would say yes, some no. It really is a personal choice. I know what Shakespeare (Aemilia) would say...😉
Yes, cynicism left by itself will devour its victims, masticate them and spit them out until they resemble that which they were skeptical of in the first place. I have to read Farber’s piece. I’m just so behind on catching up to friends’ work! 😬
I hear you, big time. I've been slowly winnowing my Substack subscriptions to the ones I actually want to read, rather than the ones I think I should. It's still a big list...
I didn’t cry, but I was very moved by his refreshing & remarkable honesty & courage (extremely rare commodities these days): about the state of our country & those destroying it from within - the corrupt Uniparty, greedy corporations & duplicitous lame street media. It’s kind of a wonder he stayed a DemoncRAT so long because it has not been his father or uncle’s brand for a very long time. The personal toll must be so painful. In any event he & Trump need our prayers to survive the deep state.
Indeed. Prayers are essential! Thanks, Cindi.
I wish this man was our president, everything would instantly start getting better. Hopefully America won’t look back in shame at a missed opportunity for what could have been on of the greatest leaders ever.
I wish he were, too, though I do have my doubts about the everything getting better instantly part. Thanks for your comment, Scott.
If what RFKjr is saying about childhood disease, vaccinations, and chronic diseases is anywhere close to being true, we need to something about these insidious problems now; maybe start with a 90-day special fact finding commission to publicly debate the meaning of the data that we have already, while concurrently developing and implementing an aggressive course of action, to include special prosecutors.
Perhaps the only good thing to come out of Covid is that we now know that there are a lot of non-government, non-corporate, medical leaders (Bhattacharya, for one) that can be trusted to address medical issues with competence and honesty.
Can you imagine RFKjr running HHS, with Trump backing him up.
I'm in the middle of watching Tucker's interview of the sibling team that Bobby mentioned in his speech. The levels of duplicity and corruption in "healthcare" are astonishing. Truly. And I thought I had a pretty good grasp of it already 🙄.
Bobby in that role would be "straight fire" as Chris Bray might say...
Regarding RFK Jr’s past, I’m reminded of the old Churchill quote (yes I know he was a monster), but slightly modified: “If you’re not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you’re not a conservative at forty, you have no brain... (my addition: If you’re not against the Deep State at 60, you’re part of the problem).
Love the addition 😂
I feel fer ya Mary--I think a LOT of RJK Jr. an' have fer years (few others suck their necks our fer kids with autism--I got one--few supported the great Dr. Andy Wakefield--he did). IMHO I believe RFK Jr did his best under the hardest circumstances possible--even his own wife had ta distance herself from 'im--his fambly too--how BRAVE it is fer a man ta soldier such an attack an' still do his durndest ta maintain integrity. He has a tough obstacle course ta straddle--some things cain't be full out stated (JJ Couey has gone hard on 'im--an' I DO think the firin' of JJ was plain wrong but I also know there's much WE DO NOT KNOW).
I send RFK Jr my full blessin's an' I hope he is protected in the universe by all the powers that be b/c he could even yet help git the message out about the jabs-bad, even movin' forward if The Donald does git in an' this time LISTENS ta Bobby an' not ta Fraudski--that's if we don't have civil war chaos.
Guess I need ta hear his speech too... (tonight if I kin fit it in!)
Me, havin' a kid on the spectrum (my eldest), I've known 'bout his hard work for a loooong time... he listened to the moms--when no others would. He's not at all new ta listenin' to us moms--it all started with Riverkeeper (all the way back then I was kinda involved). He's never been too timid ta stick his neck out on topics unpopular an' THAT is why I don't think he's been lyin' ta "save his neck." Addin' too that personally I've had contact with one of his CHD leaders Laura Bono--also an autism mom an' they don't make 'em any more sincere an' kind than her--that's say he works with really good people!
Frankly, when it comes ta most topics, I'm fine lettin' everyone have their onions--this is not the place ta put out a political agenda since the topic is mostly 'bout Bobby steppin' down an' how sad it is indeed. If folks wanna sincerely believe RFK Jr MUST be corrupt (bought/sold) & rotten b/c only rotten folks support Israel wull go to it y'all (as many stackers do!). IMHO (as one of the rotten ones ha ha) there is much bullshart all over the innertubes (I'm sorry ta be crude) -- comin' from ALL SIDES. Thus, I will be unpopluar an' add my one lousy turd in the punch bowl to state that there ain't no "ancient nation of Palestine" (prove I'm wrong yall if ya disagree) nor are there "Native Palestinians" an' also, a LOT is made up 'bout Israel an' it's supposed evil designs ta take over the entire frickin' world -- an' it's bein' at fault for ALL issues in ALL history includin' in the USA ("it" means us "evil joos" of course). It's far more nuanced (of course there are rotten joos--there are rotten everybuddies!) but as Rene Girard sez--folks NEED scapegoats!
All over the whirled there are beautiful, lovin' talented kind folks, many of 'em parents--artists, writers, incredible people, substackers! speakers! dancers! all active in their communities, kind to a fault--BUT they too still need their scapegoats an' find them they will! Knowin' it's only an' always the joos fits the bill an' lovin'ly frees them ta live their beautiful thoughtful lives an' know in their hearts EXACTLY where evil lies; they kin sniff it out (hint, there's pungent garlic lurkin'--onions too)! They now see & sniff this "taint" in Bobby Jr--now he's one of them! (out with the bad--of course...)
It's old hat... song as old as time...they are beauty, we're the beast (grrr), they wanna kill us (or at least git us outta this country--pronto! no joos holdin' office, mebbe none allowed ta vote... the plan is formin' up...)--we beasts just say let's eat, this is old nooz. Bobby's welcome at my table! Onions, garlic an' all!
Some know, some don't, that there are actually rotten globalists of all faiths, creeds, origins--includin' the Black Nobility--who ain't any've 'em joos btw (ignore that fact, it's inconvenient)--an' tho Mossad is no Shirley Temple (I'm first ta rail against some've their crimes AND against the awful BBGun!)--they work hand-in-hand with MI6, the CIA an' all the 5 eyes--a team effort--who all deserve a whippin' an' worse--they are EQUALLY guilty in this mess we're in. So beautiful pee-pull--by all means go ahead an single out Israel as the WORST nation on the planet with joos the worst creatures ('specially if we ain't virulent anti-zionists) an' put poor Bobby Jr in that same heap fer takin' the WRONG SIDE---but honestly yer not givin' credit where it's DUE!--to the globalist masterminds of ALL stripes!
Again, anyone can an' will blame the joos an' blame Bobby Jr fer takin' the "wrong side" with 'em all statin' he ONLY did that cuz his life was threatened by the same folks that killed off his dad 'n uncle or he wuz given an "or else" ultimatum by da joos that they would "do him" like they did his dad an' uncle. PROOF please that he wuz given this live-or-die THREAT? Or mebbe (as some say) he was BRAINWARSHED an' MKUltra'd by the Nazi-Joos ta side with Israel. Lemme know--I'm all ears, when? How? By whom? (fwiw NOPE I do not agree it wuz ONLY or even MAINLY the joos that took out his fambly--tho' there is indeed a Mossad piece ta the JFK story--LBJ was sleepin' with Matilda Krim!--but the full story has a lotta non-joos involved an' it ain't nearly the entire one either!)--fwiw, most American joos had voted for JFK an' loved him--did NOT want him dead. Anywhoo...I've read lots on the whole ball of wax an' it's far bigger than one might think....mafia, plastic surgeons, hitmen, etc Anywhoo...
I fer one don't believe fer an instant Bobby said what he did cuz an uzi was pointed at his head. Honestly he didn't have ta even say anythin' on the topic--many poly-tish-uns do not! They avoid certain topics all the time. I'll add (an' I'm too tihred ta argue it but it's provable easy) that the Romans made up the term Palestine ta divest chews of their land. It was a named territory--not a faith, not a unique culture, not anythin'--it was actually Philistine--an' nope, it wasn't "muslim land" either. I won't offer a velly unwelcome hist'ry lesson here or stir up more in unfriendly warters here as it's not the place an' this lovely postin' from Mary is about RFK Jr the man, the political hopeful. But I mention this stuff as folks say he lost any integrity he ONCE had in speakin' "for" Israel /against Hamas an' I'm sayin' I don't think he was forced ta say JackSquat AND I think he duz have his integrity intact--I hope he'll still be a vital force in at very least the world of medi-cull mayhem bein' perpetrated on us, on our kids.
So I do not think RFK Jr is a pawn AND I don't think he's bullshartin' under pressure ta state his support of Israel an' I think he's done his best to state HIS views an' remains a good man of integrity who had some tough decisions ta make--at personal risk an' public risk too. He also is 100% ignored by most "MSM" run-of-the-mill joos (some BECAUSE of his controversial stance on the jabs!)--those on the Right are Trumpers, the Lefties are Never-Trumpers which means Biden (an' sadly now Harris) or ANYONE that ain't Trump (except Bobby cuz he's a nutcase they say).
He could'a changed topics as many do--an' didn't--an' that's whut rubs folks raw--when yer "hero" sez something that's not in yer own script...All this ta say, that imho Bobby is not a one-issue man (tho the jabs ta me are his most brave one!)--I frankly believe Bobby is a man that understands far more politically speakin' than he's given credit fer.
He pulled out (mostly pulled out) with integrity an' imho he still has it. I send him my blessin's an' wishes that he remain safe an' in good health--since the Biden admin pulled his security--he'll need some good wishes sure! An' we still need 'im! (don't yall give up the baby with the bathwarter--an' Mary--I'm sorry ta lay that turd in yer lovely crystal punchbowl--I'll try ta send lemonade 'round next time if I'm allowed... I just hate ta see a good man vilified cuz of an association some find too foul ta fathom!)
ps I won't argue what I've stated --most who feel the way they do--FEEL the way they do an' have no desire ta change that--I'm just pipin' up cuz I esteem that man highly an' feel that doin' him dirty like that isn't quite..fair (but what is fair anyway, right?) so I liked yer piece--an' I'm wishin' for "peace"... here, there, everywhere!
I deeply appreciate your two (or twenty?) cents here, Daisy. Nothing compares to personal experience to shape our beliefs, and I'm glad you shared what you've experienced vis a vis RFK, Jr. and the Israel/Palestine topic. (No punchbowl infractions perceived here 😂.) I always welcome your unique views, uniquely stated. Keep 'em comin. xox
Imagine the gall of the laughably named Democratic Party, the organisation of the Biden crime family and - for crying out loud - the Clintons, smearing RFK Jr for personal failings.
That, in fact, is hilarious. Such a great point.